ネパール Nepal

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今回は岐阜の川崎重工で働いていたと言うカトマンズ在住の日本人Japanese Living in Kathmanduに連絡を取って行った。


 I should contact ネパール人の援助団体Native support Nepal in Japan, but I contact Japanese Living in Kathmandu is big mistake.
After I get back this trip tried to contact ネパール人の援助団体Native support Nepal in Japan but they can not communicate,
I can not believe they send me two of f goods in big box without confirm that I can accept/receive or not , really crazy group.
Currency in Nepal is Rupi indicate Rs it is same as India but Nepal is Nepal Rupi different exchange rate from other currency,
indicate Rs is Nepal rupi in this page,
Exchange rate is 1Rs=\1.08- almost 1Rs is \1-, we can not exchange from Nepal Rupi to Japanese yen or us$.

2016/4/23(土Sat) 重い荷物を持ってカトマンズへ Bring heavy bag to Kathmandu

This is the everything except waist bag, I put camera, phone, extra battery 3kg waist bag, Lower red bag 24.7kg, middle dark blue bag 18.5kg include my stuff 8.5kg, in trolleyed bag, Upper blue bag is 3 .5kg total all together is almost 50kg, I have to consider to avoid airline staff asking extra charge for over weight bags, light blue belt will make tighten red bag, zipper will destroy to open without this belt.
Started check in Thai airways TG673 flight at 21:30, checked in check in baggage , staff asked me carry on baggage dark blue bag, holding hand and looks want to say something, so I said "going Nepal I bring winter thick coat , shall I get it out to hold by hand ?” she said "its OK" coat is not include for weight of carry on baggage, finally they did not ask extra charge for over weight. maybe staff read me that I will wear all the cloth and jacket insist myself if ask over weight charge.

2016/4/24(日Sun) 関西空港からは出発できた  I depart from Kansai airport.

Took off delay only 10 minutes from scheduled time 00:30, Boeing 747-400 TG673 first meal service is snack type food, I expected dinner for tonight like Qatar airways, this is not enough so I asked attendant to give me extra if they have, so I reserved one Onigiri is good for 6 hour waiting time at Bangkok airport, I sleep well after I had beer and one movie watched
3 hours after take off Osaka, this is before arrival meal service provide 2 hour before arrival, this is delicious meal, I set my watch turn back two hour from Japanese time
Arrived Bangkok airport 04:05 mooring, flight time 5 hour 40 minutes. short while dark night become bright morning this is airport building at 7am but we had squall at 9 am, this is tropical country. Big airport building I have to hold bring 25kg weight bag but can not find push cart, no choice only holding by hand, this building shape bird eye view formed alphabet H finally I walked longest distance so I felt pain on my hand almost 4 days, I eat Onigiri while I wait next flight.
Not many passenger flight Bangkok to Kathmandu TG319 Boeing 777-200 took off 10:30 morning
Meal service is Nepal native food, time difference Nepal and Japan is 3 hours 15 minutes, I turn back needle of my watch two hour while flight to Bangkok so I need adjust 1 hour 15 minutes.
I saw his japanese passport, he will join Buddhist memorial service of earth quake last year, he should be priest

Attendant provide this document, many of limitation so we have to check up goods which we can bring in before start trip,
but this country no one ask custom inspection.
other side of this document are need declaration or not, how much money bringing. and signature
We can see Kathmandu airport are surrounded mountain
This is first time aircraft is taller than flat airport facility house
I got information that we can get visa at airport if bringing own photo but I forget it, but finally I get visa only passport and cash, \3000- or us$25-, Equipped this machine use for entrance documents, I only follow other passenger
Beginning put passport phone page on scanner, push OK if result of scan is correct. input address of accommodation and e mail address, schedule of trip, have to answer African country was visited this 3 weeks, some part I can not understand so some of airport staff help me "push next" display show my face from camera screen above, adjust position of my face at middle and push OK< finally machine will print out receipt, many staff for help around here, this machine supported only in English.
This vacant space lined many people before I attack machine for visitor get visa, after get visa visitor will go to line of immigration.. I arrive visa section with receipt of machine, pay \3000- then provide visa affix seal on my passport, next immigration officer asked me "where is photo".I said "I forget" officer answered " OK" only. why he ask useless question
Mt Sujita who support actively in this country picked me up at airport, he asked money this is paid his activity,
I saw many house and building collapse or on the going to collapse, Nepal is not earth quake country mean not like Japan, only once in a 80 years.
Sujita ask me visit flower shop to plant in his yard, fence above is border of runway end of Kathmandu airport, all the air plain fly just above of us.
Mvi5127.avi 63sec
flower shop along big street
Car stopped somewhere and Sujita got off to somewhere, I wait here inside of car alone, I can not see any dangerous young people here.

街中で停車中の景色 View along big street

町並みはインドと変わらない、この時期でも暑い。 Feeling similar to India hot in April

He bought Yogurt for me taste is same as made in Japan, little sweet and delicious, container is hand made ungiazed pottery
Town o of Sanga along big street, arrived beside of entrance of accommodation coming up from sanga town few hundred meter,
Outside view of Icho ryokan 4 th floor black gate is entrance.

View 2nd floor of Icho ryokan, big street pass between mountain,
narrow road pass between tree and farmer field is connected to Sanga bottom of this mountain


This is north view,north side neighborhood house,
we can see the Himalaya mountain this side but foggy clouds hide at this season we should come at winter.

This is west side view terraced field from Icho ryoka
This way should see town of Banepa view from roof
my room has one single bed and one double bed with hot shower and toilet with 2 meal
Window above of door is nothing no screen so fly and insect come in and out freely,, electricity will supply around 6 hours but Icho ryokan has solar panel and battery will make AC electric supply evening to morning.
While I take picture around this area, I realize children wave hand to me so I confirmed to use camera telescope maximum
None telescope view children is very small not easy to realize them, after this I went out bring candy for them, I wanted give one each but after provide child hide candy and try to accept many more
This is the collapsed house by earth quake on the way to children
Cracks on this wall of house
collapse history on this wall, they will not use cement between block as adhesive ?
Nepal common food , left up yellow color plate is bean soup called dall, main dish rice under sunny side up, left below boiled spinach named sarg, right upper made by tomato and seasoning as sauce, beside of spoon are vegetable fry with curry

2016/4/25(月Mon) カトマンズ市内観光
Site seeing city of Kathmandu

Town of Sanga and big road located between mountain far side with forest and mountain layered fields ,
this is north view we can not see Himalaya only winter great Himalaya will appear on winter clear sky.

Other mountain has lot of tree, but this mountain we can see smoke between trees maybe some of residence
West side of mountain, people living here mean need captivate field so they make layered field on mountain
Direction of North east only foggy cloud
East side
I visit kitchen, preparing breakfast
Breakfast bottom from left, Natto with egg, rice, coffee, upper from left, food moiled down in soy named Tsukudani, pickled plum, miso soup
Sujita and I will go to Kathmandu, child wanted to cry so I gave candy and take picture with mother
This is town of Sanga and big street way to Kathmandu 50 minutes by bus left, 15 minutes to town of Banepa to right
Mvi5168.avi 26sec
Shopping area of Sanga at 8:30 morning
Got on bus , view behind of me
Front view from me, driver and driving wheel is right side like in Japan, my side is young lady around 20s, she use smart phone so I ask her what is her destination, she is on the way to work to office, time is already 9:30 so I ask again," what time will start your job?" job start at 10 am to 5 pm ,
Local bus will stop everywhere, in ten minutes full of passenger
Mvi5173.avi 10sec
Mvi5174.avi 16sec
Tamil area Kathmandu down town, not easy to get out from bus very crowded
We get on taxi from here, small car suzuki alto
I saw many people use masking white or black in the bus and on the street due to dusty road
I can not get to know this position here
People use many of hand made car
Basically paved this road but lot of damaged surface, I can see madly road always
Arrived Swayamhunath, like temple, SAARC 8 country or residence Rs50- visitor other country Rs200. discrimination nation like India
Nothing was changed after earth quake
Proceeding to main hall
This is main tower
Array of rings, imitate inside will be dogma, when give one turn ring mean read dogma one time, so Buddhist visitor will turn every rings
Priest reading dogma in front of this man who bringing gift to Buddha
This is main street stair way, we arrived behind entrance by taxi, so we going down main street to back
Mvi5198.avi 38sec
This is front view from main entrance at bottom
Many of foreigner tourist going main road from here, monkey around here will attack and get it when they get to know visitor has food,
Lot of statue of the Buddha at bottom of this mountain
Bought water bottle ship on the street
No improve after earth quake middle of town, already one year after quake

Track trace Left end is Swayamhunath, we will go Boudhanath right end ,

Arrived Boudhanath by taxi, top of tower on round dome was fall down by earth quake, we can see only from here , tower top we keeping left side here
Finally make like this in picture, picture is before earth quake
Other side is main hall with ring
Buddhist srriptures recite place here
Offer money to monk left side will provide recite and strapped on my wrist
Feeling familiar Japanese Buddha in temple
We can see repairing dome from here
Bottom is hell top is heaven, which part you can arrive in this world ?
This place locate 5km east of down town Kathmandu, we will back to down town
Exchanged \30000- become Rs 28600- we will have lunch miso noodle ramen at Japanese restaurant Momotaro
Mvi5127.avi 18sec
Big road across over bridge to bus terminal
Mvi5220.avi 60sec
I saw over bridge many times, no one can across this road very heavy traffic with high speed,
Bus terminal called City bus park lot of bus parking here
I sit beside of driver he love music when while driving as if dancing
Many kind of people will get on the bus
Very few passenger when I get on
Mvi5225.avi 64sec バスは走り出した
Bus started
Baby cow on the road this is big road many traffic running high speed
Cow again cow is spiritual animals for Hindo but cow will die when car hit them
This boy and driver similar look like brother, I wanted ask but we can not communicate , very high speed driving even police man rise hand to stop, driver increase speed
We are driving lane opposite direction when car head to us, driver use klakshon never stop, head of car stop to avoid collision.
Bus drove 40 minutes from bus park now driving mountain area near to Sanga town, prepare fare Rs35\35-
Got off bus at sanga, here is highest point of hill, we ordered refreshment at small eat shop as break time
This is native beer GORKHA very famous Gorkha solder is encourage pepper, I can sleep well , dinner is same as last night.


Track trace today from Icho ryokan this morning until lunch at down town of Kathmandu

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