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2015/1/9(土Sat) トリニダー Trinidad の街から一日ツアー Trinidad one day tour

 トリニダーの町 Trinidad Wikipedia

Mvi3928.avi 33sec
Wake up earlier I had time to breakfast, I walk out before 7am,
Every house still close door , window close too, The paved stones were cultivated sugar cane here and sent to Spain by boat, when departing from here, they were full of sugar cane, but when returning from Spain, they were empty and unbalanced and dangerous. So it seems that stones have been piled up as ballasts, so the center of this town is cobbled.
Parking car near stop bar, lot of house but very few car stopped vehicle is expensive for people this area
It is not easy to make flat surface road by natural stone, I saw little water flow many times but not bad smell no bit of rice, this is not polluted water,
I said Vuenos dias good morning, he work hard alone to clean up this area.
Black wire under roof is electric power supply line, insulated white porcelain from wall, this area locate near sea mean lot of salt will make electric leak, I wonder is this enough for insulate it ? wire is covered by vinyl plastic but this house get electric from connecting point but not covered, sea anchor sign show this house able offer rent room as accommodation.
High school girl going to school at this time, also donkey start to work too ?
Mvi3938.avi 35sec
High voltage pass over electric pole use transformer to make public use 100V , public use voltage provide electric line follow house wall outside
Guava juice, fruit plate carrot color is papaya, plate left side is egg and tomato, two of pot is hot milk and coffee, served good for 3 cups.
Sun rise up while I have breakfast, Doris asked me to umbrella as sun shade but I said not necessary because not hot and I want enjoy sun light
joining people in front of Cuba tour agency but crowded this area
Petra and I started pension earlier, we have time to go to find for transportation tomorrow, bus ticket was fully booked this few days, I can not stay here long time.
I have to choice find another destination or back to Havana ,
Petra asking many people and find some of boy offered manage taxi 50cuc\6500- to Santiago de Cuba , fatty African senior people, he said he will pick me up my pension, I show business card of my pension, he said he has another two people. I have to trust him.

This Cuba tour agency manage only local tour only, I am nervous but no choice tomorrow.

This is down town area of Trinidad, lower area of bus terminal , water did not smell not dirty water
We find tour vehicle for today, we will get on track
This is tour ticket for two of us today, 70cuc72euro more than \4000- per person,
Petra and I sit down on chair front side, I remembered last night we are listening musing out side is the this red house
Depart tour slow drive but engine is very noisy
Indicate name of city or town and distance kilometer above
Track drive going up to mountain
We can see many times parking car while under repair in this country, this old style can not keep good maintenance well due to no repair parts supplied
Many tree branch will hit us on cargo space
This girl able to speak German, Spanish and English but Petra said her Spanish is awful, many of European people will try to study
Road will turn right and left, very noisy engine, tour guide joked, made in china engine, made in soviet body, made in Cuba driver,, we need loud talk each other at cargo space

Very dark cloud coming, I bring simple rain coat but become cold when rainy at mountain, no one bring winter coat, It will become very cold if become wet while driving, Already feeling little cold here

Everybody wear is not mind but enjoying
First stop and view point here, this house is toilet and souvenir shop, view point is top of this small mountain walk five minutes, announced we stay here 15 minutes,
At top of view point roof, this direction should be south, Caribbean see way to Jamaica,
Nice wind west direction.
Mvi3964.avi 35sec
South east direction, we can see road below which we drove to come here
North east direction is low cloud, I pray rain will not come, we will depart again after soon
Arrived one of top of mountain, here is hotel and tourist information, , I wonder how they find guest to this hotel in middle of mountain far from Trinidad city nothing around here


We are here locate blue square middle of map
I can not go anywhere we stay here only 10 or 15 minutes, I only take picture here
Informed many of natural resource and facility ?
Is this information for guide to tour
Arrived next destination, I find old style motor bike, this type of engine is 2cycle engine.
Tour guide explained old style coffee bean roster, explain how difference from modern style
To get coffee core from seed of coffee after harvest , put coffee in a mortar and hit woody hummer, machine with pulley bring from new York in 1900s
Last stage is taste Cuban coffee, coffee in a small cup such as cup for drink Japanese sake served, this coffee will add lot of sugar even small cup. this is Cuban coffee
We depart next destination, very steep road very narrow road width only one car, what driver will do if he find other car coming ?
We get off track, we will walk way to water fall, guide said everybody wear shoes good for walk well and bring swimming wear ?
First boy is guide only for this road way to water fall, second boy is our tour guide , everybody fallow us !
Red one is real coffee bean, roasted coffee bean is inside of core of this bean, it consist such as peach outside soft part is sweet smell and flavor is really good tasty, not bitter core will use as coffee beans, I wanted make coffee juice made only soft part of harvest of this,.
There is one very expensive coffee, process to make is some animal eat this beans and dung will wash and get only core then roasted one , I wanted say that if I will eat this coffee who will wash my dung ? but I did not say it because someone was young lady. it will not become funny joke.
There is water fall head of us, guide said

更にガイドに付いて歩いて行く We follow guide to water fall

Mvi3997.avi 87sec
We just stopped and break time, we walk up hill everybody become tired, on the way to next destination
I could not hear this explanation
Oh we have to walk this narrow slippy road is way to next destination ? no one will fall to water ?
Guide said, walk in the water ahead of us find water fall, wear swimming wear if you bringing, many people get off wear shirt only swim wear old and young lady too
We can hear sound of water fall, this area water not deep
Everybody come back in five minutes, they said too cold
Petran and I have nothing to do, we can see is only looking people will change wear from swimming wear to ordinary shirts, we wait them at wide area.
He is tour guide today, he can speak clear English, bamboo here is grow planting together , looks Japanese Moso-toku.
Guide explained plant everybody look at bottom of foot
Everybody satisfied and finished going back to track, guide announced "next we will have lunch" already time is 2pm
This is facility to stay or camping, and having many kind of animals like zoo, we will have lunch from now.
Beginning is bread and pineapple, papaya, banana on plate, next plate is salad with chicken, provide two peaces per person, but I can not even only one,
Belgium lady singing song, they said this is real Belgium song, you can listen below
Mvi4019.avi 37sec
Climate will change when going down from mountain, cold weather become hotter we can feel near sea
Town we can see should be Trinidad
She talk to tour guide
We come back to city of Trinidad late afternoon,
Is this a newly created cityscape? The road is not cobbled

Track trace of tour today SugaCane IngeniosVallay TrinidadCuba

I had beer, dinner is 6cuc6euro\780- prepared Tomato soup, chicken based pumpkin soup, include some of small cut noodles feel like potato, I had it all except bread, delicious.
We go out to walk after dinner
 Music band playing on stage of Plaza Santisima Sra.de Trinidad
Plaza Santisima Sra. de Trinidad , far from stage where playing music band but many people gathered
German lady Petra enjoying life, she has round trip ticket to sanchago de cuba after my visit
Mvi4043.avi 95sec
We stop again when we listen good music
Mvi4044.avi 36sec
場所:Calle Antonio Maceo 55, Trinidad 90100,Cuba
Continue good music good sound of instruments, we are listen standing outside of this restaurant.
Mvi4047.avi 120sec
This is my bed, equipped air conditioner

2015/1/10(日Sun) サンチャゴ デ クーパまで車で移動

Account bill, two night , information from above room charge, breakfast, dinner, is 10cuc and 6cuc,
beer530ml 2cuc,water bottle 500ml 2cuc

$と表示してあるのはcucのようです、合計90cuc-¥11700-をキューバ通貨90cucで支払う。indicate $ mean cuc total 90cuc I paid cash.native money

I had breakfast same place but people preparing shop at market place from early morning
On table pot right up is coffee, middle of table is warmed mild, this is good for milk coffee, I enjoy breakfast everyday.
someone manager picked me up by car at 8:30 , I said thank you to Petra, manager asked me to pay 50cuc to driver when arrived Santiago de Cuba, how about commission for manager ??
After pick me up picked up some other two of young lady, then we go out Trinidad, young lady is Taiwanese age around 20s, able to communicate English but not driver.
Driver sometimes singing and drive increase speed, but more than 80km sometimes can not accelerate suddenly, as if miss fire of spark plug .as if brake by engine
I forget switch on GPS tracker, Cuba is agricultural socialism country.
Driving car with singing but when reach 100km speed engine brake stated while passing another slow car, not stable drive
Driver stopped car and try to repair but not recovered, he remove high voltage wire one by one while engine is running, every cylinder remove wire show same symptoms, all spark plug is not bad., he stop every 10 km and open engine hood.
But sometimes continue good tune of engine, any trouble is not my responsibility, even this trip to Santiago de Cuba will stop any place such as no houses grass field, I have some resolution to spent night. other passenger young lady will afraid but its OK I can manage everything except this car.
While good tune of engine, we can pass old slow car
I enjoy talking Taiwanese young lady, she talk me story way to Trinidad yesterday, car malfunction stopped on road, many car stopped and many people helped repair and find solution, she show me picture yesterday trouble, car was old age around 1945 American car like picture above.
I enjoyed take picture in front seat, I asked her if too much wind come in to rear seat, I have to take care Taiwanese lady as Japanese boy. they had visit to Japan many times and visited Kyoto too.
cow or goat on grass, continue wood fence follow road, I gave my card and contact me when next visit. I asked.
Is this pond or river ? water did not moved
BIENVENIDOS歓迎と書いてある、下は町の名前らしいが Sancti spiritus Wikipedia (English)
Information show welcome to Sancti Spiritus.
牛車は遠慮して??道端の草道路を走るの? 牛にとっても止まれば食べるものが直ぐあるし良いのかも
Cow car reserve paved road or grass road is happy ? food everywhere is happy for cow ?
採りたてのサトウキビを馬車で運んでるがこんな少しの量では砂糖工場に運ぶわけではなさそうだ、露天のサトウキビジュース売りにするのか?, インドのニューデリーからタージマハールへの道中を思い出す。
what he will do only little sugar came carrying hoarse car destination is not sugar factory, maybe sugar came juice open air shop , I remember trip in new Delhi to Tajmahal in India.
Is this the place to serve water ? little far from road if it is waiting area.
We arrive one of small town, big cross section but can not see road information around here
Driver find waking people and asked way to Santiago de Cuba, drive back and turn to right, are you all right ?

Ciego_de_vila 70kmと表示してある Where is thisどんな所だろうCiego de vila(English)
Information show Ciego de villa
Iron bridge, I can guess this road was railway before
Size of Cuba is similar of main land of Japan, but big river here

Taiwanese lady want to go toilet, she can not speak English
Small shop people can not understand English, I remember Spanish is BANO, people give me direction behind of shop we don't need pay to toilet like south America.
Taiwanese lady back from BANO then I visit toilet, but no door anybody can see inside from road, right side white wall is out side of toilet road side, how she fiished toilet ?
Carrying sugar came by big cargo track, driver always smoke when stopped, i said to him "can you arrive Santiago de Cuba today" but he can not understand what I said
Nothing this view only tropical country
Refuel at small town or village, but not full tank order only 10cuc\1300- one litter is 0.7cuc so fuel add only 14 liter
Wire for electric supply everywhere, proof of people has civilized life
Many place road is straight line in field, car drive more than 100km/h
I did not see damaged road or bumpy road because very few traffic?
Left side side walk is plat farm for train,
Mini motor bike tricycle
Parking car mean someone living but not active this town
Not hot climate at this time but very little people walking this town
Two lane road

Stop and repair again here, how many times you try to repair, no improve everytimes, already five times or more you repair
Road left is way to small village ? but not bumpy road, main road paved right side
He re-assemble same part of car, I can read he will take more than half hour.
I have nothing to do to wait him
Lamda製 エンジンは1500cc よし、これで出発
Made in Lamda engine 1500cc, Lets go
Car will stop at cross of railway, small house is small shop mean this is railway station ?
shop is near should be railway station here
Driver stopped again and he bought onion and other goods,
He stop again, he repair same part of car high voltage distributor, this car is not made in Japan, system is not simple, much complex even only distributor, we can not drive if he lose small spring or screw,
 Camaguey Wikipedia (English)
Drive again, This is town CAMAGUE,
Driver stopped and entered passenger will follow him, already 1pm maybe OK for lunch, as if small kitchen house , I did not order anything , I don't want eat anything like this shop consider cleanness, and I still have sandwich from Havana and I can suffer hungry, I kept sandwich in refrigerator last night.
Behind of kitchen house, small children playing, I gave candy and take picture, Adios , children is bear foot but face is Caucasian, I remember country south east Asia.
Did not indicate anything one of old girl only standing outside of this shop, she did not announce anything about food, maybe driver knew well here.
Driver easily flattered he can not understand English rice is red beans and rice such as Japanese SEKIHAN, rice is indica rice, white food is chicken he said. Taiwanese lady ordered food and paid all the bill, because this driver did not pay anything.
When he bought onion, I try to get taste few beans, looks like Japanese AZUKI, they use this for beans rice
I am very mind railway maintenance after i visit east Europe.
not bumpy railway , flat surface, well maintenance, and railway is active.
Surface of rail is shinning mean operating train, driver stopped every cross railway, I cross more than 20 times today.
I get on front seat but seat back is almost strait so I want recline my seat back, I asked Taiwanese lady behind of me to recline little, but this car is too old car , this seat arable to recline ,its better seat behind.
Everybody drive slow, bicycle, horse car, tractor too 自転車も馬車も農耕作業車もゆっくり

Stopped car, I thought he will have break time
He try to repair and reassemble engine again, are you really OK to arrive today!!
While he repair I will walk to take picture around here, white shinning beside of railway is plat form of this station, we cross railway so many times but I did not see any train, train schedule is once a day ?
He started again with singing
Mvi4134.avi 111sec
Someone called his cell phone and he talk long time, I walk outside of car, late afternoon start become dark already
Mother and child stay at outside of house, I give candy and take picture
この後は暗くなるが同乗の台湾人女性の「Oh No no」の声で私は目が覚めた。
その後は運転手が電話して何やら話していたが女性が再び「No No」今度は何かと尋ねたら誰かを同乗させようとしていると、



While driving become dark and I was sleeping in the car, I wake up when lady said "oh no no no" driver try to turn small animal road from 3 lane express way, location is near Santiago and driver want visit his house first but no light area no street light very dank country side small house, then driver called someone, I realized again when lady said "oh no no no" driver try to get on someone in the car, I said "you can get on someone but after you send us to city of Santiago de Cuba " he understood my English,
The behavior of driver against behavior of Taiwanese women is appropriate, who were saying “No” when the driver carelessly put others on the car and drove their sideways to firm.
I did not feel anxious, but I think I should say the same sayin in same situation even if I do not have anxiety. Let's keep it in mind from now on.

we waited beside of express way driver come back with water bottle, he asked us to drink cold water. no one will drink it.
Half hour to send Taiwanese destination , I said "You are paying for driver's lunch price and it is necessary to negotiate and deduct from the payment amount regardless of English speaking ability", Lady got courage from my advice, so she explained to the driver and accepted the deduction of the amount.

Taiwanese lady mind me after they get off, she asked me that she will ask her pension to my accommodation, but I said I have reservation too, and I have to pay 50 cuc, its big money for driver so I think he will send me right place, I was nervous but i said thank you and good bye to them.

Next is my destination

I will have hard time to find my destination if driver give up here, but this country is tropical area, not cold I still survive here
I don't know name of road and can not speak Spanish, driver ask many place many times with address on paper
Driver asked many times but we find it, left side florescent lamp is my destination and right florescent lamp is my room, when I arrive entrance i called "Sandra" she answered "shi" mean yes, I feel at home, she operate her house and room her neighborhood.
 I payed 50cuc to driver , My room equipped double bed and single bed with shower room other room is kitchen with refrigerator
今夜のご飯はサラダ5cucとハバナのホテルの朝食で作った何日か私のカバンに入っていたサンドイッチに、これは現地? の缶ビール
Dinner tonight salad 5cuc, sandwich from Havana hotel, and beer is native brand?

トリニダーを出てからGPS機器の電源を入れるのが遅かった、途中からサンチャゴデクーパまでの移動軌跡 更にその右にアメリカが占拠している米軍基地のあるグアンタナモがある。
Track trace of trip today. I could not switch on at Trinidad city , right side Guantanamo is occupied as us military base even America and Cuba was not friend

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