夏は京都より蒸し暑いニューオリンズ、寒い時期にメキシコ湾に面した南の街に行く Newolreands Luisiana U,S,A

    2/4最初の日Beginning(このページThis Page)  2/5〜6フレンチクォータと戦争博物館FranchQuater  2/7〜10パレードLastDay

地球の歩き方 B01アメリカ、B12アメリカ南部  ルイジアナ州はLAと略称で呼ぶ、カリフォルニア州はCAだ、ロスアンゼルスはL,Aと間に","が入る知ってないと間違う


北米にはニュージャージーとかニューロンドンとかのヨーロッパにある地名に「ニュー」を付けて当時の新大陸アメリカの新しい町に名前を付けたが、その意味ではニューオリンズ(New Orleans) はニューオルリアンズである。オルリアン(Orlean) の町はフランス中部のジャンヌダルクの活躍の元となった生誕の町。アメリカ建国当初はルイジアナ州はフランスの植民地。
Newolreans located latitude south between Yakushima island and Amami-oshima island in Kyushu in Japan, it is N29'57''
I got information summer in Newolreans are extremely hot and high humidity its more than Kyoto Japan.
so I wanted to go not summer time. I find airline schedule Tokyo Narita to Texas Houston, Texas is not far to Newolreans,

2018/2/4(日Sun) City of Houston ヒューストンに行こう ヒューストンwiki Houston は他の州にもあるHustonもある要注意

      ここではNASAスペースセンターのあるテキサス州ヒューストン 有料だがNASAスペースセンター観光

City of Houston This time I will visit Houston Texas, other state has same name of Houston and I find similar name Huston in other place.Houston wikipedia
NASA space center is located Houston. sight seeing tour NASA space center NASA space center tour





Early still Dirk morning way to Kyoto station by train, limousine bus service Kyoto station to Itami airport depart 5:40, then I arrived ANA check in counter at airport.

I tried to check in machine but can not finish it almost fighting, they has two schedule but I can not choice flight, so I went check in counter.
Lady answered that flight today is fully booked but no other cancellation waiting people yet, so maybe you can get on, will you wait cancellation seat at A counter second floor until seven thirty ?
machine only did not show screen of choice seat when I try to choice flight was only reason fully booked.

Lady gave me some of paper like boarding pass but not boarding card for A counter,. second floor is departure area, I looked for A counter to upper floor map and asked security,
he said " oh A counter come in inside, it locate beside of boarding gate", I ask again "come in mean I have to pass security check right ?", he said "yes sir"

Area X-ray machine are indicated "modern new machine" and none indicated, I try to pass modern new one, old machine judged by human at X-ray screen but new machine will judge by computer and push bag manual check conveyer automatically if computer find suspect item in bag.

my bag went to manual security, he said "can I open your bag" , I have many pouch for electric adapter, charge cable, morning set, under wear, shower set. he want split each small bag and check by X-ray machine.
he insist to put all of it in my bag after he finished check but he never say to me, I said "what are you doing try to break bag" almost I wanted to say "you can insist only to your girl friend but not to my bag"
Morning sun rise at A counter, Sky will not become light and can not see sun just before 7am at this season.
Grand staff gave me boarding pass and she go to other passenger to give after she gave me, maybe more than two people cancelled this morning, flight to Narita scheduled 7:50 flight took off at 8:05 at Itami airport
I got boarding pass to Houston for flight NH174, I had enough time to go to KAL lounge, Lot of food but only in middle table, coffee and refreshment also beer server equipped at wall side, I followed my own prohibition law of alcohol in airport lounge, only coffee today.
Left Onigiri rice ball, right nori onigiri, I wanted to have some because my trip has not any reservation except air ticket., I kept only one nori onigiri.
Left green one is cup miso soup, other one is many kind of noodles but size are small than ordinary one like selling in super market.
when consider my back packer life has lose chance to eat sometimes starving. so I want have one but no space my bag, I put sandals and minimum under wear even instead of mono oxygen and smoke detector.because this trip has not planning to stay accommodation which air condition heat by firewood stove. small bag has no space for anything.
From left, croissant, rice clacker and peanuts, cream biscuit, everything is small and able to keep long life preserved food, I put few in my pocket.
Everything inside sweet cream in croissant, cream will come out if pushed, I can not bring out, only eat here so I had two of croissant, it is delicious I remember I did not eat anything since I wake up this morning.
Entrance inmost left food counter and toilet.
Table seat only this room more than 100 seat, looks frosted glass by temperature difference inside and outside, this window faced to aircraft parking lot we can see boarding gate 26 and bridge at outside.
俺には安全に飛んでくれたら構わない、ちゃんと飛ばしてね。 でも日本から乗り換えなしでヒューストンに行けるのは楽ちんだ。行かなきゃ !
NH174 flight Narita to Houston, generally flight number make flight home airport to other country flight number plus one is return flight so ANA is airline in Japan return flight number should be bigger number like NH175, but return flight is NH173.
anyway safe flight is most important flight number doesn't matter. I am happy direct flight to Houston from Japan this is one of big reason to decision this trip.
NH 174便は11:16に離陸、巡航高度に達した頃に出てくる食事は海老天卵丼、味付けも良い、私はこの時点でビールを頂いてほろ酔い気分お腹は空腹食事待ちムード、美味しく頂いた。座席で映画を何本か見て寝るだけだ。
NH174 took off 11:16 , flying cruising altitude meal service is Japanese food lobster tempura donburi, good taste, I had one beer before meal as appetizer. I only see recent Hollywood movie and sleep after meal.
Attendant provided sandwich if asked as between meal I got it. flight time nine hours time difference between Japan and Texas are 15 hours, we cross international date line so 15 hours turn back to mooring same day. I turn needle of my watch 3 hours from Japan time and imagine change day and night for Texas., drinks yellow one is apple juice and omelets pan cake as breakfast.

取り敢えず無事に朝7:34ジョージブッシュ IAHヒューストン空港に着陸、到着はDターミナル。




Airplane decent altitude and approaching Houston IAH airport outside window are in cloud condition long time, suddenly aircraft has shocked as if landing, still outside is foggy like inside of clouds. few minutes later I can see grand light sign around runway, still heavy fog as if still I'm the dream
aircraft taxing 10 minutes way to terminal building, it big airport. near terminal building we can see some of vehicle in the fog. Houston locate Mexico bay near Caribbean sea so heavy fog not like Japan.

Anyway safely landed 7:34 mooring at George bush IAH international Houston airport terminal D, .easy to pass immigration and immigration officer get custom declaration paper then passenger get own bag no custom officer already outside of exit. no one watching anything passenger bag. it mean thief will steal bag easily. this system is not like California, every states has deference law and regulation this is America this is my first visit of Texas.

At exit of terminal building I can see parking lot but not big and parking is only for hotel shuttle van , can not see any city bus or public bus service.
Information is closed at 7am and no information brochure around , I asked young girl staff of starbacks coffee shop, but she don't know anything she talk to other girls and gave me conclusion,, she said "go this corridor straight then there is information" but no information only telephone and dead end. I did not back to compliant to them, they answered everything what they know.

I sit down on bench to think what I will do and get right decision, other side of long bench I find very old boy then asked same question. he answered " oh I don't know about it, just wait " he try to ask old woman in other shop, he give me right information "get down this stair way and get on subway to terminal C so you can find city bus service way to down town but only one line" , I said "thank you very much I appreciate your kindness have a nice day"

conclusion is asked young girl is my mistake, I have to ask well known old lady. because young girl attract me. I have to mind if I interest only young woman that make me un happy or trouble this trip. be careful myself.

I got this information city bus service is only terminal C in my guide book which in my bag. I have to look guide book before ask anyone.
階段を下りてきたらこれがあった、他の空港では日本の地下鉄と同じ大きさの車両が走って他のターミナルに行くが、ここでは遊園地のおもちゃの電車のようなのが地下鉄、それでも最大12人乗り、建物 Cへはこのまま左に歩いても行けるのだが1200フィート400m歩いて建物 Cと表示してあった400mは大きな荷物を持ってなければ歩ける距離
Down to basement floor I find this small train, Other airport in America also have train connect many terminal building but size of train is same as ordinary electric train but I find very tiny train such as amusement park like Disney land. one car maximum 12 passenger.
this plat form continue corridor walk way and indicate 1200feet400m to Terminal C , we can walk to C if no big suit case.
chair is only 4 but 12 passenger car connect three toy car train
Walk way and rail way same way as if I am get on toy train. opposite
way train is other side of walk way.
Some times I saw walking people in this 1200feet400m. opposite way railway equipped left side of black wall, center is walk way for people.
This chair is for 3 passenger ? opposite way rail way is right of right side black wall
Find train opposite way pass toy train, I remember I am happy to get on in amusement park.
Arrived C and get off, this toy train connected terminal A,B,C,D this is railway map, only one circle rail ands automatic  moving one way.as if amusement park.
地上階に上がり建物 Cから出て来た、出口の案内のおばさんに市内に行くバスを尋ねたら指さして「あれに乗れ」と、乗って運転手に再び尋ねる、「これヒューストン市内に行くよね、メトロバスだよね」、運転手も私も英語を話し、お互いに言ってる事は判るのだが話がどうも噛み合わない、「メトロバスに乗ってグレイハウンドのターミナルに行きたいんだが」と言ったらコレジャナイ、あそこのバス停と指を指してくれた。バスを降りて良く見たらレンタカー会社のバスだ。
Get out Terminal C, I find information at exit so I asked old woman bus going to city, she said "get on that bus". I asked again when I get on bus, "is this bus going Houston city metro bus right", driver can talk English and I talk English too but something strange our understanding. I said again "I want get on metro bus way to greyhound bus terminal" then driver understand and give me right answer "not this bus, wait bus stop over there" and point outside. I look outside of this bus ,Rental Car Shuttle, I only read Car Shuttle.
This is the bus stop over there, I asked this old boy "is this bus
stop going to city" and he answer "I don't know I only waiting my friend here"
メトロバスの102番 BUSH IAH EXPRESSがここに来るバス
Only 102 metro bus going to Houston city as public bus service, time now is before 9am, what time is next ? I take picture carefully because this map will become helpful when back airport bus stop locate at map right above black square detail map show get on point bus at city BUSH IAH EXPRESS Line 102
着陸した時より一時間半経過しているので地上も少しずつ靄が晴れた。バス停から見たターミナルビル群。あの建物は何ターミナル?A? D?なの??
Already one and half hour since landed airplane, foggy climate become
slowly become clear, View airport terminal from bus stop, which one is
terminal A? D? after while bus coming, I said to driver "I want get on greyhound so let me know when arrived, this is first time for me" African American old woman driver, I put one and quarter dollar to fair collect machine no change even put over price,. machine accept one paper bill and coins only or use smart card
Bus drove almost one hour but still driver did not say anything. I remember bus driver forget to tell me get off point many times at Waikiki Hawaii, so I remind to her. she is kind lady. line 102 bus is ordinary city bus so stopped many times in city area.

Driver said "Greyhound" to me, I am happy no rain when I get off bus. left side building is metro public bus service head office
バスの運転手は私が降りる時に「次の信号を右に行ったらマクドナルドがあるのでグレイハウンドは隣だ」と言って「thank you」を言う間もなくバスは発車してしまった。隣と言っても距離の感覚が日本と違うのを覚悟して歩く。
Driver said when I get off, "right to next green right is McDonald and
greyhound is next door". sense of next is not same as in Japan, I worried it.
I get off bus stop is left upper on screen copy. building in picture above is Downtown Transit center, I can get to know close to greyhound after I visit, I didn't know when I get off bus stop,
I get this screen map after I get back to Japan. We can get to know exact point if we have street name and house number. but I did not have any map data when I get off bus, bright two orange line is express way above of bus stop.
next door is beside of McDonald same as in Japan. arrived greyhound bus terminal at 10am, right side of McDonald is this building, and street car rail way in front of greyhound. city bus and city train is same fix
price someone said.
Bus next departure to Newolreans are 12:30 then arrive after 9pm, ticket cash price is $85-, I paid cash I have no choice because look for rail way station from now still I don't know what time is train departure and if I come back here, bus will arrive Newolreans at mid night. in that case I can not find any accommodation because I still did not find any accommodation today. anyway I can arrive earlier if I get on bus at 12:30.
But bus price return ticket by internet is $32, so I have to use internet if possible. price is big difference., price difference is $53 it should be more than 6 thousand yen.
I realize that I don't have detail map of Newolreans at bus station waiting room, I must get map because find accommodation if I have to look for accommodation after arrive. Newolreans.
I remember I decided to visit Newolreans suddenly without preparation., fortunately equipped Wifi connection at bus terminal, it is necessary to input ticket number when start to connect greyhound wifi service. already input right number but still can not connect well, down load screen show red sign, I really need down load map now.
I still have time to departure, already five hours since in flight breakfast meal, I have one onigiri from Narita airport but I don't know I can have dinner or not, so I keep it in my bag and I will have lunch at McDonald beside of this terminal,
I get phone number and I try to phone call to find accommodation but not easy to understand English pronounce or speak fast, I only feel tired.
white shirts and red pants boy in this picture is not modified picture,
this is truth, sometimes huge body size people is living this is America.
チケット売り場で「12時10分になったらE に並んで待て」と言われてやってきた待合室。ニューオーリンズ到着は夜の九時、寒くて暗い中で宿を探すのはドナイしようか夕食はと考えると不安は尽きないが、町の中心部の宿は高いけど周りの歩いて行ける距離で見つけないとタクシー乗ってから探せるのは東南アジアだけだ、ここで同じ事をするとホテル代より高いタクシー代になりそうだ。旅行書と携帯電話を使って探すしか手が無いか考える
Teller said "follow line E at 12:10" when I bought ticket,
I have to look for accommodation Newolreans cold and dark night tonight make me nervous, is it possible to have dinner today, many issue feel afraid , I can not find accommodation by taxi this is not south east Asia, I have to find phone number from guide book and make phone call even can not communicate well.
My guide book include lot of mistake wrong information, but I only have this to look for tonight. some number no one get phone other one is over budget also I have to confirm location by map, I had two and half hour after arrive bus station but it is not enough to find, fortunately I got one hotel $129 per night just before get on bus.
I'm happy peace of mind after get on bus. I can see outside view well, I still don't know I can have dinner in restraint or not but it is not big issue, I will think after arrived. this bus driver has one stop before cross railway everytime, all car never stop in California but this is Texas, I look well other car did not stop, driver kindly stop or company regulation ?
Where is port arther located?
Tower is antenna for cell phone of transmit station of radio?
Beaumont とLakeCharles との間の細い黒い線が州境、下が西側Texas テキサス州、上が東側 Louisianaルイジアナ州、右はメキシコ湾。これくらいは地図をダウンロードしなくても表示する。でも目的地ニューオーリンズに着いてから宿を探すには家まで表示する詳細が必要。初めてのルイジアナ州略号州名はLAだ、ロスアンゼルスもLAと書くから混同する。
Beaumoont and LakeCharles black line is state boarder, lower side is west side Texas state, upper side is east side Louisiana, right side is Mexico gulf, this big map will show without detail down load map. but I need detail map of Louisiana, abbreviation of Louisiana is LA, also Los angels in California abbreviate LA too, I confuse it.
Road pass grass field and many of pond and river this area very close to ocean.
Bus equipped wifi without any password, i connected internet. everybody looking smart phone screen.

Bus will drive ordinary free way, sometimes traffic jam but traffic did not stopped.
高速道路から降りて少し街らしき所に来たぞ!表示はガソリンが1ガロン=3.79L/2.31ドルX\109=\251- つまり1Lが¥66.4-って事か ?日本は130円以上と倍以上の価格なのに安さに驚き。
Bus get off free way visit small town, gas station gasoline price is gallon=3.79L/$2.31(\109)=\251 so \66.4 per litter. but \130 in Japan.
I got down load map of Newolreans in the bus through wifi and I need Houston map too for return.
Bus station and railway station is same place. railway and covered wagon horse road grow together when develop this area and town.?
I get on this bus five hours, I tried to get in toilet. old style fall commode , I can see lot of water in hole and inside water surface moving when bus moving.
It is not easy to open door to go out toilet, I have to read instruction to get out. turn handle and push door very strong. door lock will connect switch on light inside.
After 7pm dark evening arrived one of terminal, I remember that Japanese high school boy shorted by gun and died in this town Baton rouge at 1992Death of Yoshi
All the passenger get off and driver go somewhere for rest, but head
light and turn signal light is on
Little dark night at this time
Driver said "stop 15 minutes" I get off but already half hour i wait at inside of bus terminal, driver did not appear.
Passenger can get off bus but can not return, terminal door to bus locked until bus driver come back. this is coupon ticket when I get off bus to wait at terminal.
沢山あるLandingStripは滑走路のこと、AirParkも飛行関係の何か。表示する時間 10:11日本時間、ここ現地時間では19:11

Landing strip is many in this area, air park also involve airplane too. time stamp 10:11 is Japanese time, actual local time is 19:11 in LA.
Start bus to last destination Newolreans at 7:15, very dark inside of bus while driving.
Bus drive faster we arrived earlier than 9pm scheduled time, arrived before 8:30, this greyhound bus use left half of terminal building.
Amtrak railway use right half of building, I can find only taxi outside of terminal building time is 8:25.
Taxi driver said fix price $12 and will not use fare meter when I said destination address. not safe area for stranger and I have bag too, arrived destination cheap hotel less than five minutes , very expensive taxi. almost thief.
I checked in here, door left side is toilet and shower.
Old woman said $148.04- as total price when I check in, I said "its not 129 dollar" she answered that is without tax, 149 is include tax, consider stick use old woman waited me till late evening, I don't want argue anymore. my room is second floor white door is entrance of room , I feel tired but I have to have dinner before sleep.
Good for two this room if I have female partner. old house but well maintenance not squeaking floor. able to connect internet here so I can find cheap hotel for tomorrow if I wake up early.
I find restaurant bar few minutes walk from hotel, opening 24 hours.
Not noisy bar is ok for me, young lady come to get my order. cobb salad
I can see another restraint near here but this restraint is enough I am tired today.
This is cobb salad, can not see well because dark inside I confirmed what is on this plate by camera. flash amber colored beer was delicious. beer and salad $17- I paid $19- tonight.

ヒューストン空港から102番バスで市内グレイハウンドのバスターミナルまで34kmは紫色の線、赤い線がグレイハウンドバスの走行距離 576km8時間も掛かるが乗務員は運転手一人だけだった。
Purple line is metro bus 102 from Houston airport to city 34km, Red line are greyhound bus travelling 576km 8 hours but only one driver.


I wondered when arrive Port Arthur its located beside of small lake, close to border of Texas and Louisiana state, almost all the lake connect to Mexico bay.

I had 35 hours today Feb 4. I was worry and nervous but I got accommodation and had good dinner, managed everything well today but I really tired, I have to wake up earlier tomorrow mooring to find cheap accommodation for tomorrow night.

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