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2015/1/11(月Mon) サンチャゴ デ クーパの街 City of Santiago de Cuba

サンチャゴデクーパの街 Wikipedia  Santiago de Cuba Wikipedia English

朝日が昇り出した、私の部屋から出た最初の交差点 Sun rise , this is cross section near from my room

 I woke up at 6:30 am , go out to street
Husband can not understand English, wife Sandra able to understand English little but she can not say "Breakfast is seven thirty morning" I can understand even Spanish, it is easy Spanish
Woman foot on chair is middle age two Korean woman travelling Cuba one month , I enjoyed breakfast myself, Sandra served delicious meal
Sandra give me to use this map today, I explain what I want to do today so she wrote my destination to buy ticket to Havana, I will go out with this map today..
Price list indicate at entrance of coffee shop door, people will buy food and drink at entrance,
Just beside of coffee shop old car repairing on road, small road cross section driver will not stop to make sure, no stop sign
Mvi4161.avi 37sec
Other side also try to fix old car, I can see many of it when I stand cross section , driver never stop to pass cross section but I did not see any accident while I stay in Cuba
Mvi4163.avi 47sec
Look like school this house,while I walk beside of here i hear good music, so I raise up my hand to take picture, I can not see inside so I take picture.
Mvi4164.avi 59sec
 I can listen music but class room window is above my head, so  I  try to stick up my hand camera to inside, already someone watching at my camera when I take shatter
Listen music while and stopped, look like finished lessen, then I take picture again, I thought someone will complaint to me but no one say anything.
Three wheel car bike with big noise running this road
Finished class this school, student come out everybody look happy, she has little make up I can see lipstick and more.
 I arrived entrance of cathedral
Cespedes park and Hotel granada, central area of sanchago de cuba.
Mvi74173.avi 89sec
Two entrance right and left
Doll locate between entrance right and left of cathedral
I get information in this picture but I can not find any information on internet
Very tall entrance right and left
Inside ? right door is right corridor left door for left corridor
Mvi4180.avi 8sec

中心部の古い町並みと通り 時折はレールが敷かれたまま
Middle of town narrow street is historical sometimes I can see railway on road but not use for train
Big bus will pass on road

のんびりした町の通り、feel easy this street

随分歩いて中心部から外れた場所に来ました I walk long time
Open air shop in front of house, he sell pipe connection for water service, made if iron, plastic, electric outlet, sometimes brand new parts, sometimes almost destroyed already, many people watching this shop in middle of town
It is necessary internet card to use connection to internet in this country, I wait half hour very long line only buy card middle of town
in front of cespedes park, this house is something famous one ?
Banco de national de cuba in this side
is this house of first governor general Velazquez ?
I only take picture in case important translate after get back
For use internet will connect wifi this area and input card number, but lot of user will connect internet so I could not connect it, weak to internet connection in this country
My plan is leave 15 from Havana, so I have to back to Havana tomorrow or day after tomorrow, but flight is fully booking till end of this month, I will try to find ticket for bus or train , I walk to station , bus terminal is beside of station.
I follow route on map to bus terminal way to harbor
I found indicate ferry terminal on this building, I can see big ship between terminal building, I asked pedestrian way to bus station, I asked in Spanish as Autobus estation, he direct to this way.
I can see railway tank car behind of yellow fence, train will not operate on schedule also many changes take 24 hour, so I want go by bus, I ever heard bus terminal is beside of train station
I can find behind of glass window but can not find ticket office
Find people make line to small cottage outside of station, walking people just get off bus way to down town,
I asked many people, bus ticket is inside of bus terminal,, asked to enter to security guard to buy ticket inside, find ticket window such as entrance of toilet, people waited about 10 people, most of people is couple they are talking English each other but they can speak Spanish at ticket window, I asked ticket to Havana, but fully booked until 17 he pointed by pen on calendar.
最初は地名らしきいくつかの単語を言っていたが私は「I am looking for the way to Havana]と言ったら60cucでタクシーで行くと言う、何時間だと問うと12時間か10時間だと、そんなに早くいけるのか、トリニダーからここまで10時間で50cuc、更に4時間以上掛かるのに60cucで10時間とはインチキかもと思いながら私には他に選択肢はない。
と思ったが5分程話していても同業者らしいのは現れないし誰も声を掛けてくるやつはいない、明日の朝に宿まで迎えに行くというので私は宿の住所と電話番号を教え、お前の名前と電話番号、更に60cucでハバナまで行くと書けと私のメモ帳に書かせた「60cucはハバナに着いてから払うカラナ」と念を押す。更に逃げられないようにお前は良い友達だナイスアミーゴと英語スペイン語何でも口から出任せを言って一緒に写真を撮る。これで問題があっても本人の写真があるので少々安心??名前はサンチャゴ、電話53886523 後から気づいたが上の写真の立って集団と話をしていた男だと思う。
Get out ticket office railway and bus, I can not find way back to Havana, I lose way back to Havana what shall I do,
one of the guy try to talk to me but I can not understand him what he talking, he saying something such as name of city or town,
 I said to him in English, I am looking for way to Havana, he try to speak English and answered he take me to Havana 60 cuc, I asked again how many hour will arrive
he said 12 hour or 10 hours, I was wondering such faster ? Trinidad to Santiago take 10 hour then Trinidad to Havana need 4 more hour, is he scam ?
 even I wonder I have no choice but I try to take him to talk longer,
because I expect another boy same business someone will appear and ask me take to Havana too
 I take picture to memory and this should be evidence if something happen,
also I intended to take little more time here, because I was expecting some other tour manager ask same things.
he and I stay here more than five minutes but no one talk to me, this boy said he will pick me up my hotel so I show address and phone number
same time I asked him that he will manage to Havana and price is 60cuc, also his phone number 53886523 and name Sanchago

Finished way to Havana transportation, I did not go train station, but train will delay and change schedule sometimes can not connect next station in some of country side, I can not trust train I can not find any improvement even I worry about it, I pray he is right guy
Little hot but I don't have any bag, I want water but i did not bring it today, if necessary I can buy anyplace, walk slow shadow side has no sweat
Near harbor near railway station, near bus terminal storage area walk slow, house look not rich but well maintenance and colored painted
 I walk big street , this boy catch me and talk me" take me picture together" I wanted to say what shall I do after take picture ? but I did not say it because he looks over drinker, he said something but he leave from me after say it, as if he get some drag? he did not smell of alcohol.
Which way should I go to my direction this round about ?
Tank car and track is only Russian style old communist style car. Cuba was friendship with Russia very long time.
I walk more 10 minutes climb up hill next round about choice to place the Castro started revolution and lose at first time
I find building other side is front entrance, top of building show
Castro gathered 69 Movement fighters and planned a multi-pronged attack on several military installations
Cuban revolution
Lot of small hall on wall was history of Castro attack this military facility is this ? entrance fee 2cuc need pay 5 cuc if you take picture . I did not pay 5 only 2 cuc,
I take picture while officer did not look at me
Evidence of torture and tools ? only Spanish information
Terrible torture
Castro come from Mexico named Granma, this size of ship capacity should be maximum 30 is enough but get on 78 people and cruised Caribbean sea after passed hurricane to Santiago de Cuba
Castro and Guevara and friend come from Mexico to Santiago de Cuba started troop way to north Havana
Picture while proceed revolution
Marching route from Santiago de Cuba to Havana/
Outside of building display old track used marching revolution
Many elementary student visit and listening explain by teacher
Sometimes children from kinder garden they are enjoying like picnic
見学を終わって外に出てきた、建物上の「JUL 26」7月26日が裏向けで読める、こうして屋上に書いてあるから最初はこの建物に向かって歩いた私。入り口はもっと右端から更に先。
Get out from museum, I can read July 26 on top of building, museum is another building right side, entrance have to walk right way
Flag of Cuba, park left side of museum
Lot of student waited on side street, arrived old style big car, few passenger inside already but many student get in a car, Aluminum tire wheel on old car
three bench seat all the student get on already more than 12 people passenger

ここは高台、サンチャゴ湾を望む We can see Santiago bay from hill

Strong sea breeze feel not hot not high humidity
Mvi4230.avi 26sec
Road waking seller very small look like orange
I come back to middle of down town Santiago de Cuba, I asked native people with map way back to my pension, which way ?
 I just come back Sandra house, I did not have lunch today, I feel hungry
I took shower , I wait and suffer until dinner, ordered white fried fish with salad Sandra add cake as my dessert 12cuc\1560us$13-

2015/1/12(火Tue) サンチャゴ・デ・クーバからハバナに戻る日
The day back to Havana

朝になって外に出たら部屋の前に車、昨日のマネージャー、ハバナまで行くのに10時に迎えに行くって言ってたよな、この車じゃないよな? 今は朝6時だからこれでは無いはず、と自分に言い聞かせる。
Wake up and come out from my room, parking one of the car, I remember yesterday, manager said that he will pick me up my pension house at 10am, it should not this car isn't it ?
This car is 4 cylinder diesel engine looking not equipped air conditioner very old model.
6am morning not yet sun rise coming
Little cold at this time, I walk around this area I have time to breakfast
Commuter in city road
horse car, large track on road
Every house guarded window till upper floor is avoid rubbe
r ?
6:30 am city road, I want to go La Gran Piedra but far for me.
Gas station is not busy this time
Price of gas is little difference place by place, 0.73cuc\95-/Liter, I find name of tatsuno, this is Japanese name this should be made in Japan measuring system
I asked him to take picture of this car, yes
Front wheel use disk brake like new model but this is 2 cycle engine old model
Empty passenger on school bus at this time
Modern style trailer bus used in this city not only old model
Today should be Tuesday, child will go kinder garden, parents going to work ?
Is this bus stop ? taxi will stop to pick up passenger
I can drink this shop here but I can not drink from morning, maybe next chance
 I get back to pension, Sandra made me breakfast, I keep muffin and half of bread for lunch today
TV antenna is VHF band and analog wave, we changed UHF digital signal in Japan.
I come up to veranda top of house, I take picture around this area
Mvi4259.avi 39sec
He bring table and chair in front of my room from early morning, when I see next time many people around this area visit hem to repair electric appearance, such as electric cooker or another appliance, he line up repair parts, switch , timer and so on, all cooker is similar style old one made in china ? he has good business,
After I checked out my room I asked Sandra to use toilet in her house to brush my teeth
Sandra made account bill, I paid 30cuc when I arrived, I will pay 575cuc today no tips
Entrance hostel Sandra
Anchor sign mean accommodation, when I realize this sign when I look house in town , I can find this sign lot of house
When i say good bye Sandra say "please come back this house as your house" good mom Sandra
Mvi4269.avi 57sec
Asked price of banana, 0.8cuc\10us$0.9 for one banana, I feel expensive because of tourist?? I can not communicate to them
I am waiting taxi here, this two bag is everything for me this trip
Taxi did not come 10am, pick me up at 12 noon, I get in a car
Mvi4276.avi 43sec
Boy left side is manager for taxi, I don't know purpose for other people , looks enjoy they talking but I can not understand even I ask them
I remember yesterday I come here middle of city
I wanted to buy yesterday morning, I passed here too
This rail was active before mean steam locomotion operated very near to residence house long time before
I remember walked this road here , this way to moncada museum
I walked here yesterday, i went road right way
already I feel nostalgic when I see this yellow building behind tree is moncada museum
Terminal public track transportation instead of bus
Good bye good city of Santiago de Cuba, not dangerous for foreigner I understand Korean middle age lady have alone trip one month.

Old track bus and new car, today I get on a car air conditioner function well, I can close window, I don't need care other car even dirty exhaust gas

I don't know reason why driver stopping here, manage try to find more passenger, I understand no profits if only one passenger, driver can not understand English.
U turned way back to down town why ?
Manager named Santiago, he said to pay 10cuc to driver now,, I should ask to write receipt of money but not, I will realize it when I get off this car at Havana.
He get off car with 10 cuc to charge to phone , he want keep phone available, I understand it is necessary to have long distance trip
We depart way to Havana, driver and I, only driver and one passenger will drive on express way from town area.
Enter express way but not toll road free of charge
Way go out from Santiago de Cuba three lane road but people walking and cross this road by walk include small child
Speed indicator did not function this car, but my GPS unit show speed as 105km/h
Suddenly driver stop on the way to get phone, he said "manager asking to pick up two more passenger so get back to town again" I surprised, we drive more than half hour already. driver follow manager's order.,
We get back to Moncada military facility here near down town of Santiago de Cuba took half hour..
We passed track bus terminal again
Middle of town Santiago de Cuba
We stopped one of big hotel and waiting 20 minutes, few minutes two of young couple speak Spanish get on back seat.

サンチャゴデクーバ市内からハバナへ出る時の軌跡、何度も行き来したのが判る We can see back and forward to Santiago de Cuba two times on this track trace.

I remember saw the car same type same color in front of my room this morning, I can get on air conditioned car today, Havana is very long drive today, Lets go lets start
Express way horse ride walking beside of road, black colored exhaust gas from other car, house don't want run same road.
big wide road but elementary student walking beside of this road back from school
Sometimes I can find maintenance road, Cuba is not rich country but they doing well not many drop on road
some of factory under the cloud ? I can not imagine any other industrial factory.
Not so wide road not so many traffic this area but sometimes slow traffic, no tail lamp even night time
Continue cloud why ?
No traffic but well maintenance road
Not many traffic sign this country, many sign can not understand in Japanese common sense.
Just straight road long time, speed more than 100km
This railway still active operating ? surface of rail shinning
This is waiting room for rail way
Distance between front car will not become short
What is this sign RARE ? should be RAIL in English, we drive slow to cross rail

南国らしい景色だがこの時期は蒸し暑くない This view tropical country but not hot at this season

Electric wire going to right , some village is this way
We cross big road, we will turn left but no road information for direction found
I find Japanese car Toyota
This road very few traffic but sometimes very slow traffic such as cow car horse car, surprise speed difference
We stop here to break time, brand new car in Cuba but unknown product car company
Two and half hour from started Santiago de Cuba, but we don't have enough time to stay here
I feel little hungry but no time in service area
close to sun set time
After start service area in a half hour, stop this car suddenly , driver get small container from rear hood to refuel gasoline, in ten minutes next town he refuel at gas station, but can not start engine by starter battery was week problem, we passenger push the car more than 100 meter still can not start engine, native people helped to push again , engine started slowly.

They are another passenger behind of me, come from Argentina visit Cuba for vacation one month but not student, she has job.
I explained that you will lose your job if you get one month vacation in Japan, when you back your office someone working instead of you on your desk. they laugh
He can not speak English only Spanish but young lady speak English fluently

Sun set on Caribbean sea
Many times visit gas station
Driver refuel only small plastic container not in this car.
Car stopped somewhere and they refueling from large plastic tank, at 12 midnight ,I wake up , driver will change from here to Havana.
While they refueling, I wanted take picture around here I realized this is country area of Cuba, no street light around here, no town light completely, so only dark night even some cloud in the sky no light will reflect ,
I remember Uzbekistan last year.
westernized country include Japan has lot of city light and street light, so we get to see in the night moonless night, but in Cuba not many light except capital Havana.
After while we will start again to Havana. Previous driver show 50cuc money to next driver I thought they talk that I should pay only 50cuc in Havana, this is only I thought realized after arrive Havana, I should confirm when change driver.
We drive one hour , stopped parking area, passenger 18 years lady and driver talking communicate in Spanish, I can enjoy if I can understand Spanish.
Argentina boy interest about Japan, he want to know martial art and asked me to take picture, he can not understand English well but he trying now,
This is not made in Japan, two cycle engine motor bike.
Appear owner of motor bike, he asked me take picture together with him, we can not understand language each other but we can communicate little, he will start engine and switch on light too well service good boy.

ハバナまで旅は続く Our trip will continue to Havana.

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