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2015/1/13(水Wed) キューバと長期間国交断絶していたアメリカだがずっと存在するグアンタナモ米軍基地はサンチャゴ デ クーパの右、ハバナへ車で移動の軌跡
America was break diplomatic relation to Cuba, but Guantanamo US militarily base was keep to use it while not friend each other , located right side of Santiago de Cuba.
Track trace Santiago de Cuba to Havana

Sometimes rain while driving, we arrive Santa Clara in 2am, this is destination of Argentina passenger
Some of people enjoy night breeze at this time,driver asked destination but they can not get right direction,
Argentina has reservation so driver continue ask many road many times.
Argentina couple get of near this church




After got off Argentina couple, driver went bus terminal to find other passenger to Havana, but bus terminal has only few people in midnight Santa Clara.

He has no choice direct drive Havana passed express way,
then arrived destination in Havana at 3:30am, driver and argue English and Spanish.
I said that I paid 10 cuc when leave Santiago de Cuba so I need to pay only 50 cuc they said, if you can not trust me try to call manager Santiago.
city of name and manager is same Santiago but he did not confuse it, we can understand it.
House wife owner of pension house can not handle English well, she did not ask any detail of issue. she paid 8 cuc instead of me.
I explained to owner Ramon later, he understand my talk depart Santiago de Cuba to arrive Havana, driver changed but former driver did not explain it to next driver.

I should ask to write receipt on my not book, this is main purpose of this book to avoid misunderstand or make unnecessary issue, but they know phone number of manager, so they can get back from Santiago later,
Cuban people is honest but we have to ask to write for make sure when situation is irregular .
My room single double bed 30cuc per day
This is kitchen for visitor, we can have self cooking, gas range , sink , outside tree is park other side of road
In the morning this is the park in front of kitchen.
Owner Ramon will go out to city of old Havana, he send me to somewhere
Nice road along bay new town to old town
We can see big bus sometimes
Not classic car but this type of old car age after WW2 we can see always.
this is Castillo de San Salvador de la Punta
Other side should be Fortaleza de San Carlos de La Cabana
この辺りは観光客のスポットだ オールドハバナと呼ばれる地域
This area is sight seeing spot as old Havana.
Ramon drop me off here, he is on way to his job.
Taxi use old car , we can see almost old car here
 cestillo de la real fuerza
People can see old type of cannon, I will enter from here
This is gyro to know time and position for cruise from Europe to here in middle ages
Sailor will measure astronomical observation to know present position, explain in Spanish
Model of sailboat structure inside
This model show how to drive ship rudder, how make unfurl a sail
Model shape of sail and flag for sailing ship
Cross section of ship structure
Model of vertical cutting section
Ship out side view
View outside of this castle fort
People will pass this bridge to entrance here
When I get in one of lady staff get my camera and say "make pose I will take your picture"
Then she ask money as reward in Spanish, I make face confuse and can not understand, so she get coin from her wallet and show me.
Other side is big castle Fortaleza de San Carlos de La Cabana
This fort surrounded canal
Model of big sailing ship cruise Caribbean sea
Ship native people
Other staff lady ask me take my picture, then she get off close chain for me, and she show me one of paper money and give me in Spanish, I answered I don't need if pay in English, she say, OK no pay you can go enter.by pantomime
Finally I go up to tower, other side of channel is Fortaleza de San Carlos de La Cabana
Old town this side
Not so many view, I will get down, very steep stair.
Visitor can not come here but she remove chain and allow enter here
I visit here but did not see another visitor
I take picture with her instead give money
I can hear nice sound, where from ・・・
Mvi4451.avi 79sec
Many of tourist walking here, native people sell anything, old books picture
I worry rain it will has damage
Guevara is still most favoring for everybody in Cuba after he died long time,
なんだか雰囲気の良い通りに吸い込まれて歩く オビスポ通り 他の人のブログ
Good atmosphere this street, sucked me to walk here Obispo street
Some guy long hair standing beside of restaurant,, sometimes he look inside
Pretty nice lady inside of restaurant, I understand he want draw when I see from his shoulder
Early teenager lady wear nice dress, holding lower edge is mother, similar face
Don't take picture sign this fashioned old lady
What is this guard ? drain ?
Mvi4462.avi 124sec
Music band playing in this hotel for European tourist ?
Mvi4463.avi 44sec
旧市街だが大きなホテルが並ぶ地域 中心部でも高くないAmbosMundos Hotel
Big hotel in old town Havana
I got from other webpages
Road restaurant as terrace in front of big hotel
I saw car stop pole in town, is this re use of old cannon ?
street lamp is good atmosphere is good in old town Havana
I can see many green middle of old town
I find look like public eat shop all chair using only counter chair. i watched while, sit down first then order something, cooker bring to visitor. I can eat it if I know system of this eat shop, finally I only went toilet here.
Many place is under construction middle of old town Havana
Maintenance well even old building
Name of road is indicated even small narrow road, no need to worry lose my position
しばらく歩いて革命博物館にやってきた キューバ革命博物館
I walk one hour to revolution museum,
This small boat get on Castro and his 80 friend come from Mexico to Santiago de Cuba
Battle tank
Become wet when heavy rain outside display fighter
fighter is very big
President office at revolution
Castro and his group hiding in mountain to keep guerrilla activity

Acquit Castro and his member of the charge go out from court right side is Castro, he will go Mexico to make next plan.
This old radio transmitter used at revolution , yes it should be, already some parts lose for function
Lot of picture of Castro and Guevara.
I paid entrance fee and get ticket but she get ticket when go up stair, I said this is very important memory for me, then she give it return to me. anyway I can not re use it indicated purchase date.

I confirm my present position on map, i walk turn from hotel telegrapho, walking neptuno street.

this products made form plastic or aluminum casting again
This house gathering many manufacture in one big house, right side is repair shop for motor bike, machine repair, place fluorescent lamp is barber and you can see costumer,, near side electric and cellophane repair shop,, most near people standing red shirts is playing mah-jpmgg.

少々貧しい人達の住む通りか? カリブ海は直ぐ右に数百mの距離、あちこち曲がると迷うのでとりあえずまっすぐ歩くことにしよう。雨が降り出さないことを願って、蒸し暑くもなく普通に歩いていれば汗もかかない気候 A rea poor people living here ? Caribbean see is right side few hundred meter away I will walk straight to avoid lose my position if I turn right and left. I pray no rain will started

交差点で右を見ると向こうにカリブ海が見える、海の見える通りとは常に直角の通りを歩くく  Cross section right side we can see Caribbean see, I keep see Caribbean see right side to keep to know my present position

White paper stick is bag for roasted peanuts 10centerbo/us$0.8\13- , selling entrance of his house, good smell and delicious peanuts, I bought 3 stick
Find some of food shop building, tenant is food material , buyer will order by word of mouth, staff will bring food or material put in a plastic bag . this style is quite popular in Havana
 I walk 8 hour from breakfast, I feel hungry so I find small eat shop on street. no food display only wrote in menu, I can understand only right side number 3 from above I thought water is aqua but they indicate agua, water 1cuc is 24cup mean 24mn,
when I enter this ship he still had lot of food on his plate , so I ordered waitress by direct my hand, same as he eating, he explained to me in English "this is beef this plate is best choice in this shop! thank you.
She was eating big plate when I enter this shop, beside of road will pass always old car always exhaust dirty black gas.
 I can not communicate with her but she understand little English, she answered in Spanish , she get what I talk but can not speak English. when we get communicate well she give me winked on her eyes, so I take picture
This plate left side: beef with fried vegetable , up: fried potato, below cabbage and carrot, right Indian rice with red beans,
Paid 5. 4cuc\700us$6.6- i did not give tips, other people did not pay too.
Ivory colored car is entrance of eat shop, indicate read one is OPEN
Building on a top of hill is Havana hospital
 I asked many times to my destination way back pension house, I can not communicate but she try to walk hold my hand, she talk to me something like "I will take to right way right road" she speak only Spanish, short while some of small children walking she talk to child as if her child, very wild opportunist, I can not understand but I will laugh together with her.
She want hold my hand this way , I only want know right direction to back my pension, I said that I can go myself I need only direction in English, when we reach next corner she leave from me and leaving. she said "OK bye bye"
 I find hangul letter one of get on big house at Paseo street,, on top of building equipped long distance short wave antenna, this is not modern style way to contact long distance, we communicate only satellite communication
Find someone outside of display Kim jon won north Korea
Arrive near pension in 10 minutes, outside of this river is Caribbean sea
Start rain already, I can reach without umbrella, just before 5pm
Street light is on , three floor this house second floor is pension, grand floor and third floor living another family
Ramon and his second daughter junior high school student
Mvi4540.avi 108sec、ラモンが演奏して聞かせてあげなさいと言ったのでスマートホンで音楽を聞かせてくれる
Daughter playing music for me by smart phone
 I ordered dinner tonight is 10cuc, salad and fried white fish, and chicken with square potato is for family of Ramon, I eat together. with family

今日は沢山歩いた、明日はドナイな日になるやら I walk long time long distance today, what I will do tomorrow

2015/1/14(木Thu)  雨のハバナ Rainy day in Havana

Rainy day from morning, sometime heavy rain, I don't want walk outside with umbrella, Its good choice I finished sight seeing old town yesterday
Not heavy rain continue, only sometimes Ramon said like this weather when climate change, I explained we have rainy season in japan before summer.
This is north side Caribbean sea side
 I asked use internet connection , he take me to somewhere by car
He said we can connect inside of this copacabana hotel, drop me off here.

 Inside of hotel , this is initial screen of internet connection
 I try to find way to connection, indicate only Spanish and can not understand system, I got this screen to input something but I can not find card ID and password, I bought internet card at Santiago de Cuba,, I don't mind above look like input email address but I input only left side of "@" and password, , Done connected
 I use short while maybe 20 minutes , I try to use Japanese page but another screen appeared , can not function anymore
 I can not understand this small window indicate only Spanish, I asked staff of hotel , he said I use all the amount of charge already,
This is the internet card for connection, 2cuc\260us$2.1- for one hour, already spent time one hour ? I read Japanese page only 20 minutes, I asked they have this card in hotel but they don't have it.
Ramon pick me up at hotel, I will back to his pension house,  I need to buy some snack for tomorrow, tomorrow morning  I leave 5am mean no breakfast , first flight no meal  service, second flight no meal, first meal is tomorrow night after take off third flight maybe I am very hungry tomorrow, after I had dinner next meal is 28 hours later, this house did not indicate as shop only ordinary house but this is snack shop.
This is Cuba currency only for foreigner but native people use this money , I did not have chance to CUP money which use only native people
Other side of paper money, everybody use money which exchangeable to foreign currency such as us dollar or euro
 I asked to make lunch today 6cuc
Ramon use Koran car Hyundai,entrance of stair way is right side of car
find Tour guide in pension

Delicious beer today, I asked make dinner same one as yesterday dinner
Visit Ramon one of his friend named Angel I enjoyed to talk, he identify round mark on card below, lower card named AmaCuba, he said he is retired already so I asked age, he is 52 years old


Business card upper : Ramon owner name of pension come from name of wife his wife named VIAMA, Ramon can understand even difficult English.
Viana said she can not understand but better than Sandra pension house in Santiago de Cuba, Ramon has two room for visitor one is I used,
also he will send or pick up at airport 20cuc, breakfast is 2cuc but it is depend on contents, coffee and toast, fruits, dinner salad and fried white fish is 7cuc,
when I go out somewhere will not ask money if he will go same direction,, distance to airport or old city from here 4km, when necessary pick up , call Cel number
it is Ramon s phone


2015/1/15(金Fri) ハバナからカナダ経由で日本へ Havana to Japan via Canada

部屋はダブルベッド、Ready to go before 5am
This toilet bowl will supply water inside around but you can see water inlet side bottom will make eddy water give flash something well
I kept this important tourist card , this is necessary document with passport to go out immigration, I get out 4:58 already Ramon waited me.
Drive only 20 minutes departure terminal I said thank you and good bye to Ramon.
Better to back from Cuba in rainy season, rainy day today
Arrival lobby is dark but departure lobby is very bright
Lot of departure from early morning
This is the line for air Canada , just before I arrive line, come in front of me two of couple age around 60 and middle age lady total 5 people and native tour guide lined,
short while she is looking for something, she get out everything from her luggage. look like she looking for tourist card for immigration, when moving line she also push her luggage and stuffs to keep her position of line, she looks tour guide for old people , no one has tourist card only passport
tourist card is necessary only return ticket and keep it bottom of bag, but while we trip sometimes necessary show passport as ID, so we have chance to loose it if I keep tourist card with passport, I read it
They arrived check in counter just before me , what she will do ?
I pass immigration with tourist card safely, not like Uzbekistan, this is entrance of boarding gate, I am looking for money exchange , but I could not find so i asked many people , this is the one, this girl stay here very long time, her big hip hide information "money exchange"
They did not exchange one cuc, paper money euro exist from five euro or more bigger money, finally 80 cuc become 70 euro
, Teller did not say that needed the receipt of the exchange to CUC for change
again. I did not ask if the dollar could be exchanged..
Now I can get out flight to Canada, This trip was nervous many times, but already feel nostalgic half and half
This is not my gate, this is cubana air
I get on board, I find control tower.
Air Canada AC1599 is one corridor narrow body airbus 320-200. I did not see 5 people in front of me in line in this aircraft.
Dark morning become bright morning slowly
Little heavy rain today
Everybody sit down ready to take off
Already morning is come
Depart HAV Havana airport AC1599 airbus 320-200 will arrive Toronto YYZ at 10:35, Havana and Toronto, Montreal is same time zone

I took picture then I expect none flash but its on, pilot realize me, i asked cabin attendant to enter cockpit to take picture,
she agreed to enter here so I asked again take picture here,
Captain similar face farmer US president Clinton, I shake his hand
Scheduled every hour flight Toronto to Montreal is airbus 320, flight time less than one hour
Arrived Montreal, next flight is Qatar airways, security card use bicycle for patrol inside of terminal building
Become dark I feel hungry, last meal is dinner last night, then I have only water and cockle, because I don't have Canadian currency, but this is good chance to dieting, next flight has nice meal service
I have 10 hour after arrive Montreal , I walk around display
History of Canadian air force
Beginning of Canadian air
 Is this picture while WW2 ? no battle in Canada country, but Canadian military went out for battle at other country
Picture at end of WW2
This type of aircraft still available in Alaska present time
 I waited long time meal service QR 764 Boeing 777ER took off 21:30,

2015/1/16(土Sat) ドーハで乗り換え Change flight at Qatar Doha

Meal service just before arrive Doha
I slept well flight time more than 13 hours, we will arrive soon
Flying near Persian gulf
If see shortest flight will pass more north on globe, consider jet stream direction ? we pass south route,
Depart before 10pm from Montreal we flight 13 hour arrive Doha,, I get on flight many times and I saw similar seen many times, I confuse is this evening or morning
隣の彼はアフリカのブルンジの出身、北にルワンダ西にコンゴ、南東にタンザニアに接している。彼は英語、フランス語、アフリカの広い地域で話されるスワヒリ語、ブルンジで話しているキルンディKIRUNDI語を話せるので国連で働いていると、日本人の緒方貞子氏の名が彼の仕事の説明の中で度々出てくる、今はシリアからの避難民の世話マネージメントをしていると。最後に私の手帳に名前をMUSINA REVERIENムジーナレヴェリエンと書いてくれた。アフリカに行ったら中国製の車が多く走っているが動かなくなったのも沢山放置してあると、中国が修理の部品を供給しないからだ。「日本では製造中止後7年以上部品供給させ日本は売りっぱなしでなく政府が法律で製品のユーザーを守っている」と説明した。日本は人も製品も品質がいいとベタ誉めだった。
He come from Burundi, he can speak English, French, Swahili, Kirundi use in Burundi, he is working in united nation organization, while we talk he mention name of SADAKO OGATA she is managing for refugee from Syrian people, he wrote his name MUSINA REVERIEM on my note , he said many of Chinese car through away in field in African country, china will not supply repair parts, I explain to him , in Japan government has regulation that when car company have to provide repair parts more than 7 years after finish product model.
He said Japan is good people is good quality is good
16日17:35QR764便ボーイング777ERはドーハに到着 QR764 arrive at Doha 17:35

2015/1/17(日Sun) 午前1時過ぎの大阪便まで待ちます I wait next flight to Osaka KIX schedule is 1 am



Waiting flight to KIX schedule 1:40 , I have lot of time, I find information about lithium battery to load on aircraft

This is gate D2
New Harmad airport building has lot of toy and amusement for children
I had long trip but this is last flight
This airport use boarding bridge only for European city these city has scheduled many flight a day , flight to Japan is once a day flight so use bus and flight steps to get on board aircraft.
This trip has near to end by this QR802
I choice Japanese meal, this is beef curry, yellow one left of rice is none tasted pumpkin not pickles
Just before arrival meal service, Japanese dishes white fish and rice, delicious Japanese rice served.
Passed shanghai reaching Japan sea
8 hour from Doha to Osaka this direction, passenger display will show cockpit view by graphic picture, better than camera view, middle of screen is Kyushu island, it is rainy season lot of cloud maybe can not see it on real view


I got this paper Cuban native currency, design model is Guevara and suer came Cuba Peso wikipedia

Just thinking that it is the back side of the earth, I feel distant is helpless lonely place, many things many times happen also useless activity too,
I appreciate come back to Japan safely




I was determined to fly from Kansai Airport via Doha, so the round trip to Toronto took an unnecessarily long time. Cuba has severed diplomatic relations with the United States, but not with Canada or other countries, so there are flights available. I could have made a smarter choice, as I would have realized with a little study of international affairs. There are direct flights from Tokyo to Toronto, and I didn't realize that there is an Air Canada flight from Kansai Airport to Toronto via Vancouver.

Public transport between cities in Cuba is quite poor, but I managed to find an alternative means of transportation, although it may have been by chance.

On the car ride from Trinidad to Santiago de Cuba, I was accompanied by a young Taiwanese woman, who also found a car and was traveling. She said that she had been on a similar car trip the day before, so the young woman probably had no worries. One of them couldn't speak English, but the woman who spoke English and said she had also been to Kyoto didn't know even the simple Spanish words that I knew.

Even so, before we arrived in Santiago de Cuba, the driver tried to turn onto a side road and tried to pick someone up in the dark, and the Taiwanese woman who was with me refused, saying "No." I didn't think much of it, but I thought it was good behavior and I should follow suit. It is important for even men to read each situation and speak and act appropriately on the spot. For that reason, I think it's a good idea to confirm with the manager or driver when you depart in the morning that "these three will be the only passengers on the way to Santiago de Cuba today," because if there are additional passengers, there's no guarantee that they won't attract bad friends later and have bad results.

The Taiwanese girls were traveling using MAPSME, which displays the current location on a smartphone without an internet connection, to check their current location. The internet environment in the area is poor, so all I could do was receive text messages and there was no way I could download maps, so I installed it from this trip onwards.



During the trip, we had some troubles, like the engine not starting, but it wasn't raining, so we got out of the car and pushed it hard. We pushed it for a few hundred meters.

There was a short rain on the way, but it wasn't a downpour, even though it was a tropical region.

It was really fortunate that it only rained all day, on the last day of the trip, so we were able to finish sightseeing at the places we went without using an umbrella.

It was only a light rain, so we were lucky. Because of that weather, we were able to walk for a long time in Havana, the last city, without feeling hot, so we should be grateful for the weather.

When I couldn't buy a bus ticket in Santiago de Cuba, a man offered to arrange a taxi for me, but it seems that this is normal in places like this in this country.

However, in Trinidad, the man who called out to me didn't appear at the bus terminal, and Petra, a German, found it for me near a travel agency in town.

It was my first experience with a long-distance taxi, so I was suspicious of the man who called out to me and was nervous, but in other cities, there are managers like this near the bus terminal, and they call out to customers.

The people at the inn will be able to speak English, albeit haltingly, so while you're there, you can use their connections to ask for a taxi or a place to stay for your next trip. That said, don't ask for a fee or a tip.
The price you pay for a long-distance taxi is per person, so if there are two of you, you have to pay for both. In city taxis, the price is negotiated and fixed, no matter how many people are in the car.

地元の人が利用する食堂等ではcucの価格とcup又はmnと書いて現地通貨の表示もあるが現地の人もcucで支払っていた。でも価格表示はcupもあったし人民通貨と言う意味のMN (modena nacional) もあった。

I wrote about the cost of the trip each time, but in January 2016 when I traveled, 1 cuc = 1 euro = \130, so 500cc mineral water was 1 to 2 cuc, which is expensive compared to Japan, and beer was 1.5 cuc, \195. If the price is in 1 cuc units, they will probably accept your purchases in euros.
If you have change, it is a centavo coin, which is a unit below 1 cuc, but even in town, people use currency in cuc units. I never saw the local national currency, cup, on this trip.
In restaurants used by locals, the local currency is displayed with the price in cuc and cup or mn, but locals also pay in cuc. However, prices were also displayed in cups, and MN (modena nacional), which means national currency.
In public transportation, there were more foreign passengers on the bus, and when I took a taxi, all the passengers except me were foreigners, not locals.
I think the transportation used by locals, which is a box with a window attached to the back of a truck with a chair, has a local color and is interesting.
If you walk around town during the day looking for lodging, you can easily find one as there are many "Lodging Open" signs with anchor marks. However, whether they speak English is another matter, so if you're planning on staying there, make sure you can communicate with them.
Once you've stayed at a place, you can call acquaintances or relatives at the lodging and they can help you find one, and other people besides me have done the same to find lodging at their next destination.
Just like when I traveled to South America, I think you should make as many reservations as you can while there are people who speak English.
They communicate with relatives and acquaintances, and even with friends and family who drive, so if you find someone who speaks English, I think you can make arrangements in a chain reaction.
I'm sure you could send a message to their cell phone, but I never did.

 キューバ宿検索  キューバ安宿検索 



Cuban electricity is AC100V, the same as in Japan, and the sockets are the same as in Japan. Sometimes, in hotels with AC200V outlets of the same shape, the voltage is written on each outlet.

To connect to the Internet, even in large first-class hotels in the capital Havana, need to buy a card from the telephone company ETECSA, take your smartphone to a place with Wifi, or use the card to use the hotel's computers.

Even in hotel computers, you cannot connect to the Internet without a card. There are several types of cards, but I bought a 1-hour/2cuc2euro card. Even with a 1-hour card, you can only actually use it for less than half an hour, and it doesn't even take half an hour to log in for the first time, so I guess I'm wasting it somewhere.

There are few places with Wifi, even in big cities. In the capital city of Havana, the people at the hotel knew of two places, but one of them was just a park. Wifi devices have a limited number of connections, so if there are few people connected, you can use it, but if there are many people, you won't be able to connect.

First, connect and then enter the card number to use it. A 1-hour card is valid for one month and allows you to connect for a total of one hour. It's a big mistake to think you can connect to the Internet wherever you are.
In Santiago de Cuba, I waited in line for an hour just to buy an ETECSA card, and there was always a line at the ETECSA office.
Internet environments are changing for the better these days, so the next time I visit I should check to see if I can connect to the Internet more easily if I have a router.

首都ハバナは英語名、現地語のスペイン語ではCubaはクーバ、首都は英語ではHAVANAと書くがスペイン語ではLa Havanaと書き、スペイン語ではH は発音しないのでHavanaはアバナと読み、通常は冠詞LaがついてLa Havana なのでラァバナと発音、同様にHOSTELはオステル、HOTELはオテルと発音する。


今回行ったキューバの地方都市の地名Trinidadはトリニダーと呼び、カリブ海の別の場所の南米ベネズエラの沖に国名トリニダード・トバゴTrinidad & Tobagoが存在する。最後のdを読む場合の国名トリニダードと読まない市名のトリニダー。







The capital city of Havana is called Havana in English, Cuba in Spanish, the local language, and the capital city is written as HAVANA in English, but La Havana in Spanish. In Spanish, the H is not pronounced, so Havana is pronounced as Abana, and usually the article La is added to make it La Havana, so it is pronounced as Raabana. Similarly, HOSTEL is pronounced as Oster, and HOTEL is pronounced as Oteru.

The official name of the place we visited, Santiago, is Santiago de Cuba, but in conversation it is only called Santiago. Originally, Santiago de Cuba is Spanish for Santiago in Cuba, and Cuba is pronounced as Cuba in Spanish.

The name of the local city in Cuba we visited this time is Trinidad, and in another place in the Caribbean, off the coast of Venezuela in South America, there is a country called Trinidad & Tobago. The country name is Trinidad, which is pronounced when the last d is pronounced, and the city name is Trinidad, which is not pronounced.

Local people, except for government officials, do not ask for money easily, and they do not raise the price later for some reason. When ordering dinner at a lodging, it is better to give details about the contents instead of just saying "dinner". The cooks are not good at English, so I don't ask, but it is better to give details about what you want. They also try to provide what you want, so even if you do not understand the language, it is better to explain in English as much as possible, so the local people will be happy. This time, the amount of food was often too much for me, but it is also a problem if it is too little.

I did not have a chance to talk to them about whether the amount of food they eat is different from the amount of food eaten by Japanese people, or if they think it is rude to eat less.
There are main dishes, salads, appetizers, and two kinds of soup, and some things that I do not need.
Even so, it is about 10 to 12 cuc (1300 to 1600 yen), but it is better to give as much information as possible about your likes and dislikes, cooking methods, etc., fish, chicken, pork, fried or grilled, and if you do not need fruit or dessert, add that you do not say so.
A simple dinner can be made for 6 cuc for about 800 yen, so it's important to tell them the price and the contents. If you want cold beer, tell them that too. Even if you order a lot of beer, they will only charge you for the amount you drank, and of course they will charge you for the amount you ordered and made.

If you order coffee and don't say anything, they will bring you a small cup like a sake cup, with rich coffee and a sweet taste with sugar. This is Cuban coffee, also known as Cuban coffee.
If you want coffee like you drink in Japan, you can order in detail, such as milk coffee or American coffee with sugar.
As for cooking, you have to tell them in advance, otherwise they won't have the ingredients in stock, and there is no place to buy them nearby, so you can't go and buy them and you can't prepare. There are no places to buy them nearby like in Japan.

At the accommodation, there was only a shower and hot water. The first hotel was a first-class hotel, but they left the warm water running for half an hour, and eventually hot water came out, but it was lukewarm, and there was no plug in the bath, so you can't expect a bath.
It can't be helped because it's a hot country. But they work hard to maintain the cars and equipment that are older than those in Southeast Asia.

Despite the poor infrastructure, there was no power outage during my stay in Cuba.

Cuba has a more Western feel than Southeast Asia, perhaps because Westerners have been coming and going since the time of Columbus.

Local people are generally honest and the security is good, so it was easier than traveling in Southeast Asia. On the way back, I had a problem when paying the car from Santiago to Havana, but the driver was different when I first paid and when I paid at the end, but if it had been the same driver, it wouldn't have been a problem. I should still be careful and make them sign the receipt in my notebook when it's a slightly different story, such as paying on the way even though it's the last promise.

When I arrived at the inn in Santiago, they asked me to pay for the night in advance, so I paid when there was no one around and it was just the two of us, but she remembered it when I made the final payment.

However, if there is no evidence or witness when I pay later, I think it would be better to have them write the amount and their name on my notepad. Even if they don't mean to, there are misunderstandings and misunderstandings. That's what I have in my notebook. I think this is necessary to avoid unnecessary trouble when traveling and to have an enjoyable trip.
When I was driving back to Havana from Santiago de Cuba, the driver asked me to pay him 10 cuc in advance, but if I had made him write the amount and my name in a notebook, I could have avoided trouble when we arrived in Havana. The driver changed on the way and did not remember that I had paid 10 cuc, but of course that happens.





次に行く時はアーネストヘミングウェイ行きつけの酒場ハバナの「オビスポ通り」(Calle Obispo)の入り口にあるバー&レストラン「フロリディータ」(Floridita)に行ってみたい。
If you can find someone who speaks English at a guesthouse, use your connections to introduce you to a place to stay in the next town. If you don't understand Spanish, ask the person at the next hotel to introduce you to it. It's also a good idea to ask the person at the hotel for transportation. If you ask, give them a small tip to make them feel comfortable.

On the last day, Ramon, the owner of the hotel, took me to the airport in Havana. He charged me 20 CUC, the same as a taxi, but I can't help it considering that he gave me many other free services.

They were using their own expenses to provide the service. It's a country where the monthly salary of a salaryman is several thousand yen in Japanese yen, so I'm sure they can make a decent profit if they do business with foreigners.

I would like to go to Cuba again, but I should avoid the rainy season. If you take care of the points I wrote above, the security is better than Southeast Asia, and I recommend sightseeing in Cuba.

This time, I chose a very wasteful flight route to get to Cuba. There is a direct flight from Haneda to Toronto, and on that flight I can transfer to Havana in a few hours, and it's almost the shortest route from Japan even if you look at the globe.
Varadero, about 200km east of Havana, is a resort and tourist destination lined with villas since ancient times, and there are more flights from Toronto, Canada, than from the capital, Havana. Next time I go there, I would like to visit the bar and restaurant "Floridita" at the entrance of Calle Obispo in Havana, the bar that Ernest Hemingway frequented.


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