とりあえずフィリピン セブ Philippine Cebu

2019/5/23(木Thu) セブに向けて出発  Depart to Cebu from Kyoto

It's been a long time depart after lunch schedule since the boarding flight at 17:00
From shin imamiya take Nankai train , arrived KIX at 15:10
KAL lounge close till 15:30 but I visited and passed immigration
This is the one get on board A330 Asiana
Code share flight OZ113
Many people get on to Korea.
Time should be depart , still passenger get on board,

screaming jet engine, we will take off.
Took off to south at 17:11
Oyako fried noodle but not Oyako donbri, arrived Inchon airport at 18:36
I spent lot of time and take shower at Asiana lounge, but I did not have beer, before 9pm I arrive boarding gate flight OZ709 way to Cebu
I did not sit window side long time at this flight
Little vacant seat, take off just before 10am.
I can eat this meal meet is good but only meat with hot sauce but not rice.

2019/5/24(金Fri) セブでの行動を計画 Planning this trip and activity

Airplane arrived Cebu before 1am, only room 228 available on my accommodation, I take 10 hour rate then next room 305 changed afternoon paid by internet.

  去年から行ってないカミギン島へ何とか行こうと企てる I try to make plan to Camiguin island which did not go since last year.

I jogged early morning and breakfast, I can find seat only here today


I did not go Camiguin island this half year, Whether you go by ferry at night or by plane, compare prices and decide by the overall price and my fatigue.

The Philippine Airlines has recently searched for flights but more than P3000 , and Cebu Pacific also has fewer seats from P2000 to P3000
depending on the day.

If you have a few seats, the price goes up, but sometimes the price goes down. When it goes down, it decides to pay immediately but it will take a time, but an error continues and frighted for about 6 hours.

I can not finish till end to purchase so I called airline ticket office, but they will say only sorry, and I say"I'm getting tired,"
but finally I ran out of my phone prepaid bill.

Reann woman says the confirmation number but she made mistake L and R are misunderstands the degree of the head too low , I wait confirmation e-mail

  カミギン島に行く On the way to Camiguin island.

I took limousine bus mybus at 7am, this flight scheduled 10:10 I arrived here one hours before departure.
This boarding gate has ABCD none boarding bridge gate, this should be low cost airline only.
I get on bus which carry to airplane, people going Camiguin everybody casual .
People this country don't want wear formal or uniform but he wear formal security wear, and he wear sun glass to avoid sun burn, as if solder of Islamic state.

This aircraft has four door but passenger door is only this one, recent design aircraft use flash type rivet but this body use old style ordinary rivet, manufacturing company Italy - France joined aircraft company
Last boy is Canadian, he was engineer of aircraft simulator for pilot, he lived Tokyo long time, he lived zamboanga south are of Philippine but he feel fear so he transfer to Cebu, he will go to see girl friend age 20 to Camiguin and stay in sagay today
90% passenger, Canadian get ticket cheaper more than P1000 than me, he find ticket but he asked at tour agency but internet is expensive than agency., I better to follow him.
Took off 10:30 mooring, Canadian get ticket less than P2000 my ticket like P2600 or more, he don't mind if little difference but P1000 is big money.
 In half hour approaching Camiguin airport, runway is left side aircraft flying right way.
Turn over white island
Turn over white island way to 07 runway
Many reef around here
Some of shop on white island today ?
Aircraft approaching downward slope runway today, landing at 11:15
137sec   Mvi2664 進入滑走路端を通過する時は速度が出ているので空港建物は飛ぶように過ぎ去る
When pass in runway air speed still excess so passed airport facility faster.
Only two of middle size aircraft parking lot in this airport, Cebu pacific should arrive half hour ealier than Philippine airline but Cebu pacific delayed today, my friend waited for pick me up at airport
170sec  Mvi2672 目的地は遠くに見える山の向こう側、バイクで40分

ホワイトアイランド(左の海の中のWhite Islandと滑走路(地図右上陸上の斜めの灰色直線部分)、mannbajaoマンバハオの町は地図の右端
White island indicated in middle of sea, runway is gray line right upper grand on pap, city of manbajao is right side of map

Boy right side asked me beer but I said "I can drink only late evening" so he prepared coconuts juice for me, coconut in middle of mountain is delicious.

My friend made me this dinner, I am happy having beer and dinner and good friend.


  I stay area of Catibak all day,  early evening I had drive mountain area by motor bike alone

 I remember hot Japanese summer view of ocean wave.
 No one visit afternoon, very hot at this time only little wind strong sun shine.
  Increase visitor when become little cool finished strong sun shine at this time, Visitor will arrive Beehive by motor bike , Hotel in this island has lent motor bike P300 or us$3 per day without insurance no one confirm  drivers license, but rider have to responsible everything.

  セブに戻るのが早過ぎると言われつつ戻る日  Everybody say my trip back to Cebu is too early but I have ticket and other schedule waiting.

 My friend frighted to wear shoes about 20 minutes, and needed refuel to motor bike, he send me to airport.
arrived airport I went check in counter indicated "CLOSE" already, they close 10 minutes before
they accept half hour before departure time but they finish too early, I ask them but not accept me,
I have no choice to get back to Catibak so I try to write email to friend, but I find manager of airline and asked him
"I come from other side of island and slow cargo rack driving heavy load we can not pass in mountain road, will you please accept check in today " he answered
 "only this time accept your check in but next time you come more earlier" I am happy , I can tell many lie to him for approve check in.
 I got boarding pass and waited waiting room, aircraft arrived , boarding pass paper is such as receipt of convenience store but printed all the necessary information, they save paper save money but they proved umbrella till reaching for strong sun shine.
 This is waiting room Canadian boy called me who I met when I come Camiguin together.  also he is going back to Cebu but he get on Philippine airline, his girl friend is busy this week so he has nothing to do in Camiguin.
Engine start aircraft ATR72
 Almost full passenger today
  I thought I can not get on board today but finally I get on window seat,  aircraft start engine when go out from parking lot aircraft arable to finish turn, when I realize aircraft moving backward direction,  this is first time experience aircraft moving behind. , this airport has not aircraft  tow car 
Pilot use reverse pitch of propeller for aircraft move backward, which use only for brake after landing for ordinary purpose,
 Aircraft turn at end of runway turn radius is small but can not turn in big parking lot mean pilot handling is poor ?
 Increase power and accelerate speed for take off downward runway is easy to take off at  11:36
120sec Mvi2687 離陸
 After take off fly straight climb up to north east east.

 Then turn to south then continue right turn, this is Balingoan port in  Mindanao island, two of ship depart to Camiguin
 Most of schedule Balingoan to Camiguin passenger ferry boat is every hour but two ship mean some other cargo ship
 Aircraft right turn around Camiguin island almost one round and pass middle of Bohol island.
 Called chocolate hill in Bohol island is made with rime stone mountain, generated in the ancient era , it is not easy grow big trees grow only grass hen rainy season grow grass but dry season grass will died change color brown so it called chocolate.
  Subdivide area near the Tupigon pier  in Bohol island locate beside of Cebu island.
 On the way from Bohol island to Cebu airport , adjust low power of engine so camera catch up blade of fan, right side is Cebu airport, between Cebu and Bohol has many of an atoll, all area able to see bottom of sea this area, many of small island has few of fisherman houses this area called Orango atoll.
 This is Cebu island and this is south of Cebu city named sanfernand , this is  Japanese Taiheiyo cement factory and get limestone from mountain
 Breaking mountain to get limestone, big three tank is shipping bulk cement or fuel for burn limestone to make cement ?
 Green sea side area called North reclamation area south of Cebu city
 This channel will pass many of ship such as sight seeing, speed boat, cargo ship .
 All the ship come from right and left pass this narrow channel
 Dredge other area is good idea to avoid accident but people don't want maintenance to keep good condition in this country even government, maybe this is enough for them.
 Right side is shallow area able to pass only light weight hand boat , right side of this area is Mactan island which locate international airport,  this big island is Cebu island this picture include Cebu city, mandaue city talisay city, middle of Cebu island.

 South end of mactan island reclamation area built increase subdivision house.
 Mactan island Lapu lapu city subdivision area, they have to make infrastructure before built subdivision, airport runway is 1km right way, now aircraft on final approach to airport.
113sec Mvi2714
 Arrived Cebu international airport at 12:05pm I get of Cebu pacific ATR72 and get on bus service.
  Paid by internet and check in room 305


 In the early evening, I was bitten by the dog while walking on the sidewalk of the big road way to the market. The road was crowded, but I noticed that I saw a dog,
so I was keeping 10 cm away, I was walking in the same direction as the dog, and I could not touch it, because dog could bite if I touched it, but I feel a sudden pain.

Crowded area away chewing be careful also anxious pickpockets and crime is a lot, and realize that the left hand two of indirect and ring finger and little finger for a moment.

immediately washed with water at McDonald's nearby and confirmed that the skin was not broken and that there were no scratches.
But a rabies dog can die even with a slight scratch invisible skin brake.

According to a search on the internet, people who "bitten by dogs and cats" later noticed that they had rabies, I already read an article that was already too late.

But I had little confident that I was okay with rabies vaccination in advance. I do not know how much I am fine ....

I know that even if you are vaccinated I need additional vaccination if dog bitten, "but I think" it would not have to be right a way.

                   I have nothing to do today, what I should do but I can not do anything,


Jogged in the mooring but nothing to do today, but Mary age 21 visit me, she wear sexy dress but at this season too hot outside, I also wear only one thin shirts in outside, I can not say about her, Dog bite able handle by vaccine but young woman bite is no vaccine to deal with it, if there is exist it is expensive vaccine and also not effective insulance.
Different image this is picture when I saw her in net.

  犬に咬まれた手が気になるし、少しは早く帰ろうかと迷う日  I am mind my hand finger that dog bite , I better go back Japan earlier.

 I ordered hot fuge sunday icecream include breakfast today
 Money exchanger rate of exchange, agaist peso and yen, everyday changed lower two degit this 2 become 1 or 3 in Yen.. I use credit card cashing this day rate was 0.4748, but additionally ATM commision \108- is needed.
 Other side of my room, she living with many of lady boy gay, always open room door and they want to talk to me when we met, and asking give massage, she is beautiful and nice body age under 20, how she get earn money in somewhere act something I can imagine.
 I can not understand if I watch them deeply.


 Girl standing in front of elevater is mother of two of children, three of them checked in this hotel, and children going this table and eating which someone under eating or finished eating but noodle is sill inside of cups, I stay here more than 15 minutes these cups are some anonymous leave noodle cups here.
or they put hot water in noodle cups before leave here before they leave here in past ?
if so it is not necessary to check in this hotel, I give two of candy to girl which I find in my pocket.

Finally kids did not finished noodle cups all, but they bring candy which I gave, to elevator. as if they used to here.
 value things and food are big difference from Japanese, There is no sense of value or hygiene, or the idea of treating money or things at all.
Although they do not verify ownership, they recognize each other's ownership as they are.

犬に咬まれて日が経過する夜中 I realized in midnight that dog bitten has risk of rabies spent time without any treatment is better choice or not.

Decided to visit a large hospital in Cebu in an effort to leave the dog bite before returning to Japan as it try to do anything that could be done in any way


 I will return to Japan on Saturday, but if I go to a hospital at the airport quarantine in Japan, the consultation will be Monday, or Friday today I will go to Cebu because a large hospital is open, I decided to go, and Monday will be one week since bitten Tuesday It has been a week the day passed.

 I just don't want to be too late. The bitten part hurts a little, but even if I put it in the door, it's about the same level as the pain continues. The hospital is nearby, and the staff members are in white clothes and they are coming to McDonald's.
病院に行くと私の名前の書いた名刺のような病院の写真の入った診察券を作ってくれて、症状を問われて「犬に噛まれた」と言ったら「噛まれて24時間以上経過してるか」と言われ、「yes」と言ったら離れた場所にある「メディカルアートに言って受付にこれを見せろ」と。404は部屋番号らしいドクターABALOS JOSE RODOLFO

When I went to the hospital, Receptionist made a medical examination ticket containing a photo of the hospital like a business card and written my name, and asked me when I was bitten by a dog. they said, "Is it over 24hours?" Said "yes" and they said "Please go to medical reception
and show this to the receptionist" in a distant place. 404 seems to be a room number Doctor ABALOS JOSE RODOLFO
 If you go to another building by car driver asked me to pay P30 but another building locate walking distance. only one minutes, I show documents to the security guard,he said " you can go to Room 404 on the 4th floor", and the air conditioning does not work in the hospital inside, and there is no wind passing.
When I went to the 4th floor and asked some who were waiting in front of the room,
everyone was waiting for the room 404 to open. The doctor did not work even though it was past 9:30 am to a person who asked when it would open
but nobody knew, and a person who said it would soon open or would say it would open by noon,
 Inside is dark room 404 and indicate CLOSE tag on door.




領収書には医者の名前はあるが病院の名前Chong Hua Hospitalの名前はない。手で書いてあるのは私の名前と「クリニック」と「500ペソ」だけ。

After this middle age lady came in 10 minutes, one of guy arrived,in the room.  is this person a doctor? ? It seems to be a receptionist
She ask me write on the questionnaire and wait. There was a doctor's consultation office inside, and after waiting 10 minutes, a male doctor
called me. The air conditioning is working in the room and I feel relieved.

The doctor said, "you was bitten by a dog?" He saw my hand and said, "you are not hurt, I think it's okay, I just pray that there is no virus."
I thought "Eh," but the examination ended in about 1 minute after I met a doctor,
and after that he want to talk his love of Japan and the he love  Japanese continued for about 20 minutes.

I said that I will report at the airport quarantine station when I return home, but he said that it is not need to do that.
I could only pay by card if I injected globulin with a drug price of 4.5 million yen, and I was worried that if hospital did not accept
card payment. he does not do anything so I was overwhelmed.

I always felt the difference between the countries, the nationality, the ethnicity, and the slightness of the ethnicity,
 In Japan in order to always anticipate the worst and take measures and responses.
I remembered that there were thousands of rabies deaths per year in this country, I felt that the problem was that the doctor's attitude was increasing deaths, not the price of medicine, even with the scarcity of medical institutions.
Although he was a doctor, but not wearing a white coat, and from my point of view, He is an ordinary 50-year-old boy who wore everyday clothes like a polo shirt.

The receptionist told me "This is the end today" at the reception, "Where should I go next?" When I asked the payment place "P500", " I pay here?" I asked to make a receipt and left the hospital. A hospital where you can not receive a receipt except asking.
The receipt has a doctor's name but no hospital name Chong Hua Hospital. Only my name and "clinic" and "500 pesos" are written by hand.

I went to a place where I was bitten to get a video, thinking that I needed to make a judgement after I returned to Japan, a dog that bite me.
If you're in danger due to rabies, you're giving away
When he was bitten, this area was crowded with passers-by, but nobody passed today
40sec  Mvi2732 こうして撮影中にも咬みつこうとする怪しいやつ。撮影を長く続けると再び噛まれる恐れがあるので引き上げる
A suspicious dog who tries to bite during shooting in this way. If you continue shooting for a long time, you may be bitten again, so I will finish earlier today.
 It is a time when there are no customers for the passerby, because it is a pet dog of a fruit seller at the open air fruit market. he is a dog.
But when I take a video, trying to bite is the same as when dog was bitten.The initial symptoms of rabies are more violent.、 Anyway, I would be best to do is ask in a Japanese quarantine station. Let's go back to Japan as soon.as possible



 A Korean parent and child who prepares a stroller for a large child , I waits for a flight at 3 am in the morning at the lounge, although it is permissible to put this child on a stroller, it is about 15 years old there is prepare
Korean parent prepare stroller for high school age. I can not believe their common sense.
セブには韓国からだけでなく中国上海浦東 pudongからも便がある
 There is lot of flight from Korea but not only Korea also shanghai china.
Many of low cost airline connecting Korea but not only Inchon, also Gimpo , Degu many schedule, Many times treat me as Korean in Philippine, when I say not Korean, then asking Chinese, increasing number of  Chinese and Korean visiting Philippine.
90 percent of passenger flight.
OZ710 took off after 3am , my seat is last one left side window seat.
302sec Mvi2753
 Dark outside but sometimes lightening in the cloud , try to know where we are flying.
  Aircraft reaching cruising altitude, more than four hour flight to Inchon.

 Passed Taiwan already or not, I am waiting meal service I had only little salad in the lounge at airport.
 Already passed Taiwan and Okinawa close to Kyushu island.
 Still did not provide meal only one hour flight time to Inchon
 Beef with rice or omelets, I choice last one, many passenger sleeping and no one wake them up so I can choice even last seat.
 Rainy season of this area south china sea north of Okinawa is all cloud this area.
 I am not familiar this view, I can not find Silmido island mean not south side.
 Approaching from north today, never fly over north Korea Kim jon wn will shut missile , border of north Korea is part of tail wing of aircraft in this map,
102sec  Mvi2785
 Safely arrived 8:15 at Incheon airport, I get breakfast at Asiana lounge, and wait to OZ114 afternoon flight I did not have beer but I had deep sleep one hour but it was only in the morning.
 This flight is last flight of this trip, I have to be ware of dogs after care is not easy when consider rabies, everybody feels fear of death ?  I really feels good consider vaccination before bite.
  Many of vacant seat flight OZ114 take off time 14:30 is scheduled.
 Rice is not good but additional vegetable is delicious, I eat it with little kotijan, but not have rice.
 I feel nostalgic Kansai airport, beside is young lady but Chinese crazy girl  so I did not talk to her even one word.
 I am worry officer will take me some place if I visit quarantine , arrived 5pm.
 I see the hand bitten again. From the first joint of the little finger
part to the third joint and the second joint part of the ring finger
just bite


I got off the aircraft at Kansai Airport and place where measured the temperature of the all the passengers with a camera before the immigration , but there is a health consultation room next to it, "I'm over there," said security guards, " go over there

I am amazed at the stupidity of the foolish guards who insist me destination without confirmation.

When I entered the health consultation room, a staff came out and asked "How was it done?"
 The questionnaire included the address and contact information, the seat position of the aircraft, etc., and the following green guidance was given, and the clinic in the airport was introduced and contacted for vaccination.
Now when I die they will release the information.
Immediately I went to clinic after returning to Japan, but the airport clinic did not accept credit card cash only \ 15,000 for vaccination costs, and was expect cash withdrawal from MUFJ's ATM. However, the Sumitomo Mitsui VISA card is "can't handle", screen said that the error number can be contact, and
when calling the attached ATM phone, and saying, "we do not know here, please contact the card issuer." This was actually none sense card,
because in Japan there was no need to do cash on my own with a credit card, so it was not possible.

Came out screen I do not know in the withdrawal scene to the screen of the ATM in English, both from cash out, but on the monthly I checked later installments, only the difference between the lower is charged in the same way as shopping. It is not necessary to divide the money, but I do not understand it, this is a good study that becomes nervous and you become uneasy if you are abroad

The green guidance given at the airport quarantine before entering immediately explained it. If you inoculate immediately,
the clinic is inside of Kansai airport Terminal 1 2nd floor beside McDonald's.

The gamma globulin described is a million yen medicine, and there is problem animal can not alive for 10 days
. planing visit again to take picture if still there in same place.

 Quarantine station, it is said If there is a pre-vaccination it is only necessary to go to the 0th and 3rd days after back Japan. but if it is
better to do 6 times in the clinic, it is better to test in the hospital finally doctor and I agreed that would be good

 This is the vaccination receipt and drug case after exposure (after being bitten), same as the previous pre-vaccination exposure,
but I do not know whether you actually exposed virus at the moment.

After being bitten by animals, health insurance was available and it was possible to pay 30% from total payment, but I did not have a health insurance card. It is usually meaningless to bring a health insurance card, which can only be used in Japan for overseas travel,
because it does not make sense, this time there is only a refund claim to the health insurance association at a later this payment.
Finally, planned to request travel insurance company for 30% of it.
This does not infringe on "Whether there is a claim of 50,000 yen or more within the past 5 years" of the applicable clause when applying travel accident insurance

2019/6/2(日Sun)      日本に帰ると朝早くに目が覚める2AM
 2 AM waking up early in the morning when returning to Japan
We had chickenpox and used a lot of tissue today, but the first symptom of rabies should have been the symptoms of a cold.




 I have no symptoms of a cold when I go to bed and I wake up at 2:30 in the morning
I woke up at 2 o'clock in the morning, but as usual, it was awful with blisters and consuming tissue.

I contacted the public health center. If you do not have rabies antibody testing done in Japan,
you can send blood to the US and ask a testing organization, but it takes time and money, so it is cheaper to receive vaccinations a prescribed number of times
 It was said that it was good. It is a prudent but decent opinion that some of the similar dogs are said to return to a place where they were bitten next week
and to confirm the existence of the dogs, and it is said that it is more important to receive a vaccination to protect their lives.
 Yamashiro Kita Health Center Mr. Mikage 0774212191.

 I contacted the clinic when I went to the pre-vaccination , ordered the injection solution, and decided to have an additional vaccination tomorrow.

2019/6/4(火Tue)     就寝4時間は熟睡した、午前1時過ぎに目が覚める




I slept well for 4 hours, I woke up after 1 am Today I use my tissue to blow my nose only twice in the morning.
When I was bitten by a dog, I went to a vaccination, but I did a pre-vaccination, and I was inoculating at Kansai Airport, and said that it is good to finish the vaccination today.
Because health insurance can not be used for payment, this clinic says \ 15,270, and when I complaint, they contact to a pharmaceutical company.
It seems common sense to ask the health insurance association who issues the insurance card and actually pays the insurance for a different reference,
but the clinic here is always something strange.

I said that health insurance is available at the Kansai Airport clinic, and I asked at the quarantine station if necessary.
Nobody knows that the treatment of injecting a vaccine or antibiotic for treatment after being bitten by a dog can not be covered by insurance itself.
It was excused that there were no people who had been bitten by dogs until now, but in this clinic there are many common sense and many times I feel uneasy.

This medicine is used by dissolving it in a pair of dry medicine and solution, but the nurse who gives the injection is discussing every time I inoculate
It was registered as a medical institution that can be used for overseas travel vaccination at the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare
website, and a doctor who said that there were many customers for the same purpose also said.
I was surprised to be discussing for the third time I received vaccination at this medical institution even if it was my first time. Do these people have no intention of learning many times?
The clinic at the Kansai Airport told me that it was covered by insurance, but this doctor said if it was not available, they would contact me again and receive a receipt. Doctors and nurses? ? Any suspicious clinic.




This trip can be safely returned, so let's say it is good, if you are bitten in an African backcountry where it takes a few days to go to town in a region
where you can't go home immediately, is it nice? After all I think that pre-vaccination is necessary

If you contact us in advance about the fact before you to Kansai Airport Clinic, it turned out that the malaria preventive drug Mefaquin will prescribe and hand over it immediately after the interview.

Other than that, you need to go to a pharmacy, find a hospital that will write a prescription, make a diagnosis, write a prescription,
and the pharmacy will not be in stock inventory, so you will receive it at a later date.

My future treatment for this bite is to make sure that the bitten dog is alive in the near future, if it has been alive for more than 10 days
it will not be infected, but the decision whether the same dog is carefully, The veterinarian at the health center said that he did not know if it was the same dog, but it is true that it is a prudent opinion on which people's lives are hanging.

2019/6/5(水Wed)  風邪の症状で体がけだるい、時折は濃い水洟がでる
My body gets cold due to the symptoms of a cold, sometimes with a thick blister

2019/6/6(木Thu)  風邪の症状=狂犬病に罹った時の初期症状があったので木津川クリニックに行った。


要するに通常は常備してないワクチンなので事前に医療機関に取り寄せてできて接種できるかを確認して行けば良い。 そしてしっかりした医師のいるしっかりした医療機関に行く事が大切で厚生労働省の海外予防接種の案内のページの検索で出てくる医療機関は必ずしもしっかりしてないいい加減だと判った。
不安なら京都府立医大の渡航ワクチン外来 が良い。

I went to the Kizukawa clinic because I had cold symptoms = initial symptoms when I got rabies.
Tuesday Toshio Maeda doctor 53-year-old had a medical examination. after returning to house,
He explained that the two inoculations were appropriate and, as a result,
there was no harm even if vaccination with no vaccination was necessary.
Also, testing of antibodies can only be done at national research institutes.

The doctor gave a call to me because he visited the hospital and examined it in detail after returning I get home.
If pre-exposure vaccination is within 5 years, 3 vaccinations after injury are OK.
If vaccination is 5 years or more, 6 vaccinations are required in the same sequence as no pre-exposure vaccination. And being. In addition, the vaccination after exposure is covered up to six times by health insurance.
Same vaccine before and after.

It turns out that pre-exposure vaccinations can be used at any medical clinic or hospital, and there is no need to go far hospital for only vaccination.
In short, it is usually a vaccine that is not always available in general, so you can call hospital in advance
if you can order it to a medical institution and can inoculate it. And it is important to go to a firm medical institution with a firm doctor,
and I thought that the medical institution that came out in the search of the page of the guidance for overseas vaccinations of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare was not good enough.

I recommend Kyoto furitu idai vaccination if you are not sure.

The schedule from yesterday's doctor call will be tomorrow.
We called the Kizugawa clinic and contacted Dr. Maeda and said II could go tomorrow if they could prepare the vaccine, we would reply that they could prepare.

 2019/6/8(土Sat) ワクチン接種をした後、看護婦は前田医師に連絡してくれた。
After vaccination, the nurse contacted Doctor Maeda.
The doctor said, "In the United States, pre-vaccination is good for three times after injury, but if he think he will have six times
if he had been bitten, anyway you can use your health insurance six times vactination after bite,  It depends on the patient's intention, "he told me.
It is important that nurses here are used to
vaccines for rabies and other vaccines so that they can respond smoothly and with both doctors.
Payment is only \ 2580us$22-

The reverse side of the inoculated vaccine bottle, the vaccine is dissolved in powder and injected.

2019/6/12(水Wed) この一週間ほどは毎日午後3時頃から2〜3時間も完全に熟睡してしまう。
In this one week, I get a complete sleep for two to three hours every day from around 3 pm.
When I woke up, I couldn't tell where am I and for a while whether it was morning or late afternoon at 5 o'clock. This is has never been done before.
After all we will go for the next 4th inoculation on 15th. Kizugawa clinic telephone reservation 0774-54-1113

2019/6/15(土Sat) 前日に電話して接種に行った。

Confirmed by phone to having vaccine previous day,
Nurse approved me to take picture before open bottle, this is just get out paper box  something white in vaccine brown bottle.
I will take picture from bottom of bottle next time.


  I should have vaccination at July1if follow the original schedule but I was in London at July1 so I went hospital at July4 for vaccination.

 Next is 60days after July4 ,  I should go hospital at Sep2 now I complete original schedule of after bite rabies vaccination
 I asked to doctor that how long this vaccination will effect for rabies but he said there is not sure opinion in medication maybe three years. he said.
