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キューバへの準備 キューバwikipedia Preparation visit to Cuba

According guide book we need tourist card instead of visa to enter but other information said that flight from Mexico able to buy only 1000yen/$9- or able to get visa free of charge flight from Canada some other information said that flight from Canada provide visa available only for Canadian people.
which information is correct or not, better to get tourist card before depart Japan for me,
I get information bellow and send money \5600- to embassy, send passport and appreciation form in Japan,

I called to Cuba embassy Japan to get information and application form by fax as below

Use this form full up and receipt of money transfer to Cuba embassy to embassy in Japan Tokyo

Embassy send to me receipt and tourist card as below by mail



キューバには通貨が二つある、スペイン語でMoneda nacional 人民ペソで、単位はペソ、英語ではCuban Peso、貨幣コードは、CUPと表記されキューバ国民が生活で利用する貨幣。
もう一つの貨幣が、外国人旅行者などが使用する、Peso Cubano Convertibleで、貨幣コードから通称CUC(クック)呼ばれるペソです。

 CUCとCUP キューバ ペソwiki

Cuba has two kind of currency, one is Moneda nacional native people use indicate MN or cup, other one is only for foreigner or tourist called Peso cubano convertible indicate CUC, they have exchange rate CUC to CUP, you can buy cheap price in Cuba but CUP can not exchange to us$ or euro again.

Cuba and America continued not friend till last year after Cuban revolution, so they hate us$ but they have contact other country , so I bring Euro money to exchange local money, specially country side of Cuba will not accept Japanese yen in money exchanger, I wanted to visit not only Havana big city.,
money exchange in Japan will not prepare bank in city even us$ and also Euro, because some of bank offer good exchange rate such as Senshu Ikeda bank, Recently exchange rate is competitive in Japan, government regulated exchange rate before but no rules recently,
I called up many bank rate is similar rate price in many bank around Kyoto city.some of bank show 130.73yen/euro, but other one show 134.45yen/euro include commission .

Now I get to know after back from Cuba, pronounce Cuba and Havana is English , in Spanish pronounce Cuba is Kuba, we write Havana but Spanish wrote La Havana but they will not pronounce first letter of H, so they pronounce Lasagna, Hotel is Otel, Hostel is Oste, one of city in Cuba named Trinidad pronounce Trinidar, but country at Caribbean sea we can find Trinidad Tobago same spelling different pronounce,

2015/1/5(火Tue) いざキューバに向けて出発

I worked till 5pm then going to Kansai airport, I feel hungry so I expecting in flight meal service
Qatar airways QR803 airbus 330 2-4-2 seat arrange. I use middle 4 seat able to use 4 seat sleep well
I enjoy chilled beer before delicious meal service.with white wine


New movie sometimes we can not see in Japan, sometimes very good movie we can see only outside of Japan, I watch all the movie which dub an English film into Japanese.
8 hour after take off Kansai airport, I will ask small middle meal service to keep for my trip
We are flying north of Mt Everest ?
We passed china tintao and Beijing while I watching movie and sleeping,
Oh suddenly turn heading to south north of Islamabad is Pakistan , already going out west from china.
Fly to south area passed Pakistan to avoid Afghanistan to Iran
Morning meal service 10 hours after take off Osaka, yogurt was delicious, I asked attendant only yogurt if they have extra.
Flight QR803 from Osaka 11and half hour to Qatar Doha arrived 4:20am, wait 3 hour to next flight
QR763 Doha to Montreal scheduled 8:30 but took off 9:07 Boeing 777-300ER, I can not get where we are flying now.
Almost full passenger, Canadian living in Myanmar is beside of my seat, he is going home for new year vacation
Flight depart in morning meal service start from breakfast, I will not drink at morning ordered water and coffee.
Surprised we flying to north direction, I expected flight to west way to Canada, now I realized I chose wrong way its long way from Japan to Canada,
Little west from north but almost north direction at caspian sea.
Turning to left, recent aircraft equipped cockpit pilot view by computer graphic on passenger screen, its better than real camera view because camera view include fog and cloud sometimes can not find grand view
I changed map view by my controller , I get to know where the place we fly.
Working as civil engineer for hydraulics electric power plant living in Myanmar come from Canada named Abe, he know Japanese prime minister name same name , but I don't know name of prime minister in Canada, but I know he is youngest in candidate and his age around 40 also father was former prime minister,
Flight is more than 13 hours, this is between meal service
We are flying between England and island when I get between meal, earth is round so this type of map indicate track trace will turn even we will not turn heading direction is flying direct to Montreal.
Meal service before landing Montreal, I chose beef and I want drink beer but I have to change flight and security check, consider officer will check smelling alcohol drinker strict and take long time to pass, i ordered orange juice.
Approaching Montreal airport


Document for entrance Canada, other side of this paper printed French language. many passenger trip with family is common in Canada ? signature each person

In the aircraft and airport is comfortable temperature, I wonder outside is really cold this area ? but we can see snow on road it should be.
Snow on road but no snow parking lot and ramp inside of airport
Working people wear winter jacket and caps, they laughing to me or smiling ?
Flight time less than one hour, Montreal YUL took off 16:16, arrive Toronto YYZ 17:12, it will take 6 hour land transportation, it is enjoyable if I have lot of time chose bus or train

Arrived Toronto on schedule time , I expected get on flight to Havana we have half hour to take off time but they said that they closed check in one hour before, they never accept me even I complaint,
I get to know they will close check in one and half hour before take off time, they will open check in 4 hours before scheduled time, everything is difference from Japanese style
I have to find some of cheap hotel around Toronto airport, I realize that I have not enough winter jacket to city area also I have to consider transportation fee and have to consider availability of myself when I am tired. my destination this trip is tropical country Cuba.
This area exit of airport building, I find many of hotel information with direct phone, check price and condition and also address and full of name, big chain hotel has same name difference address, shuttle bus belong each hotel so driver will not take me other branch even name of hotel is same name.
I catch up shuttle bus service for Best western hotel, bus drove passed free way 20 minutes arrived hotel, I don't have Canadian currency I can pay only credit card, I choice smallest one but two of big double bed it is good for more than 4 people
Fare did not include meal service, Free ride to airport service Best western hotel price 130Canada$ \104.00-, this dinner 23 Canada dollar \1840- include tips.

2015/1/7(木Thu) トロントの朝 Morning in Toronto Canada

Wake up after 7am, I feel hungry but i don't want have breakfast in hotel, I stay in Canada I want to walk outside and having breakfast outside even I don't have Canadian currency, but many of eat shop and food shop close at this time.
This is Canada, nothing around here, I can see Best western hotel, some facility is only storage or garage, agricultural farm, many traffic in big road, we can see snow on the roof of track
I walk while, find some of shop look like eat shop, but I don't have Canadian money, white one on grand is snow
Light is on inside of this house, maybe open already
East of Canada people speak French not English but waiter speak English I am happy, I ordered coffee, ham and eggs, and toast, waitress asked me how will he cook eggs , sunny side up or scramble or ? then he told me "wait at table I will call you when ready"
 In restaurant only one visitor they already eating,
waiter called me in 5 minutes, sunny side up 4.99CAD¥400- Bacon1.99CAD¥160-coffee1.5CAD¥120- Total9.58CAD¥766- paid credit card,
I use credit card only in hotel and this restaurant in Canada,
But  I get information next month that purchase 800CAD in shopping mall contact from credit company I deny to accept it., but I don't know my future when I have breakfast here

Next my flight is late afternoon but I can not go anywhere without enough winter jacket for Canada, I arrive Toronto airport earlier, I am hungry waiting 12 hour at waiting room.
After I get boarding pass flight to Havana I realized air Canada has many flight schedule going to Varadero Cuba, but I have ticket only Toronto to Havana, AC1598 is airbus 320-2
Scheduled time 18:15 become 18:55 flight time 3hour 5minutes, very near from Canada, I expected meal service but served only water this flight, like low cost airline, they have sandwiches with pay, I never buy it.




Cabin attendant provided this tourist card to passenger, she asked me how many I needed, It was not easy to get tourist in Japan but attendant provide without any pay,
it is not necessary to get tourist card before depart Japan, it is completely same form paper which Cuba embassy in Japan send me with pay.
Also I got information that travel insurance is necessary document but passport control did not ask anything about travel insurance

Custom declaration form I bring euro and Japanese yen, other side column for electric appliances which tourist bring but I don't have it , I need only signature






I still did not recovered shock of immigration at Uzbekistan trip, and also Cuba is soviet friendly nation, officer in immigration uniform are military colored military wear,
but young woman working as immigration officer are very short skirt and stocking is very sexy such as bunny girl in night club, she asked me to look camera in front next asking is "do not laugh" , I did not laugh only smiling to see your sexy style, but I did not say it

I surprised Cuban government allow fashionable and sexy wear for young lady ?, this area passport control all girls Caucasian , mixed and look around age 20s are only wear sexy very fitted body line as if we can see panty is on the prowl go and come unnecessary, I wanted take picture but I just control myself I remembered Uzbekistan , I will never do careless action to pass this immigration area,

other worker walking but they have envelope and or business bag but young lady don't have anything, only smiling to tourist, what is purpose of them ?
I will ask my next visit, I will say "you can get chance to de-view nice , fashionable , nice body, can I take your picture ?" maybe she will allow to take picture.

2015/1/8(金Fri) ハバナに着いて宿泊しトリニダーに向かう Arrived Havana and going to Trinidad city world heritage

Arrived Havana late night then take time to immigration when I finish already 12am midnight, I don't have any reservation for tonight, I have to find accommodation and I have to fine eat shop even expensive, what shall I do, what can I do, Cuba is first time for me, when I get off aircraft while walk to immigration, I find one of Japanese lady alone tourist, she said she has reservation one of major hotel, so I ask her to go with her by taxi shared ride, because I don't know where located major hotel and I don't know what name is major one, her reservation is us$85\10000/night, she agreed only go by taxi with me,
situation I become we until reaching major hotel, she said this hotel was Hilton hotel before Cuban revolution,
we are waiting check in luggage on conveyer , we wait long time here This is Cuba not in Japan,
I exchange money 200euro to local currency 207cuc exchange rate is \135/cuc, we catch up taxi and asked price to new down town of Havana, driver said 30cuc, it should be 20cuc according tour guide so I negotiate 25cuc , Streetlamp is minimum sometimes very dark, drove half hour to destination, unfortunately I had 20cuc and 4cuc , I cut off one cuc to pay because drive half hour 25cuc/\3400/us$30- is too expensive.

This hotel was Hilton hotel before 1957 revolution, big American style elevator equipped 6 unit but moving only half of it, even moving some indicator lamp did not show position, or not function switch, but I can get to know which elevator will coming without indicator not show it, sounds of moving elevator very noisy i can guess which one will open door, Do they have maintenance work ? I can answer "no"
Reserved person such as Japanese lady price is us$85\10000 but none reservation guest is us$240\28800- like me,
I can pay only visa credit card, receptionist asked me "this is not American express, right ?" friendship Cuba and America started again recently but they can not change payment system so soon, I ever heard available to use us$ in city like before revolution.
Before 3am I got this meal, inside of lobby grand floor of hotel, meal 12cuc\1560-, one beer 2.75cuc\357- is expensive, I can not sleep if very hungry
Family next table talking Spanish language
, I can not understand anything.
All the guest go back to their own room at this time
This floor is 17, floor switch was exist 26 big hotel, I will sleep from now 3am,

朝になった、夜が明けた、ここはキューバ、ハバナだ、見えるのはカリブ海だ。 キューバ観光案内  外務省によるキューバの解説 キューバwikipedia
It's morning, this is Cuba this is Havana, sea is Caribbean sea.
I have no idea of schedule this week, what shall I do where I will go ?
Price this hotel include free breakfast, I will think about it while I have breakfast, they check room number entrance of restaurant.

Mvi3804.avi 118sec
I exchange money 200euro only at airport, it is not enough for one week, I asked concierge way to exchange money in town.
I can see new car , china car , Korean car, it will malfunction pretty soon
i don't feel fear while walking town alone
Information in hotel said something "kadeca" is this one ? inside of building was crowded few people making line at outside, security guard asked next people at entrance
This is food shop, I am not hungry also not thirsty, but I feel clean everywhere than other country

朝2時にチェックインしてus$240も払ったのに朝9時過ぎにチェックアウトでは心残りだが次の予定を決めて出て行くことが大切 !
Too luxury hotel for me, I paid us$240 at check in 2am today, then I will check out at 9 am too short stay, but I need to make schedule and have to go out today


15 hour by bus to south end of Cuba but I don't want go today, I have to avoid arrive late night not easy to find good hotel, I find destination Trinidad distance about 5 hour by bus according tour guide, information in hotel said bus will depart 11am, I take taxi to bus terminal, not far but rainy day and I don't know route to terminal,, price is us$11cuc10\1300- walking distance.this car made in china,
Strong rain but people ride bicycle no umbrella
I remember this yellow building picture in tour guide somewhere, I don't know name of this
I get information bus terminal is in front of zoo
Mvi3818.avi 25sec
Crowded ticket office, waited one hour but can not buy ticket here, they said "ticket today should go up stair", I wanted get to know it earlier, time is 10:55
I get ticket up stair parking floor, when I paid driver get my ticket, I asked him to take picture but he said "no, come soon" I can say only confirmed "your bus way to Trinidad right ?"
バスは予定より5分ほど早く出発した、雨が降ってハバナ市内の幹線道路交差点はこの混み具合、雨はひどくないがクラクションの嵐 !。
Bus departed 5 minutes earlier than schedule time, major street of Havana city is so crowd, rain is not heavy but car horn is heavy
Go out city area way to Trinidad, free way to south east
Drove two hours, break time lunch time.
Buffet style restaurant, asked driver this ticket include meal service or not but driver can not understand English.
Mvi3830.avi 35sec
One of German lady sit beside of me named Petra, she asked about ticket and meal service, but not included, she is not hungry and I am too, we ordered coffee . she can understand Japanese, talk and read , write if simple letter,
Petran lived 3 years worked public relations adviser at Hakuhodo and Marui, she is retired and living small island in Mediterranean sea. she is alone traveller.
we will not talk much sometimes talk Japanese, we can communicate English if complex story.
I can enjoy only watching view outside is enough, i can see any age of car and track recent style uses.
Finished lunch time break, depart again, big street is 2 or 3 lane, but no streetlamp, horse car cow car, bicycle drive right side of this road without light I am afraid at night
Local farmer working road side farm
Vehicle drive very first but cow and horse car appear suddenly many times, Road side two lady try to ask pick up to car include bus,
Cow car horse car driving same road speed limit 90km/h is right ?
We will pass cow car when we not see in coming vehicles
Many people waiting picking up car at wait station exit of connecting road to town
This is very slow, I thought cow car of hoarse car but this is tractor,
Arrived bus terminal small town, this is track but people ride purpose, passenger can see outside window of cargo box, equipped long bench for passenger , I saw this type of track always, people necessary transportation but can not buy bus for public transportation for native people.
Finished break time this town, Bus depart again
Clime up hill, I saw bus made in china only but can not see get on native people, bus is only for tourist ?
Drive old car hoarse car same road
Find mountain
Peacefully country road
Lot of dirty polution exhaust gas is old track
Planted lot of tree around house avoid strong sun
Continue country road
Public track instead bus is operated local distance ?
Arrived one of small town stone pavement road
Destination Trinidad is world heritage all the town, is this the one ?
Bus is parking mean this is bus terminal ? or only stopping bus here ?
This bus waited pass this bus we will turn right next corner maybe.
Small space bus terminal at middle of town, all the passenger get off bus many tricycle driver come up to be get passenger, this town able only none engine cycle taxi, I have to find hotel for tonight, my friend Petra has reservation at pension house, I am expecting her pension house will find some of another pension this town, This trip first day and second day I only follow girl to find accommodation
I only expect they will find for me, but not sure, I have to come back to bus terminal by myself alone if I can not get accommodation tonight., I take picture every time when tricycle turn corner to memory, I can not get to know where I am ,I can not understand Spanish language town
I confirm when I back , take picture for memory to return
This none motor tricycle taxi still drive stone paved up hill,
This is side view, we drive straight long distance maybe 1km.
あれっ車止め、この三輪自転車タクシーは通り抜けられないぞ !
Oh vehicle stop, we can not pass from here
to destination.
Close to sunset, driver guide to destination but it is not my pension, its only Petra can stay, I am very nervous at this time, I have to find myself ? driver carry bag and guide to this road.

We pass here , take picture to memory for return to terminal, I don't know my future at this time but I will get pension house here , the houuse has red laundry hanging shirts on roof will become my accommodation after 20 minutes, I still walk very nervous at this time, People preparing for night shop

Road way to hill side, big wire follow near top of outside wall of house is supply electric for residence, each house and it will get electricity each house as branch at main entrance each house.

We arrived petra's accommodation pension house, she asked owner of pension for my accommodation, I am happy to know it.
In a minutes one of house wife pick me up and take me here house with light, old father standing entrance, this market place opening night shop, I remenber passed here already.
House wife landlady named Doris age around 40s, her daughter greeting to me but she can not understand English, Doris can understand "breakfast is at seven thirty" only simple English.
I ordered dinner when I arrived this pension, Petra went tour agency applied one of tour tomorrow, she send me message I replied "Yes" to her., Tomato soup is delicious.
This is all the dishes my dinner, 10cuc\1300us$11euro10-. right down side is salty bean soup such as Azuki Japanese bean chicken soup, center up is fried banana , center bottom is salad, Left side is pumpkin and chicken meat, i cloud not eat chicken even one bite.

今日のハバナからトリニダ−迄の移動軌跡 Track trace of trip today from Havana トリニダーTrinidad Wikipedia

View from terrace from my dinner table 2nd floor, night shop was finished time is 20:30.

Petra find some of guide who speak English, we go out to town of Trinidad, is this music hall ?
 Museo Romantico build at 1808
Old town old houses lot of street lamp not dark
surface of road looks flat but not so, all the stone bring from beach or river and make it flat by hand, big up and down surface
We follow guide sometimes stop when we can listen music
Our pension is up side of this hill, we are walking down middle of town near bus terminal
Mvi3909.avi 36sec
This is post office of Trinidad
This car used for taxi, not easy to find this type of old car even in Cuba.
Mvi3917.avi 65sec
In bright area people dancing, we are sit down and watching listening
Oh I can not read Spanish
Ruinas de segarteはナイトクラブのようだ Ruinas de segarte
This should be night club Runas de segarte
We go in and ordered beer,
Mvi3927.avi 63sec
Business card, Petra stay in upper one , I stay in Lower one
Business card opposite side: I stay in Upper one , Petra stay in lower one

歩き疲れて帰りました、明日はどんな日が来るやら We are tired to walk, I can not think tomorrow, I will sleep well

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