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2012/10/26(Fri) Cloudy today going Sydney Tower



I got up early and went to the dining room at 7:30 for breakfast. I only had toast, cornflakes, and coffee or tea, but it was a cheap breakfast.
The dining room had two tables and about ten chairs, which was not much considering the population of the inn, and the dining room was small, so I came early in anticipation of this.
The people who came to eat early in the morning were young people and men in their 70s, as well as an elderly couple of about the same age who had come from Switzerland and an elderly Australian. About a third of the people staying at this inn were not young, and there were only a few empty chairs.
The young Chinese sleeping in the bed next to me in the room immigrated to New Zealand, arrived in Australia yesterday, got a work visa and will be staying for 3 to 4 years.
It did not seem to be an ordinary working holiday visa, New Zealand and Australia are close to each other, so I wonder if there is an agreement on this?

彼は今日は知り合いの食堂に行くから全部食べ切れないので半分持って帰らないかと言って来る。 俺はそんなの要らんぞと言ったが、


He asked if I could take half of it home because he was going to a restaurant he knew and couldn't finish it all I told him I didn't need it, but he insisted,
"Why don't you want it?" I said, "Okay, I’ll decide after I've seen it," to which he replied, "Okay, let's go there together," and we left the room together.

So when we got to the exit of the inn, he said, "Have a great day," and I thought, "That's different from what he said five minutes ago," but I hadn't been counting on him from the beginning, so I just said, "Okay, have a great day," and we parted ways.

I was left speechless at the carelessness of this Chinese man's smooth talk.
he was shown that no matter where he move to, here too have an inherent ethnic character that never changes, just like the staff at Sydney airport.


They also showed me around and explained various other things, but often it was different from reality; no matter who they're talking to, there's bound to be some misunderstandings, but when they think about it, it makes sense that the people who are so different are from mainland China.
It's a mistake to rely on what they say from the start. There's no point in talking because they only say random things.

Having come this far, I'm beginning to understand why the Taiwanese people I meet on my travels don't want to get along with Chinese people; even though they can understand each other in same lauguage, I've never heard them speak Chinese here either.
Furthermore, when Taiwanese people are around Chinese people, they keep quiet and don't speak Chinese, even amongst themselves, as if they're silently telling the Chinese people, "Don't talk to us, we're not like Chinese people," and I feel like I can understand how these Taiwanese people feel.

I surprised from morning I went out to town.
This museum show war and build this country historically actually with movie, picture and memorial evidence.
ww1 , ww2 , Vietnam war, gulf war, Iraq war and Afghanistan how they involved, indicated picture , movie and evidence.
Every 20 minutes video movie will start automatically, everything is free of charge here.
I have umbrella today but don't want to go far today, will go Sydney tower.
tourist map from hotel include coupon of Sydney tower, I use it, price $28 become $22-
I can see far area.
Mvi0088.Avi 55sec

Walk around observation platform many times, we can see several view at every direction and has LCD display indicated name of land mark in every direction, and we can chose indicate language include Japanese.


Monorail train running.
Monorail run on this bridge build by wood not steel, but this bridge is moving bridge to pass ship.
this food mall has many of south east Asian ethnic food shop, I am looking for McDonalds.

I am walking from this morning no rest.
MVI0097.AVI 56sec

.Enjoy music and view.
Friday today, I find many young student age of high school, Australian have school trip?
この後は明日のメルボルンまでのバスの切符を買いに鉄道駅へ、帰り道にGeorgeStにEddy Aveがぶつかった処の二階にDaiso Japanがあって$2.8-ショップだった。

I went to buy ticket for Melbourne tomorrow, I find Daiso Japanese shop at cross of Eddy Ave and George St, it was $2.8-shop not \100-

purple line is GPS trace today.

Dinner yesterday was little expensive, anyway think after drink.
I enjoyed drink and watching people, Guinness beer pint glass $8\720-
Next is Rager beer BlueTungue$8\720-, feel hungry I will go Japanese restaurant.
Sukiyaki salad and minch cutlet good taste and very cheep, near the mono-rail George street view tower building 1F many people line upped and waiting here.

今日も歩き廻って、歩きつかれてベッドに。 明日はメルボルンへのバスの旅だ。

I am tired today, tomorrow is bus trip to Melbourne.

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