2012/7/14(Sat)〜21(Sat) Mindanao Cagayan de oro

Today's flight KE724 Osaka Kansai to Inchon Korea is Boeing747, flight airspeed is almost half than ten years before such as 380kt I understand consider fuel consumption.

Arrived Inchon Korea no time difference from Japan. at lobby of airport they introduce Korean culture this parade dressed national costume.
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This Asiana lounge free shower room is not dirty rather than KAL lounge free shower room due to less user?
KAL lounge introducing in my trip website at May this year.

Inside of shower room is same design same equipment but not same arrange opposite set symmetry.
After shower we can rest on this sofa in free wifi area, also free computer and free library locate behind this sofa . this rest area locate between gate 42 and 43 entrance is escalator of Transfer desk for Asiana.
Available chicken or fish on flight meal, I chose fish. white fish and noodles I ordered white wine too.
time difference Philippine is one hour behind Japan and Korea, we arrived 23 midnight at Cebu mactan international airport.
I try to check in at Capital tourist inn in down town of Cebu city by taxi.

この後、時差が1時間遅れのセブには現地時間23時半に到着、キャピタルツーリストインにタクシーで乗りつける。 19才のユージーンが迎えてくれたが可愛い笑顔で「部屋は満室」と仕方ない朝までロビーで蚊に食われながら過ごす事に。


I checked in 4am, but no one checked out at morning maybe someone ordered room without stay because this hotel is very cheep. paid P520\950- for stay 15 hour until 6pm evening today.

I made a big mistake in this McDonald here.
It is near from my hotel I walked and having my small bag in my hand not in my belt it.
I ordered coffee and pancake, I put bag on cashier counter and holding tray with two hands and ask syrop.
also I have to find table and sheet to spent a time , at this morment my bag disappeared from my mind.
After finish breakfast one hour later when I go out I realize lost my bag. , passport , money, camra , airticket everything is in my bag
then I asked manager of McDonald can't see anywhere but finally they find my bag.


go out Cebu city from south bus terminal, I bought air-conditioned bus ticket P72$1- for one way trip to Argao two hour drive.

good sea braze outside of bus maybe.
beside of my seat is age around 40 wear sunglasses and baseball cap, he is a police man office is in front of SM market Cebu.
he give me name and phone number.

私の隣は野球帽とサングラスをした40才位の男性、話しかけるとセブのSMマーケット横の警察署にいる警官、名前を書いてくれたが彼は話し出すと止まらない、最初は相づちを打っていたが話が止まらないので相づちを打たなくなったが、まだ止まらないので私は困った。彼は5人以上の家族でバスに乗っていた。ARONLP AVENTAJAPO、MABORO police station
arrive Argao city changed to tricycle and go to friend house.
at this time this season Kyoto Japan is very high humidity and high temperature. but here Cebu is 25degrees not hot and not high humidity.
driver of tricycle is age around 20's and he become interpreter to native languages sometimes.
when I get on tricycle I asked P50 for one way 20 minuites drive but he said "I have to come back" P50\90\ is almost one liter of gasoline this distance consume one liter of gasoline for one-way.
I said P100 for two way but he have to drive two times two way and he waited half hour, so I paid P250\450-
He wrote his name and phone number, he said "call me when necessary".

DENNIS ALLAWAN、Publacion Argao093-3192-5344
I arrived Mutya's house, her Mama appeared and said "mutya is in the school now if necessary I will go with you to school" I am happy to go with me because it is not easy to find Mutya in her school.
Ordinary price is P1016$25-, I try to ask to buy senior price ferry ticket, ask many times try many time many place, they said if I have senior citizen certificate I can buy so I ask Philippine drivers license instead of certificate.
I show my Philippine driver's license which expired date long time ago but did not say it.
they watch well my driver's license then finally they show me one of the paper and ask to sign on it.
sign is receipt of purchase senior price as my name . .senior price is P804$20-
port of Cebu p;ier 3 at 7pm

この船会社です。 トランスアジアシッピング
tourist class air conditioned room is ahead of this corridor.
I leave my bag to my bed, I feel hungry and go restaurant in this ship.
I order vegetable above P145$3.5- and beer.
I enjoied very cold beer very much so I ordered two of it , and this vegetable taste good for Japanese.

2012/7/17 Arrived Cagayan de oro


7am we will arrive Cagayan de oro.
this is my bed 12 hour from last night.
Arrived passenger get off and yellow porter can not find his cargo.
start unload from ship,
very high humidity latitude north 8 degree at Mindanao island but not hot at this time 8:30am

my friend pick me up at port and after breakfast go into mountain side.
unload honey bee colony box in the forest . this cargo track from Japanese defense force as surplus good.
native people has lecture about honey bee colony
river side area native living here, high humidity outside but not in the car.
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this river has fall in the mountain, rain shower everyday so water is not clear and this mountain can find gold so people use river water to find gold from sand of river.


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little cool on the fall , she is interpreter to native people 19 years old. my friend said to me "she is not available for you" I expected and she too!!
unload honey bee colony here.

sunset view of port of Cagayan de oro from coconuts beach resort hotel

sunset evening red sky become dark 更に同じココナツビーチリゾートから見た燃える夕陽

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muddy river water go in to near this sea this beach,
2012/7/18Wed(水) 朝からラファエルはバイクで山に

My friend send me to down town of Cagayan de oro at early evening.

she loving shopping and email on cell phone. 19 years girl
he take diabetes and hypertension tablets every day in his hard work days.

waiting room for shipping my ferry start to on board.
same price ticket but I bought this ticket at travel agency not trains Asia shipping office , travel agency ask P75$2- as commotion .
terminal fee P15 is senior price P12.
this is ferry for tonight for me going to Cebu.
cargo from Cagayan de oro is farm products,
stay beside of our ship,
this economy class is very hot and high humidity today.
find many children I give my candy to them
this ship Trans Asia3 has restaurant on upper open air deck I ordered beer and fried potato but it take time to make potato
casher give me number tag and beer , I can't wait potate , want to bring cheese from my bag ,
I leave number tag and beer on this table 15 minutes I wonder it will disappear or not from my table.
when I back here lady know me and bring ordered fried potato to me here
this is sea port of Cagayan de oro we will start 8pm now

2012/7/19 Ferry boat Arrive Cebu early morning

this ship cruise faster than going to Cagayan de oro, we arrived at 4:30am at Cebu.
I wanted to buy hone for bicycle but can not find it, bicycle shop said to go his main office in down town of Cebu.
自転車につける警音ホーンを買いにSMモール向かいのショップに行ったが在庫切れ、本店に行けと名刺をくれたので行って見た、セブのダウンタウンLEGASPI st &MANALILI st、この辺りは自転車の部品問屋や機械部品の問屋が並んでいる地域

I equipped this hone on my bicycle in Japan , I am planning world trip with this bicycle in the future.
Cloudy from morning Cebu city I went barber shop pay P35$0.5- and tip , I went to shoping mall by public transportation jeepny fee P8$0.1- for one ride.
I had lunch at Eddy's hotel restaurant, waiter remember me and he greeting me and say "stay ・・medium・・potato・" I did not understand well but he continue repeat"medium and hashed potato with sevenup soft drink" I thought he understanding me perfect, I said Yes..
after while he served soup and bread, I wonder is this OK? I 'd better to confirm , called him he ordered stake medium hushed potato soup & bread, I said that my ordered is fillet minion medium hushed potato and caesar salad sevenup.
he apologize and change my order, but it is my fault too.
usually I did not give tip for them but I give paper money today.

I check out Capital tourist inn at 6pm going to airport too early , I sit on chair far from entrance of check in gate. one of guy talking to me in Japanese, he said "your face is very Japanese " I said "how did you study Japanese" he said " I lived in Nagasaki Japan 20 years I have house there" talking in Japanese, his Japanese is almost perfect. also he has Japanese mind. but his face is arabic or middle easten people  perfectly.
I felt at home when I talking to him even short time. I was happy.


エディスホテルのレストランでフィレミニヨンビーフとシーザサラダ、セブンアップの昼食と思って中に入る。ウェイターは私の顔を覚えていて彼は挨拶の後でステイ何とか・・・少々私に判らない英語だったがその後はミディアムアンドポテトに何とかと言ったので私のいつもの注文を覚えていてくれてると思って「oh yes that's right」と言ったらしばらくして注文した覚えのないスープが出てきた。
ウェイターを呼んで「スープ注文した?」と尋ねると「yes」と私にステイ何とかと聞こえたのは彼はステーキとミディアム、ハッシュドポテト、スープにと言ったつもりらしい。私は自分の注文を確認したいと言って私の注文を言ったら通っている注文と違っていてスープとパンを下げてくれて彼も謝っていた。 私も判らないまま確認しないで注文したのが良くなかったのだが、ウェイターも自己主張しないで引いてくれたので気持ちよかった、いつもはチップを置かない私だが今日は20ペソ紙幣を置いて帰った。





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