Remote Weather data collect and display base unit (battery operate)

Select detect sensor and transmit unit in use several condition and situation such as transmit distance and distance detector to water surface and or condition.
We offer data transmit to receive data and display also data output for analyses purpose
Minimum unit is base station with display and transmitter with sensor information below.

This model is pole type data transmission unit, Use box type unit if necessary to connect many kind of sensor or detector.

Multi point( maximum 99) data collect and display rain fall and  amount measure, height of river water display (all of data has optional serial data output)  this unit will continue function more than one week with cut off power supply by internal battery.
Side view of equipped beside of private bridge this  model, transmit interval are every minutes while rainy time, every five minutes if no rain, this system not necessary any AC power supply dive only from solar panel power.
Rain detect and measure unit.
This model equipped over small river beside of private bridge, this unit include water surface height detector, rain sensor with solar panel (Left in picture) for charge battery, Gray pipe large diameter include battery, small diameter upper part is transmit unit and antenna.
Bottom of unit has laser distance detect sensor window which measure height of water surface at the bottom of this, connector wiring to solar panel and other sensor

Special order display:
Serial data use for display indicate temperature it is easy to read out.
Indicate wind direction and velocity if connect wind detector.

気象センサーユニット部の送信部は4種類選択可能 Transmitter unit able to choice 1 to 4 and it connect many kind of sensor.

1. FSK 430Mhz10mw 通信データ伝送速度が速い、画像データ等データ量が多い場合でもOK 通達距離5km未満(条件によります)
Fast date transmit use for camera data , transmit distance less than 5km (depend on condition and antenna)
Choice simple antenna , GP antenna, uni-directional antenna. if receiver /transmitter is far.

2. Lora 430Mhz10mw 通信データ伝送速度が遅い、センサーのデータだけなら充分 通信距離 100km未満(条件によります)
Slower data transmit is enough for water data such as temperature, wind, rain, height of river surface measurement altogether,
transmit distance less than 100km (depend on condition and antenna)

3. GFSK  350Mhz1W 総務省の許可と毎年の電波使用料や税金が必要 通信データ伝送速度が速い、画像データ等データ量が多い場合 
通達距離10km未満(条件によります) アンテナ類は規定のもの

4. 3G/4G simが必要 通信データ伝送速度が速い、画像データ等データ量が多い場合でもOK 携帯電話の接続できる地域
Sim for cellular phone is necessary , fast data transmit , data transmit distance is same as cell phone company.

Transmit distance is measured under same condition.

センサー部 Choice necessary sensor from many kind of model and specification for transmit data.which connect transmitter unit above.

1. GPS位置センサー
Global positioning data sensor.

2. 設置部から水面までの高さを測る水位センサーは三種類
超音波タイプ 測定可能距離:10m未満 分解能低い 数千円
Ultra sonic type available distance less than 10m three type of unit Low resolution estimate price 20 to 50 us$

3. レーザーLidr  測定可能距離:30m未満  数万円
Laser sensor Lidr type Available distance less than 30m estimate price few hundred us$

4. レーザーTaming測定可能距離:10m未満  1〜2万円
Laser sensor TFM type Available distance less than 10m estimate price 1 to 2 hundred us$

5. 雨量計 日本政府認定品 約10万円
Rain detector. estimate price 100,000us$

6. 温度、湿度、気圧 同時計測センサー 約1万円
Temperature, humidity, air pressure sensor. estimate price around 100us$.

7. 風向風速計 20万円〜 各種
Wind direction and velocity measure unit. estimate price from 200,000us$

8. 農業用地中内部温度等、
Under grand temperature sense unit for agriculture

9. その他、センサー部やこれら機器の他分野への応用ご提案は下記メールアドレス宛にご相談ください。
Contact to e-mail address below if you have any question or need any application for other field,.

10. 多くの種類のセンサーデータを扱うにはパソコンによるソフトの製作が必要です、何をなさりたいかを仕様があれそれを基に打合せして見積りさせていただきます。
PC aplication program is necessary when you conect many kind of sensor or detector
and also If there is a specification of what you want to do, we will discuss it based on that and estimate it.,
change # to @ before send message.

Marine use unit is below
Float inside several kind of sensor and battery will equip
to fish plantation on ocean.
Upper surface equipped solar panel for charge
battery to drive transmit data and antenna on top
Use for sensor data process and transmit control board,
GPS position data and sensor detect angle of XYZ 3 axis
and acceleration, density of sea water and ocean wave
strength these data will send 3/4G to phone station
which connect server, also use 400Mhz frequency 10mw power output transmitter 
which is not necessary permission and/or license
if use in Japan if not enough 3/4G distance,
When use this unit in over sea, it is necessary
check free use 400Mhz frequency it is depend on radio wave regulation of each country. such as
FCC(Federal communication committee) in USA.,
we have transmitter use for under Japanese
regulation of radio wave..
useful link 防災雨量水位計リンク
You can connect many kind and many type of sensor or
detector if use this box type transmit unit;
Brochure End