前のページ Previous 8/06〜08



I stayed student dormitory, equipped microwave oven heater, pan and others tools for cooking, knife and fork with salt, pepper, too, we can drink water from faucet this is Swiss.
I was wonder how can use green color sofa between bed and wall, I asked my friend, electric motor wind up white plastic belt between white pole and wall., right side wall switch when ON , motor wind up belt and belt will pull up bed, information of caution above of switch telling that when switch on window should close to avoid destroy window
この部屋は民間宿泊サイトairB&Bで予約、サイトを通じてカードで支払う がサイトを通じてないのでどないして払うか、郵便受けに現金を入れたくないので友人にこの部屋の主に渡してくれるように友人に現金50ユーロを渡した。サイトでは一泊43SHF=43ユーロだった。但しサイトでは最低二泊だったので友人の知り合いが持ち主だと判って一泊の料金を作ってもらった
SW on one minute bed going up near to sealing able to use green sofa, narrow space make wider purpose in this country, my friend explained it.
Reservation and payment through Airb&b but I rent direct from owner, so find way to payment one night to owner, I received key in mail box but I don't want put money with key in mail box, its only make trouble, I asked pay 50 euro to my friend pay to owner instead of me, Airb&b is 43SHF=43euro, but I paid 50 euro one night instead of two night
My room is one of student house, I received key from owner of room through mail box right side stainless steel box in picture, entrance door is right side of mail box but password is 5 digit numeric number and alphabet, I can not memorize and not easy to find key to input, even find right key I failed by timeout till finish 5 digit.
This area is around Rennes station which one station before Lausanne railway station, trolley city bus covered this area from Lausanne city
This morning destination is lake Leman , I'm on the way to through Rennes station
Convenience transportation rail way and car road is cross each other
No trolley bus area did not see electric pole, electric supply by under grand ?
In town residence area passing express big road
Sometimes I can see old style house in Lausanne city
middle of town look like farmer's wash point for harvest , but around here no farmer only residence area.
This information show water souse supplies city fresh water service, mean able to drink.
This faucet water is recycled not fresh water
Faucet out side only drinkable water
Round about middle of city, this building show POST
Small suburban train also plat form facility equipped
I check map way to lake Leman by iphone
I get lake Leman, I use MAPSME, GPS navigation for walk, one hour from my room
Water transparency look like middle of Biwako lake in Japan,
Engine motor boat and yacht too

これがレマン湖の畔 This is Lake Leman

レマン湖の畔には普通の家々が Ordinary residence house around lake Leman

湖の畔にどの家も桟橋がある Every house has pier.

Private house beside of lake
Well maintenance park at lake Leman, many people enjoying in this park but not weekend
Also beside toilet and parking lot for car
News paper boy riding electric motor bike , no sound of engine very silent vehicle

I get back my room and waited friend, he will go to GVA airport for Singapore trip today,
we get on train from Rennes station near my room, got on train 15:05 and change train rapid service at 15:10 Morges station with him
He is scholar of robotics engineer also I am interest mechanic and electronics, we try to operate this yellow machine , use oil pump and valve how function is this unit, we got this is use for wheel chair person transfer from train to plat form deference floor level.
He has one week trip only one back pack its include personal computer and extra clothes too.
Arrived next train, rapid service going GVA only two stop
schedule departure 15:18
Confirmed ticket by conductor he chalked QR code many times but can not get information so he asked ID to my friend , he explained me when he get ticket through internet, ticket was arrived after soon connection was disconnected, so no error for him but server make mistake issue result of purchase data to conductor
After long line security check after check in, we are way to lounge area, I can enter KLM too but we will go in Swiss together
威厳あるなぁ! ビジネスクラスとかファーストクラスとかイチビッテ書いてないぞ
Grate Swiss air even not business and or first class
Nice mood even not luxury
Food area many cuisine, window outside is only sad
Good smelling beef stew , I feel appetite , I will show information picture below
Tart and chocolate , sweet one
Many kind of alcohols and soft drinks, I will not drink beer or any other alcohols to avoid miss flight, usually I am so exhaust when i visit airport lounge, if I get alcohol easy to make miss flight
Fresh bread and cheese too
Not big lounge but enough size of space to stay
My sofa close to food court
Two of computer for visitor

My boarding gate is D23 far from A,B boarding gate take 15 minutes indicated, I walk very fast and use moving walk way arrived 5 minutes, but it will take 15 minutes if many of passenger or crowd condition. I will explain picture after take off.
Arrived round building boarding gate, surround only easyjet aircraft. boarding time should stated but not, also I can not see aircraft too.
This terminal building located middle of parking area of Geneva airport
48sec MVI_4192 ここはイージージェット専用の搭乗口なの?
This is boarding gate only for easyjet
This round terminal every gate waiting only easy jet aircraft
This information show number of bag and size and also weight but no one check passenger
Schedule delay more than one hour, I try to step behind ladder but my ticket show 3A, better to go front door.
33sec MVI_4197 タラップ搭乗前に周りを見渡す
Outside view of Geneva airport parking spot
I will step to on board easyjet low cost airline
Cockpit door is open, pilot is busy to prepare, they looks middle age of 20
Outside view of round terminal
My seat is 3A, attendant is age more than 30
Still vacant seat or crowded
Find something on a mountain behind airport is this cable care to climb mountain ? Lot of snow in winter this area.
TAP is Portuguese airline indicate T and P on body of aircraft
Taxing to run way one hour behind schedule
Very crowded depart schedule , we are waiting more than ten twenty minutes
Finnair will going Helsinki ?
What number of sequence for take off
We enter to run way
Approach angle indicator show too low at this altitude, right !
Other aircraft waiting behind of us
Accurate on runway
Behind schedule more than one and half hour take off 19:25
Round terminal gate D23 to 27 and F group at middle of parking area is low-cost airline, passenger corridor connect under pass from main terminal building, A or B boarding gate located almost 3 picture of this building.
Frying hunger area of airport, already we can see jet of water in lake Lemanne.
Big fountain in lake Leman, GVA airport locate between France and Swiss Town of Geneve is very close to France so smartphone try to down load map when I find detail of current position on Mapsme.
Zooming up view , I remember yesterday
River come from lake Leman
this area should be France, Bonjour
I can not get location we fly straight

Country side of France
Find town but I don't know what city or town
Border of Swiss and France ? mountain and mountain
Middle of Europe
We can see only mountain this area
cloud sea lower altitude
find crater middle of Europe, I switched on GPS tracker to find crater on this map, but impossible as I will write later.
Thick cloud over Barcelona, airplane passed through cloud down to under cloud
We fly north east to Barcelona airport
Arrived Barcelona airport 22:35
No bus service airport to down town at this late time, terminal building low cost airline arrival area to train airport station take 20 minutes pass many of big terminal building, I asked way to my designation Grories Catarines when I purchase ticket, vender said get off 5 stop any train will arrive , next train will depart left platform. After depart train many stops red signal stop and station stop but door will not open automatically, it is not easy count how many stop train. I asked other passenger but they can not understand English I can not understand Spanish , I am nervous

市内は地下を走っている空港からの近郊電車の出口、ここが私の目的地グローリアスカタリナスなのか判らないまま、地球の歩き方の判り難い地図の5つ目で降りた。駅員に尋ねても乗り換えを指示するわけでなし、「あっち」とだけ、良く判らないまま、誰かに尋ねようと駅から地上に出たが、飛んでもない事が・・・・・・発生・ハ・ッ・セ・イ もこの時点では知る由もない
I get off this station , train from airport pass under grand at area of down town Barcelona, this station should be close to Groreus Catarinus my destination, not easy to get my position, anyway I have to get out to grand level,
彼女が判らないまま信号が青になった。彼女はそれ以上話したく無いようだったので「thank you」と言って別れた。





Train from airport pass under grand in Barcelona down town area. Get out station and go up to grand level but I don't know this is right place for my destination Glories Catalanes Plats
time 21:30 late evening not many people walking at this time on road, I can not asking late time very few people. Confirmed no one around me 20m before asking, in cross road big intersection.
find woman for asking, she is waiting traffic light become green to cross street. I show map and asked location of my destination, but she can not get it then traffic light turn green, she don't want talk to me anymore. so I said " thank you" I talk to her only ten second.

I try to find my bag but can not see it, just find out I lose my bag include passport and many of communication tools and many of stuffs, some of suspicious person run cross road when turn green light. I remember.
I try to find him when realize it but he almost disappear other side of road. but still I am not sure who is thief
many people walking 50m around me,
I was wonder I have to chase suspicious person even I leave other bag, but I can not get soon other bag has include important one or not.
i can chase if leave other bag, but I have to avoid lose both of my bag, one lost is enough to big damage for me.

Finally I have only camera and 1000euro cash in my pocket, guide book on hand, and I memorize name of hotel but not address and phone number which my family reserved tonight near here,
it should be near walking distance and my destination tonight.

All the important item is in my waist bag but I put it in my stolen bag was big mistake, I should wear waist bag in my waist always.

I confirmed no one behind me in 20m before I ask to woman, thief hide behind tree or kiosk. in ten second change traffic light green is just good timing to steal for thief

After few days, I realized that I had iphone and maps on it from MAPSMEenglish to get present position exact position, so I don't need ask anyone on road.
on that time I was so tired and can not realize to use iphone when I arrived Barcelona.

GoogleMap で見た現場の上空写真、右上の黒い階段で地下の鉄道駅から出てきて写真中央の交差点横白い売店とその近く木のある横断歩道の間付近で盗られる
Bird eye view from google map, I just come out right above stair from railway station under grand, center white box maybe kiosk and cross road point is stolen my bag.

other angle of view from Google map, middle of picture place I was asking woman when bag was stolen
I arrived hotel after stolen, I have only this bag contents almost only laundry no more expensive or important item, Lucky situation is all of around 1000 euro in wallet at my pocket of shirts, camera is in other pocket ,also I memorized name of hotel in Barcelona which reserved by my family.
after I lose bag, I took taxi to go hotel and ask to help this situation to my family.
In two hour I find phone number of credit card in Japan, and contact to them, thief already tried to get money from my card but not succeed

地図の左にあるサグラダファミリアは観光名所。広い道が何本も交差する公園が目的としていたPlaca de les Glories Catalanesグローリアスカタリナス、
My destination point was Glories Catalines many big road crossing at middle of map, Measured stolen point to hotel, its only 600m bird fry, midnight price of taxi was 7.5euro/us$8.0\1000-, Next week terrorist killed many people on pedestrian road by car is close to left down end of this map


This strange building is water service division of Barcelona city close to hotel, Police station is close to here walking distance, after arrive police station I waited two hour, many people visit and processed report, it is too many sufferer in one police station, this is dangerous city not strange ??
Japan consolation office located second floor of this building and strict security , can not arrow to enter without any ID, but I had official police report to get permission to enter, I was very nervous when I arrived here.
パスポート等のID身分証明が無ければ外国では何もできない事をヒシヒシと感じる、こんな状態で滞在しても大変な悲惨な日々が待っているだけ。写真を撮りに行ったり走り回って大使館を訪れて三時間程で一時帰国証を手にして今日中に帰りの便に乗れる目途がついた、非常にラッキーな私は書類を受け取ってタクシーに飛び乗った、今回三時間で問題を処理できた要素は旅先メモの中の先を読みトラブルや危機危険を避けるために 記載した
We can not have any activity without passport and ID in other country, I only will have hard time to stay here, I got temporally passport valid only back to Japan. three hour after arrived Japanese council, I was lucky situation and I wrote this helpful key point of process in my webpage in Japanese above
I don't have enough time flight to back Japan now, I did not ask in a hurry in taxi driver but driver drive in hurry pedestrian road side car lane, I prayed don't have accident now, I don't have time to find other taxi, All the taxi in this town is only manual transmission car.
I went police two times and photo shop and Japanese council, I could finish all the process only half day, very convenience internet todays world
This view near hotel, I have not enough time to way to airport,
I will not use public transportation today, I catch up taxi after I get my bag, driver is immigrant from Peru two years age, I can not handle Spanish but I tried to talk because I know name of city in Peru only name of city is enough language to taxi driver, but I could not remember capital of Peru called lima, taxi fare to airport is 35euro\4500-us$40-
I am happy feeling now, taxi driving beside of sea side road, we can see many of big cruise ship in pier
I got boarding pass, check in counter accept temporally passport and issued boarding pass, I remember the time when I lost my bag,
Started passenger on board now, this time I realized that we can not do anything without any ID or passport in outside country,

That is Avianca airline, I will get on board from now
46sec MVI_4283 In-flight announcement
Busy time for flight attendant, aircraft is A340
QR014 took off 17:45, I had breakfast but no lunch today, I feel delicious this meal beef stew and mashed potato.
This toilet in the aircraft has window, we could see jet engine outside but too dark now, we will arrive Doha before midnight


I have time less than three hours after arrive flight from Barcelona, I will get on board next flight Tokyo Narita , this is last flight way back to Japan.
I remember many times when I stolen and after process , scheduled take off is 02:30 AM
I enjoy Japanese meal, I rally feel at home.this moment.
I saw few of new arrival Hollywood movie after first meal service. when I realized I slept long time and arriving to yellow sea passed Beijing
All the way flight track trace from Doha , silk road took more than three month by foot
Time zone one hour behind of Japan in south east Asia and china
I feel nostalgic when I see very familiar letter of Inchon
Our ship turn to right direction
Change direction fly over Korea peninsula.
2nd time of in flight meal, we will fly over Japan sea while have meal
Arrived Narita before 19:00 as schedule, how can I get back to Kyoto today, this Obon vacation week, maybe I can but without seat only standing 3 hour, I am too tired no choice stay in couple hotel in  Tokyo tonight..

2017/8/12(土Sat) お盆の週だ Middle summer Obon vacation week was started in Japan.

I got reservation seat in this bullet train last few seat
Many people back there home town view from back side of 16 train of bullet train Tokyo shinagawa station


この週はバルセロナに限らず近郊の町でも爆発があったり多数テロが発生していたから私はドナイなっていたか? 盗られてラッキーだったのか??






Arrived Kyoto station 14:58, safely I arrived Kyoto , thank you thank you thank you, and I had many lucky too.

I get information that they have strike at airport , so I should be stay in Barcelona without any ID if I can not get temporally passport immediately,
Lost cash is only \10000 value us$90 but other things are expensive such as business US visa, iphone and many of small goods for make convenience life in trip,
It will take time and money to recover and process.

If I lose camera, this diary should only sentence story without photo.

I have nothing to write about Spain and or Barcelona, but I should write about Swiss,
Life is simple but certain things and matter, good quality everything, as if I should study future of Japanese and Japanese people,
Natural resource is view of mountain no valuable main under grand, swill is inland country no sea port unable to make business import and export business,
Most important resource is people, people's attitude and quality of people, culture, not only money, I can not find any other appropriate word for them





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