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12;50の便に乗るつもりで関西空港には11時前に到着、カウンターに行ってみたら私の予約は夕方の便になっていた I arrived at Kansai Airport before 11 o'clock with the intention of taking the 12; 50 flight, and when I went to the counter, my reservation was an evening flight. |
航空券とゴールドカードで無料のラウンジ比叡で二時過ぎまで過ごしてチェックイン、搭乗開始は四時半、席に座ってようやく午後五時、もうすぐ離陸予定時間 Free lounge with air ticket and gold card Check-in by spending until after 2 o'clock in Hiei, boarding starts at 4:30, finally sitting at 5 pm, scheduled takeoff time soon |
午後五時のアシアナ便の食事、チーズサンドを開けて写真に撮る Asiana flight meal at 5 pm, open cheese sandwich and take a picture |
機内の座席前画面の地図を見ると真っ直ぐにインチョンに向かって飛んでいるが金浦空港の辺りだろうか,冬の時期にこの時間の便に乗るのは初めて。 Looking at the map on the front screen of the cabin, it is flying straight toward Incheon, but maybe it is around Gimpo Airport, it is the first time to take a flight at this time in winter. |
インチョンからセブへのOZ709便は離陸が30分遅れの20:40、これから4時間と少し、一時間遅れのフィリピンへ。 The OZ709 flight from Incheon to Cebu will take off at 20:40, which is 30 minutes late, and will be a little 4 hours later, to the Philippines, which is an hour later. |
インチョン空港の離陸が遅れたので23時半到着の予定が日が変わって午前0時半にセブ国際空港に着陸した。 セブでは入国検査も荷物の受け取りも今までどおりだった。その後の空港税関の話 Due to the delay in takeoff at Incheon Airport, the schedule for arrival at 23:30 changed date and I landed at Cebu International Airport at 0:30 am. In Cebu, immigration and baggage receipt were the same as before. From here is the story of airport customs 【空港税関Custum】 ウズベキスタンでもあったがフィリピンでもどの空港でも以前から入国時にも税関でX線検査がある、預入荷物も機内持込も、腰バッグまでも検査する。 X線で怪しいのを見つけたのか二つの荷物を開けて検査するという 見つけたのはパソコン、布の袋に入れていたが破れるのもいとわず、無理に出そうとする。この段階で私は気付くべきだったのだが、頭に浮かんだのは「破れたら責任取れるんか」だった、言わなかったが違和感を覚え、「私が出す」と言った。何年も使ったものだが丁寧に使っているので「新品だから駄目だ」と。責任取れるんかと言ってたら没収だったと後から思った。 他にもUSB充電器などを見つけてこれも新品だと言う、新しくは見えるがいつも使っているので買った時の箱に入っている訳ではない、しぶとく説明して納得した。何個も持っているわけでないし全て個人で使うのが判っていて、言った段階で彼らの個人的な目的を少し気付けば良かったのか、後から思う。 Although it was also in Uzbekistan, phillipine have an X-ray inspection at customs in any airport for arrival international passenger. officer said that open two packages and inspected they found something suspicious on X-ray I found a PC and put it in a cloth bag, but they willing to tear it, so I try to force it out. At this stage I should realized but came to my mind was, "Can you responsibile if it breaks?" I didn't say it, but I felt uncomfortable and said, "I'll put it out." I've used it for many years, but since I've used it carefully, they said, "It's useless because it's new." later I thought that it was confiscated when I asked if I could take responsibility. they found another USB charger and said that it was also new. It looks new, but it's not in the brand new box when I bought it because I use it all the time. I don't have many, and I knew that I would use them all personally, so I wonder if I should realize their durty personal purpose I said myself. どれも時間をかけて説明しないと理解しようとしない、検査待ちの客が多くの荷物を持ったまま数十人も並んでいる、何人か係員があちこちの荷物を全部開けて見ているので当然時間が掛かる。 彼らは次にマルチバンドのラジオが駄目だという、取扱説明書を出せ、充電器を出せと注文、この段階で賄賂を要求しているのははっきり判ったが公衆の面前で現金を渡せば彼らもプライドがあるから受け取らずに贈賄罪で逮捕されるのは見えている。 they don't understand my explain all of them, there are dozens of passengers waiting for inspection with a lot of luggage in line, and some staff members open all the luggage here and there, so it's natural. It takes time. They make issue ask an instruction manual so I say that the multi-band radio was useless, they ask a charger, and at this stage it was clear that they were asking for a bribe, but if they gave cash in front of the public, they would not accept. However, it seems that he will be arrested for bribery without receiving it because of his pride. 充電器は持って行ってなかったので「無い」と行ったらなぜないのだと食い下がる。トランシーバーのようにアンテナが出た縦型の受信機だが単なるラジオだ機器にもRECEIVERと表示してあると言っても持ち込めないの一点張り、「これは送信する訳でないの電池を消耗しないので充電してあるだけで十分なのだ」、でも彼らは納得せず、次はNTC(NationalTelegramsCommision)の許可が必要だと食い下がる。 取扱説明書と一緒にある書類(NHK周波数表)は関係ないから返してくれと言ったが「おまえ逮捕されたいのか」と50才前後の男は完全に興奮している。 I didn't bring the charger with me, so if I said "no", He wondered why it wasn't toghether. It's a tranceiver style receiver with an antenna like a walkie-talkie but no press talk transmission switch and will not consume power it's just a radio. Even indicated on it "RECEIVER", "but they aren't get it, and they swear that they need NTC (National Telegrams Commision) permission next time. The document (NHK frequency table) that accompanies the instruction manual is irrelevant, so I asked him to return it, but the man around the age of 50 was completely excited, "Do you want to be arrest?" 私は一瞬「何の容疑で逮捕だ!」と言いそうになったが、これは駄目だ何を言っても興奮させるだけと思い、彼らの言うとおりにさせた。 このラジオは各種の設定が必要で周波数以外に受信バンド幅、変調種類、スキャン時のステップ数など一般の人は全く判らない沢山の項目を設定しないと電源を入れても音も雑音も出ない聴けない、ただの黒いプラスチックの塊り状態なのだが、その説明も耳に入らない彼ら。 とりあえず下記の書類を作ってくれ、「明日NTCに行って持ち込んで良い物なら返してくれる」と言ったのでそれを信じて宿に向かう。 宿は2ダブルベッド家族部屋なら空いていたので短時間滞在価格で朝まで、それでも一人部屋の宿泊価格より高いP570。 ベッドに入るがフィリピンでこんな事になったのは初めて、よく眠れない。 I wanted to say, " arrest on what charges!", But I thought this was no good and he will more excited them If I say anything, so I let them do what they said. This radio requires various settings, and if you do not set many process that the poeple does not understand at all without well experienced oparater, such as reception bandwidth, modulation type, number of steps at the time of scanning, in addition to frequency, there will be no sound or noise even when the power is turned on. They are just a lump of black plastic that they can't hear, but they can't even hear the explanation. For the time being, he made the following documents and said, "you will go to NTC tomorrow and return no need permission," so I believe it and head to the my reguler hotel. My reguler hotel had vacant it was a family room with 2 double beds, so the price for a short stay until morning, but the price was still higher than the single room, P570. I go to bed, but I can't sleep well for the first time in the Philippines with this stupid experience. |
朝になって知り合いの現地人に税関に電話させるが取り合わない、朝から現地警察にもコネクションがあるという現地在住のヨーロッパ人に逢って話すが私の権利を解説してくれ正しいので税関で太刀打ちできなければ警察に連絡してやるとか、一般的な話しだけ。 In the morning, I asked a local native friend to call the customs office, but they don't get along, and I meet a European who lives in the area and having conection to the local police from the morning. If you can't, contact the police or just talk about it in general. 【NationalTelegramCommision】 仕方なくNTCに行くが「ラジオ?そんなもんこちらには届いてないし取り説も何も無い状態ではどんな機器か判らないので許可証は出しようが無い」と。 I had no choice to go to NTC, but they said, "Radio? I can't give you a permit because I don't know what kind of device no item arrive from airport custams . 【空港税関Airport Customs】 仕方なく空港の税関に行くが、「昨日はNTCにラジオを取りに行けば持ち込み可能なものなら返してくれると言ったのにNTCに行っても無いではないか、俺のラジオはどこへやった」と言いたかったが彼らの嘘を追及しても証拠の無い口頭でのやり取りは逃げるだけ、更に取り戻すのを難しくするだけなので言わなかった。 税関職員には「取扱説明書が許可を得るのに必要だ」と説明に行くが私のラジオと取扱説明書は無かった。 部屋には乗客から預かったと称する職権乱用して盗んだ分捕り品がたくさん並べてある。 殆どの旅行者はリゾートでゆっくりするのが目的の数日の滞在だし大使館を探し出して駆け込み、手続きをして引き取りにくる人がいないのを見越して職権乱用の証拠。 I had no choice go to the customs office at the airport. I wanted to say, but I say that pursuing their lies would only escape the unproven verbal communication and make it more difficult to recover. I went to the customs officer to explain that "the instruction manual is necessary to get permission", but I didn't have my radio and instruction manual. The room is lined with a lot of stolen items by custams that were stolen by abusing the authority that passengers claimed to have kept. Evidence of abuse of authority in anticipation that most travelers will stay for a few days at the resort, most of traveller will not go to the embassy for this issue to return it, custom officer know it, it mean they can sell to earn money illigaly. 責任者は「ここには貴方のラジオは無い担当者は今はいないので判らない担当者は夜の11時に来るからその時間に来てくれ」と奥の個室に居た責任者、その夜も行っても担当者は居ないだろうと思って夜11時に電話するが案の定「今日は居ない、担当者は元々この部署に居ないので昼間に別の税関事務所に行ってくれ」と説明、思ったとおりだ。 彼らの言うことが何度も変わる、旅行者であっても現地人であっても誰が連絡しても内部の何かを隠そうとして何か企んでいるのは段々はっきりする、悪い事を集団で行う立場で考えれば彼らの対応も目的も読める。 The offier said, "I don't have your radio here. There is no boss right now, so the officer doesn't understand will come at 11 o'clock in the evening, so please come at that time." I thought that there would be no boss even if I went or called at 11 pm, but as expected, he explained, "he is not here today, the boss is not originally in this department, so please go to another customs office in the daytime." As expected. they say story changes over and over, it's becoming increasingly clear that no matter who contacts then, whether traveler or a local, they are trying to hide something inside, a group of thiff in govornment. I can imagine from the standpoint of doing it, I can read their response and purpose. 彼らは自分の上級機関や上司から言われた事なら従うが他の部署や関係機関から言われても自分たちの権利を盾にして簡単に動かないし、まして一般人なら自分達の仲間をかばうのに努力するだろう事も読める。 税関職員も一般人に使えないのが判った段階で金にならないのは判るしあきらめれば良いのだが、一旦駄目だと言ったら引き下がらなかった。 没収して売れると思ったからなぜ充電器が無いのだと、しぶとく私に尋ねたのだ。 確かにメーカーは彼らも知っていた高価なトランシーバーを作っている会社だ没収したら高く売れるつもりでいたと思う、一旦結論付けたらプライドがあるので何も握らせても駄目な事も読める。 They obey only from upper officer or bosses say, but they don't move easily with their rights as a shield, let alone protect their peers, even if they are told by other departments or related agencies. I can also read that you will make an effort. I know that customs officers can't make money when they find out that radio no one can use by ordinary people, so they should give up, but once they didn't mind illigaly or not. they reluctantly asked me why I didn't have a charger because they thought it would be confiscated and sold. It's true that the product companies that make expensive transceivers that they knew, and I think they intended to sell high price if they were confiscated. Once they conclude, they have pride, so they can read that it's useless to hold anything. |
IC-R6_Jpn_1.pdf 取説へ | Defult frequency List Preset Frequency List |
【日本大使館JapanEmbassy】 |
賄賂も不要、対応の良かったマンダウエ市のNTCオフィス Good attitude at NTC office , Lapez Jaem st, Subangdaku Mandaue city 032-346-0179.345-0823 |
手にした許可証 | |
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laprincess zabate mara |
NTCの許可証を手にした私は翌日になって空港の税関に取りに行った。 担当してくれたのは領事館から連絡を受けた30代前半の若者が責任者、日本人は正直だから優しくしたいと言っていたリップサービス。 受け取りにサインをせよと言うのでサインをしたら私のラジオが出てきた。それで持って帰れると思っていた。 日本での価格を尋ねるので¥25000/P10000位だと言うとなにやら計算して20%の輸入税と付加価値税を加えてP2895払えと言う。個人使用品で帰国時に持って帰るのが判っている品物にである。 私は午前中は両替してポケットに高額紙幣があったが午後に出るときに新しく着替えたのでタクシー代は何度も往復に足る金を持っていたが税金を取られる予定は無かった。 そんなに金はないとポケットの小銭も飴も洗いざらい机に出した。 貨幣も入れて合計P1650位あったが足りない、ドナイしようかと思っていたら最初の価格を小さくしようと修正液で消してP5000にして計算してくれた。 帰りのタクシー代をギリギリ残して払い終えた。 With the NTC permit, I went to the airport customs the next day. The person in charge was a young man in his early thirties who was contacted by the consulate, and the Japanese were honest, so he said he wanted to be kind. he was asked to sign to pick it up, so when I signed it, my radio came out. I thought I could take it home. Since he ask for the price in Japan, it is around \ 25,000 / P10000, he will calculate something and add 20% import tax and value added tax and say that I will pay P2895. It is a personal item that he is known to be brought back to Japan. I exchanged money in the morning and had a large bill in my pocket, but when I got out in the afternoon I changed my clothes so I had enough money for a round trip many times, so I had no money to pay taxes. When I didn't have much money, I put out the coins and candy in my pocket on the desk.to show him There was a total of P1650, including money, but it wasn't enough. When I was thinking of donating, he erased it with correction fluid to reduce the initial price and calculated it as P5000. I finished paying the taxi fare on the way back. その後は家族の話、日本にあこがれて行って見たい、計画している旅行の話を随分してから今回の税関での問題について尋ねた。 あれも新品これも新品と言うが新品の定義は何だ、購入したそのままの製品の箱入りなら判るが5年も使ったパソコンでも汚れが無いなら新品なのか、個人で使うものなら新品でも関係ないのではないか、と尋ねたら購入時の領収書を示せなどの具体的な話はなく(購入時の領収書を持ち歩いている旅行者など居ないが)あやふやな説明で結局は担当官の気分次第、胸三寸で決まるようだ、そして最後には私達職員は法律に従うだけなのでそれ以上は説明しようが無いと逃げる。 明らかに私のラジオなどは個人使用の目的だし新品でもないのに持ち込んだだけで税金を取られるのは腹が立つ、だが彼も部下が一旦没収した物を何もしないで返す訳にいかないのは理解できる。 税金を払えないなら没収するしか私には権限が無いのだと説明してくれた。 フィリピンの電気屋で同じ物が買えると言うとそれらは許可が取ってあるから良いのだと、彼ら流の言い訳。 After that, he talked a lot about my family, what he wanted to see in Japan, and about the trips he was planning, and then asked about the problems at customs this time. It's not new, but it's also called new, what's the definition of new? When asked if it is, there is no specific story such as showing the receipt at the time of purchase (although there are no travelers carrying the receipt at the time of purchase), it depends on the mood of the officer in the end with a vague explanation , It seems to be decided by the chest, and in the end staff only obey the law and run away if there is no further explanation. Obviously my radio is for personal use and it's annoying to be taxed just by bringing it , even though it's not new, but he also returns what his subordinates once confiscated without doing anything. I understand that I don't go. He explained that if I couldn't pay the tax, I had no choice but to confiscate. Their excuse is that they can buy the same thing at an electric shop in the Philippines because they have permission. 受け取ったラジオをNTCで預かると言いながらNTCの誰かが着いて来る訳でなく、税関で受け取るときにNTCの書類に「NTCで預かる」と記してあるのにNTCに持って行くように言う訳でもない。 私は受け取ったその夜の便で帰るつもりだったので税関からの帰りにNTCに説明をしに行くつもりだったがタクシー代が無くて出来なかった。 今夜の便に乗るには荷物の整理と荷造りも必要で追加支払って延長したチェックアウト時間もギリギリだったし空港に行くだけで精一杯。 タクシー運転手に帰り道に税関の話をしたらマニラでは空港で誰かが勝手に荷物のポケットに銃弾を入れ、検査で発見させて「逮捕されたくなかったら罰金を払え」と高額請求してくると、もちろん領収書などは発行してくれない金だ。誰が入れたか判らないが検査時に荷物に入っていた事だけが問題視され観光客が逮捕されたと先日はニュースで話題になったと。 ある時その荷物がアメリカ大使夫人のものだったので大使館が抗議してNBI(アメリカのFBI相当)が捜査したが誰も見つけられず犯人逮捕もできなかった。 その後、宿の現地人が今回の件を話した訳でないのに何人かが観光客が逮捕されたニュースとして同じ話を私にしてくれた。 Someone at NTC does not arrive while saying that the received radio will be kept at NTC, but when receiving it at customs, the NTC document says "I will keep it at NTC", but I tell them to take it to NTC. not. I was going to return by the night flight I received, so I was going to explain to NTC on the way back from customs, but I couldn't because I didn't have a taxi fare. To get on the flight tonight, they had to organize and pack my luggage, and the extended check-out time with additional payment was just barely enough, so I could do my best just by going to the airport. When my way back I talked to the taxi driver, at the airport in Manila, someone put a bullet in luggage pocket arrival cargo, let them find it by inspection, and asked passenger to pay a big amount of fine if you didn't want to be arrested. Of course, it's money that doesn't issue receipts. no one know who put it in, but the other day it was talked about in the news that tourists were arrested because it was only a problem that it was in the luggage at the time of inspection who own by wife of US american ambasader. US embassy complaint to philippine govornment then Philippine national investigation office intarrogate many people but can not find to arrest anyone even one person. After that, some of the tourists told me the same story as the news that the tourists were arrested, also staff of my hotelt tell me about this. 銃弾事件捜査しても 銃弾事件再び2015年のニュース こんな国です。 |
learose |
私の乗ったアシアナOZ710は午前1時28分セブ空港を離陸して帰途に着く。 離陸してホッとした瞬間、つい先日のウズベキスタンの帰りも離陸してホッとしたのを思い出し、どっと疲れが出た。 昔のマニラ空港での泥棒が権力を振りかざして幼児にたかる様な現実と、それを正当化する法律がこの国にあるのが私は信じられなかった。 そして今でも平気で権力を振りかざす。 この国ではマニラでなくても賄賂が必要なようだ。 今回は千円札が少し用意してあったらラジオを取り出し普通のラジオだと違法性が無いのを説明した段階でスーツケースのラジオのあった場所に一握りで手の中に納まるように小さく畳んだ札を置けば相手のプライドを傷つける事無く、今回の事も発生せずに終わったと思う。 コインより札の方が価値があると思ってるし札の価値より札に表示してある数値が判る様に置くのが納得させるには良い。 ドルやユーロは為替レートを覚えてるが円のレートは今までこの国で出会った一般人は誰も知らない。千円が両替して千ペソ近くになると思っている彼ら、今日は380ペソだが。 The Asiana OZ710 I got on took off from Cebu Airport at 1:28 am and arrived on my way home. I was so tired. I couldn't believe that there was a reality in this country where a thief at Manila airport wielded power and slammed a toddler, and a law justifying it. And even now, is calm and wields power. It seems that bribes are needed in this country even if they are not in Manila. This time, if I had a few money bills, I put it place the radio when I explained that it would not be illegal it was an ordinary radio, it will not hurt the pride of them, and I think that did not happen. I think that the bill is more valuable than the coin, and it is good to put it so that the number displayed on the bill can be understood rather than the value of the bill. They know dollar and euro exchange rate well known, but the yen rate is unknown to any ordinary person I have met in this country. Those who think that 1,000 yen will be exchanged for nearly 1,000 pesos, but today 380 pesos. もちろん「賄賂を渡そうとしている」と言ったらポケットに入っていたフィリピンで使えない金を荷物ケースに入れようとしていただけだと、言い訳も用意して。 この国では政府が馬鹿に権力というナイフを持たせ、それを法律で正当化している。 自分たちは貧乏だと言いながら一生懸命に個人の目先の損得だけ考えて法律を無視し国を貧乏になるように努力している国民性。 アフリカにも南米にも旧ロシア連邦にもない世界中でこの国だけがこんな文化を持ち続けている心の寒い暖かい国。 空港税関の分捕り品部屋には観光客が持ち込んだであろう空中飛遊ドローンの箱がいくつも、それ以外にも箱に入った物が所狭しと並んでいた。 ケースに入っていれば外観で判るしX線検査機を使っていれば少々分解してあっても判る、プロペラも外してあちこちに入れ、対策しないと、または彼らが疲れていい加減になった時でないと通らない。 輸入税は取れるし、電波を使っていればNTCの許可が要るとイチャモン着け没収でき売れば儲かる。 誰もが持っている携帯電話もパソコンもスマホも電波を使っているのに理屈は通らないのである。 私からは使い古したパソコンを言い出したが殆どの大人の乗客はタブレットかパソコン持参、全員から徴税しろと言えば業務妨害で逮捕されるだろう。 Of course, I will not say "I'm trying to give a bribe", I just tried to put the money that I couldn't use japanese money in the Philippines in my pocket just put into my luggage, I prepared an excuse. In this country, the government gives idiots a knife of power and justifies it by law. A national character that says that we are poor, but is trying to become more poor, they have to considering only the immediate profits and make country losses each officer This is the only warm country in the world that has no such culture in Africa, South America, or the former Russian Federation. In the goods room of the airport customs, there were many boxes of aerial flying drones that tourists would have brought in, and other items in the boxes were lined up in a row. If it is in the case, you can see it from the outside, use an X-ray inspection machine, they can see it even if it is disassembled a little, if you do not take measures by removing the propeller and putting it here and there, or when they are tired Otherwise it won't pass. Import tax can be taken, and item are using radio waves, they can confiscate permission from NTC, and they can make a profit to sell it. Even though everyone's mobile phones, personal computers, and smartphones use radio waves, it doesn't make sense. I've mentioned a worn-out computer, but most adult passengers will be arrested for obstruction of business if they bring a tablet or computer and ask everyone to collect taxes. 「逮捕されたいのか」と言った言葉にやってみろ等と言えば侮辱罪とか証拠のない全く身に覚えの無いウソの理由で逮捕する。 裁判で立証されても彼らの入出国管理コンピュータには逮捕履歴だけいつまでも残る。我々は手間ばかり掛かり誰も裁判まではしないのを彼らは読んでいる。 以前に機内で知り合った仲良くした日本人が入国審査で個室からとうとう戻ってこなかった10年前の記憶が蘇える。 権力を盾に無茶苦茶やり放題では旅行者が楽しい旅であるはずが無いし誰も旅行先として勧められない。 課税する法律があるなら旅行者全員に同じ様に接するべきだし、それが出来ないのは他の目的で権力を盾に個人の利益を追求しているのではないかな?。 たまにしか無いと思っていた私だが今までは運良く彼らが忙しくて職権乱用が出来ないタイミングだった。 If you try to say "Do you want to be arrested?", He will be arrested for insults or for a lie that without evidence. Even if it is proved in the trial, only the arrest history remains in their immigration computer forever. They read that we take the trouble and no one goes to trial. I have memory 10 years ago, when a Japanese friend I met on the plane, did not finally return from the private room at immigration, is revived. To earn money with power regal or not is not a fun trip for travelers, and no one is recommended as a travel destination. If there is a taxable law, all travelers should be treated in the same way, and the reason why it cannot be done is that they are pursuing personal interests with power as a shield for other purposes. .. I thought it was only occasionally, but until now it was a time when they were so busy that they couldn't abuse their authority. この後の旅で弁護士と話をする機会があったがパソコンやスマートホンは二台まで持込が出来ると言っていた。 税関は新品は駄目だと言ってたが新品の定義を問い詰めても別の品物を見つけて旅行者を陥れようとしているだけだとはっきり判った。 今回は自分の予定も友人との約束や何処にも予約も全く無かった旅だったし期間も直ぐに帰ってもゆっくりしても良い予定、更に日本大使館の所在する町で日本の休日もその国の休日も両方休む大使館だが、開いている日で開いている時間に私が行けたのが良かった。 先日のウズベキスタンで日本大使館に助けを求める事態を思えば楽だが、片道P250\600-の空港やNTCも毎日往復、NTC許可証発行手数料、支払った税金、不要な出費が沢山あったが賄賂の渡しかたの良い勉強の旅だった。 私は発生した事実を書くだけでこの国の感想は読者にゆだねるが何が盗人で何が法律に基づいた仕事なのか、泥棒当人は当然の権利と気づいてないのが恐ろしい。 家に帰り着いたら長時間爆睡する日が続く。 I had the opportunity to talk to a lawyer on a other year philline trip that I could bring up to two computers and smartphones. Customs said it wasn't good, but it became clear that questioning the definition of new was just trying to find another item and trap travelers. This time, I had no plans, appointments with friends, or reservations anywhere, and I plan to return soon or relax, and the town where the Japanese embassy is located has a Japanese holiday in that country. The embassy is closed on both holidays, but it was good that I could go during the open hours on open days. I spent the one-way P250 \ 600- airport and NTC make a round trip every day, and there were a lot of NTC permit issuance fees, taxes paid, and unnecessary expenses, how to bribes. It was a good study trip. I leave the impressions of this country to the reader just by writing the facts that have occurred, but it is scary that the thief himself does not realize what is a thief and what is a legal job. When I get home, I sleep for a long time. |
Philippine_bullet_planting_scandal increase and enhanced every year. |
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