2/4 最初の日Begging  2/5〜6フレンチクォータと戦争博物館FrenchQuater  2/7〜10 LastDay(このページThis Page)

2018/2/7(水Wed) 今日は一日予備の日、も一度フレンチクォータに行こう Extra day of my schedule, try to go way to French quarter.

Pan cake and toast is breakfast, I will bring out if can not eat complete. I can not throw extra food.
Good weather, tourist waiting city train on plat form.
I will not take train today it is good weather, I walk to french quater.
Stone block paved street is old style pavement , I feel old city Newolreans.
Finished breakfast in hostel but I want to go in only for look inside this shop.
Good atmosphere nice feeling inside. but I don't need rest now, I only take picture and go out.
I want to stay this city longer.
Central district area Sheraton hotel locate here tall building.
Sheraton hotel , french quater area is right side of this street.
No tall building area in french quater, I should say I did not see tall building if collect. I know only two street where I walk and passed in french quater but two street is not everything. many of live band bar or eat shop in this big area. Here indicate "House of Blues" entrance of narrow road. I saw many shop in narrow road.
I want to walk at night this area.
これはミシシッピ川、この町の辺りは川は蛇のように曲がりくねっているがこの方向はメキシコ湾の側の南向き、いわゆる扇状地だがまだ海側にも土地は大きく広がって見えてる橋はcrescent city connection クレセントシティコネクション西東向けの方向、川はメキシコ湾までまだ100km程続く。
This is Mississippi river, this area river curve like snake zigzag flow this area before reaching Mexico bay. big bridge connect west to east called crescent city connection Mississippi continue about 100km to reach Mexico bay.
Indicated aquarium right side building.
48sec Mvi5366
Suddenly low sealing cloud, and as if rainy, it was blue sky when I come out hostel this mooring I wear short sleeve shirt but I bring one thin long sleeve shirts, now it is not enough strong wind and rain bring very cold like early winter weather. I need to run to keep warm.
Strong wind blow one hour, feel like early winter of Kyoto. I have cloth only for autumn , I have to run right way to hostel after I look Missouri river.
This is view from my bed mixed dormitory 12 bed room, 4 more bed right side behind wall. two of crazy girl sometimes shouting each other because they watching video in their own smart phone with ear phone in another bed right side and left side they will not care other room mate, movie below at 12 midnight this morning,
59sec Mvi5307
外は雨が 降っていたがパレードたけなわ
Parade is full swing even rainy night.
263sec Mvi5370
104sec Mvi5371
Display stage is on the truck or other car pulling vehicle. moving slowly sometimes stop parade. people on stage decorated like star wars movie and they through some of lighting toy to audience.
198sec Mvi5372
I am looking for transportation way back to Houston, Amtrak railway is expensive than greyhound, and also depart is 9am arrive Houston at evening, so I have to find accommodation at Houston if not bus.
I find few choice in bus schedule, one is arrive 5am but have to wait 3 hours for connection in other town and price is $72- , this ticket schedule arrive Houston 2am too early but too early is better than too late in case of poor connection on other ticket. I can wait at terminal if too early. this price $32 is super cheap I remember $85 when I come here.
Same dinner same shop but Italian dressing today

2018/2/8(木Thu) 今日は帰る日 Return to Japan.

Good weather, day of returning is good always,
I can get to know Brazil flag right side, where is next ? other side of American flag is ?
I walk Charles street opposite way to French quarter, I find another restraint this big street.
People looks tourist get on city train way to direction of French quarter.
Live jazz eat shop is not only French quarter area.
I compare paper map and map on smart phone screen, where am I ?
Small eat shop too.
This cemetery funded at 1833.
Not grave stone, this is stone coffin.
Big stone coffin is many died inside ? many name many birth day, many died age. some of grave show died date, I am very sad when I saw little age.
Explaining history and historical background of this area.
I get back hostel before noon, stupid girl want join parade tonight again, some girl put color on her body and hair. someone is beautiful outside but crazy inside.
She wear cloth in front but almost node behind only panty, she want show her tattoo at her back. I can not identify what is tattoo, what is decoration. Look on her foot and wrist.
This is the schedule of parade tonight, this is one of amusement of staff traveling worker. is this the one?
This is information too, announce to visitor from staff. today is Thursday.
昨夜見たパレードはこれの事 今夜もある
parade yesterday is this, tonight too.
Time to go to terminal, called uber taxi through internet, price is $6-
but present position of taxi on screen stopped one block before, I waited and screen show pick me up in 3 minutes but driver canceled suddenly. and screen say retry again, I have no choice find another uber taxi again, next driver is $9-
Uber taxi picked up at in front of hostel, she drive her car as part time job, her children grow and able to make extra time for job.
She listening FM music while driving.
Newolreans union station passenger terminal.
Right half is Amtrak railway, Left half is greyhound bus terminal.
Equipped phone charge table, everybody can use charger even no purchase ticket.
View from door window for Amtrak plat form , double decker passenger car waited.
Right side of fence is railway, I will get on bus on scheduled time.
Skin head driver confirm paper or screen ticket
Not full passenger, passenger get on and off every stop depart at 19:05.
I don't know where we are, gas station is bus terminal here.
Include convenience store and toilet too


Next day still driving follow schedule, continue bus driving except wait scheduled departure time at bus station
Arrival scheduled time is 2:10am, but arrived just 2am I have to wait here till 5am morning, I can keep safe warm waiting room if I stay here outside is cold,. metro bus line 102 to airport first schedule is 5:16am, but 58am is dark outside and I can not ask anyone if I can not find bus stop. I'm planning to wait until 6am, I feel hungry so I eat small snack which I bring from Narita airport and drink water , I look this view 4 hour.
I wanted to have small breakfast at McDonald but they will open at 6am I visit ten minutes before 6, I don't want back greyhound terminal and I had small money for fare $1.25- I walk around this big building to look for bus stop for get on schedule 6:16, I got off bus just other side of this big building when I arrive from Japan.
I find This bus stop line 102 way to George bush airport.
This is view from bus stop, left train is city train and right this area is parking lot, good landmark for bus stop is AmegyBank advertise.
Increase passenger when bus stop many times, At fully passenger on seat, middle aged woman get off many things from her bag everything is wet, as if she opened canned coke as last item, she did not open just broke can. I got plastic bag from my baggage and give it to her. and still she will become wet because her bag is made of cloth, I get big plastic bag from my bag and gave it to her. she is happy and she said thank you. she asked I am Japanese and she say "something good will happen on you today thank you", I remember similar situation at Zambia Africa last year. 15 minutes to airport after she get off bus, outside become light at 6:50 in Houston at this season.
I get off metro bus at airport, this should be terminal C.
I get on toy train for transfer terminal, one of security face like Mexican asked me dokoe ikimasuka(where are you going) in Japanese, I'm happy to talk in Japanese and talked to him, his father is American mother is Japanese but he did not go to Japan he asked me that my Japanese is good.? I answered "yes very good Japanese" he is very happy.
Everytime I am happy I remember Disney land when I get on toy train. speed is toy train speed.
108sec Mvi5433
I get boarding pass and security check machine is same like Osaka Itami airport modern machine. security staff explained modern latest machine, "Is this automatic judgement same like in Japan ? maybe no need security staff only machine next year you will lose job" they laugh.

KLMクラウンラウンジの入り口は搭乗口 D8の向こう側にあった
Entrance of KLM lounge, other side of boarding gate D8.
Lounge information is open 12noon but they accept me at 7am
Table seat near entrance of lounge, banana and apple fruits bowel every table. apple is wrapped so visitor can eat direct they can not prepare fruits knife due to security area. this way to toilet inside of lounge.
Round food and drink bar at middle. table with light equipped AC outlet.
AC outlet is this plug but available Japanese electric plug. voltage is 117V.
Inside of refrigerator above two type of Heineken Holland beer, middle are spite and other carbonated soft drink lower several kind of juice.right side of refrigerator is oatmeal
Other alcohol drink except beer
Bread and banana, bagel and muffin at right.
Banana, bagel, purple cap yogurt, muffin from left side, right shelf is waffle make machine, and waffle. cone flake, upper shelf is potato chips.
Server able to make many kind of drinks not only coffee, also choice many, when I try to make coffee, computer question started coffee product country or area, how roast it, how strong, what size of coffee cup, need milk or not, mild one or not after set everything we have to push "Go", sometimes I can not understand what is question, I need time to understand it is enjoyable if not busy or other people is not waiting behind of me. very difficult to operate this machine.
This is none table chair. no table around this chair.
Arrived Air France lounge but still close before 9am,

Equipped defibrillator at boarding gate.
I will get on from now, engine is huge, tire is huge compare people just beside of tire.
Next we will take off, red light is approach angle indicator for landing airplane.
Passenger is 85% not full.
Flap down to increase lift and start to run. my seat is front end faced wall , this boy beside of me don't know any Japanese word but this is third time trip to Japan for him, I did not talk long to him as if he don't want talk to me.
After take off already we proceed 18km from airport. four runway Houston airport every runway are around 3km length.
I feel at home when I see Japanese letter.
B777-300 24H席、NH173便の最初の食事、このビーフは美味しかった、さすがテキサスビーフ、右上はそうめん、真ん中はスモークサーモンとレタス、チキンのサラダ、左は出汁巻きとひじきと枝豆。
Meal first time NH173, this is really delicious Texas beef. somen noodle right up, smoke salmon, iceberg lettuce and chicken salad at middle up, egg role, green soy bean, hijiki sea food at left up.
I took picture this view at door window when I go toilet after finish meal. this is desert area where we flying ? confirmed map below.
Desert area locate between salton sea and phoenix Arizona,
Passed Palm springs, it is east of Los angels.


Return flight is 13 hours jet stream high altitude is against wind will increase 4 more hours flight time than forward wind. Provided sandwiches around international date line. Provide last meal is rice porridge ingredient are siitake mushroom and chicken but no taste, no salt no soy sauce worth than hospital meal, I asked attendant to check this taste or not, no one check taste. I surprised ANA .
Flight trace track and start/end position is shifted few thousand kilometer south on map, I saw same error flight to Houston. is this same aircraft? arrived Narita at 3:30pm and change domestic.
Narita to Itami flight is small plane B767, schedule is 18:30 arrival but delayed departure one hour and aircraft waiting on air before landing so arrived before 21. almost I missed last bus for Kyoto.








何も知らない初めての街に出かけて行って今回も無事に寒い日本に帰国でき良かった、感謝 !又行こうニューオリンズ!

Purpose of this trip consist many small purpose, first: escape from heavy snow cold climate, in this winter recordable cold weather in this 30 years. second: I wanted have relax time in not cold area in new city. third: I wanted to visit Newolreans without summer.

Lot of live music in French quarter area, many of young people in hostel visit every night, so they come back hostel 2 to 4am every morning. "walking one hour in mid night to hostel is not danger?" I asked one of young boy age 25 big and look strong boy, .said "This area is heaven when compare Chile south America". they will go out again every afternoon and back early mooring everyday. many people come from Australia, east and west Europe, but body is big and looks strong so no one want to attack to steal something from them, but room mate is good people.

I remember trouble in Barcelona last year, I never forget my main purpose and keep safe myself. so I want to go again with good accommodation near French quarter, It is not easy walk alone one hour in mid night is not easy I have to consider my age and ability of myself.

I feel tired at WW2 museum, display and explanation is only Japanese is bad, intended worth propaganda by US government, I understand government necessary to right reason to guide way to join war against American nation,
they did not explain historical back ground. I wanted to say they have to include American tactical operation behind history, more than 70 years after WW2, many US government official document say trough inside what they intended against Japan, top secret will open 50 years and ultra top secret will open 70 years, museum have to study before they make contents.

I hope Japanese government will announce true history from evidence of US old official documents, US government will open secret few decade age fortunately.
Still many nation emotionally announce as Japan is bad without evidence in this world so people of other country will believe it and fake will become truth.
And also some government will control agitation their own nation country around Japan. purpose they need cover their worth activity, it is not only around china south east Asia, recently I feel affect all over the world.

If Korean want to talk sex slave issue they have to talk what Korean solder did in Vietnam war first but not. Japanese is too gentle and only waiting other people will understand our historical situation without announce, no one understand without any information. we have to announce truth with historical evidence to world, this is way to happiness for everybody in this world.

Anyway I get back safely from Newolreans first visit without any preparation, I appreciate for everybody, I want to go Newolreans again.

    2/4 最初の日Begging  2/5〜6フレンチクォータと戦争博物館Fre;nchQuater  2/7〜10 LastDay(このページThis Page)