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2017/4/5(水Wed) 今日は飛行機でヨハネスブルグからボツワナに近いザンビアとの国境のジンバブエにあるヴィクトリアフォール空港まで アフリカ中央東部
Johannesburg to Victoria fall airport Zimbabwe by airplane, located near Botswana border of Zimbabwe and Zambia east Africa

I ordered one omelet
as breakfast in the hotel
Salad with omelet and corn flake with orange yogurt and strawberry yogurt is my breakfast
Breakfast is rich until today but I don't know tomorrow
Take taxi to Johannesburg airport is R500\5500us$500- expensive its only twenty minutes through express way, fixed price for them, I have no choice consider risk of danger. we can find many taxi outside but we have to know this is Johannesburg and taxi might be pass dangerous area
View of Johannesburg from taxi window is like in the united states of America.
Many of express way and many factory
I can see airport sign on express way so no need to worry anything without maps
Some of African young man asking me inside of airport terminal who carry name tag as airport worker, he took me for check in counter and took me place to security check it is another building. he ask me reward but I say "sorry not" he did not insist me so I try to find some of Rand coin after he leave me, I had 30Rand, I called him and give it, almost\400us$3.5- He said thank you and he is happy.
I will get in short time only ten minutes airport lounge after I checked place of boarding gate.
Lounge is not big room but they has smoking and none smoking room I only take picture I'm in a hurry to boarding gate
Shuttle bus took us from boarding gate to boarding bridge here, Johannesburg locate 5500feet1600m elevation hot country but high altitude so we don't feel hot and high humidity like in Japan
Just take off 12:01BA6285Johannesburg airport
While aircraft climb up I find small runway airport length of runway is more than 6000feet2000m
Announced one and half hour flight to destination, we fly middle of Africa no town below but we can see road track anyplace Road is evidence of life for people here in middle Africa
Attendant ask me "Vege or none vege" I said none vege but she provided right one, when attendant appear I asked "is this none vege" she provide left one
When finish meal service, flight decent altitude but can not see any town any airport this area.
I find some of facility this field, I can not see any other city or road. this should be Victoria fall airport Zimbabwe.
That should be airport I can not find any facility around this area only glass and forest but can not see any city or village town near hear,
I have information airport to town take 20 minutes by car maybe town is little far from airport.

I come to this place, Victoria Falls Airport, located on the Zimbabwe side near Botswana below Lusaka in Zambia, in the center of the African continent.

Arrived13:15、Lot of people waiting passport control area and African officer work slow and lot of work such as issue visa, check money , check passport, I was last person arrive here because I forget my carry on bag in aircraft , I realized that 10m after get off narrow boarding bridge, so I have to wait everybody getting off airplane to back cabin.
I waited one hour to get none visa entrance permission, many of European and American old couple has tick with chair. other passenger paying by credit card I consider, this if Africa, I don't want unexpected trouble this country remembered capetown, I pay us$ cash.
I pay us$100- but change returned only us$50, I realized printed amount 30 in receipt after leave airport. if I ask more 20 dollar, maybe they will pay by Zimbabwe 20 dollar, we should prepare small amount of us$ cash

I consumed more than two page of passport in this trip
Arrived many people but I'm the one last person when get out, other people had pick up service maybe, Small parking lot out side of airport building , can not find public transportation only few number of taxi parking. , find one driver and asked taxi to shoestrings hostel, price is us$30 I can not see any other taxi no choice for me, Taxi using Japanese used car running 150000km9400miles, he paid us$5000- first and paid us$1000- as shipping fee , this country was English colony they can use Japanese used car without any arrange , right side control wheel
Taxi driving 20 to 30 minutes to town, many times someone calling to driver but they talking native language I can not understand. I take picture as evidence, telecommunication situation is good this country
運賃が高い事を除けばタクシーは車も運転手もまともだった、この町の宿の名前だけ聞いていたが指定した安宿に半時間も掛からずに行ってくれた宿は予約もしてなかったが沢山の空きがあった宿代us$15- でもアフリカでタクシー代30分us$30\3500-はドナイ考えても高い畜生め足元見やがって。
Taxi and driver is good, I only know name of cheap accommodation but I did not make any reservation but I got my bed easily us$15- per bed sprite 350m is us$1-
None air conditioned room no net in window, people will sleep open window in this room I need anti mosquito stick medicine, other room mate from Egypt and German young people.

ジンバブエwiki ジンバブエインフレ   ザンビアwiki  ザンビア大使館 ヴィクトリアの滝wiki 

Zimbabwe was a country with a messy currency economy, and I wondered what it was like now. The following site explains it.

100兆ジンバブエドル 日本円にすると?
The following is an excerpt from the above page explaining Zimbabwe's currency:
How much is 100 trillion Zimbabwean dollars in Japanese yen?
It has been about two years since the Central Bank of Zimbabwe announced the introduction of high-denomination banknotes of 100 trillion Zimbabwean dollars.


In numbers, that's 100,000,000,000,000 dollars!!
The value of this 100 trillion dollars was roughly 27,000 yen at the black market rate at the time of its introduction.
(This information was provided to me by a friend who was staying in Africa.)
But eventually, even the 100 trillion dollars fell to a value of just over 20 yen in just a few months.

1980年に初めてジンバブエドルが導入された時は、アメリカドルより価値が高く、ZWD0.68= USD1.00でした。
垓って言われてピンとこないと思いますが、 億→兆→京→垓となり、897に0が20個つくということです。0の数を数えて10個あると「10憶10桁」と覚えたのだった。
When the Zimbabwean dollar was first introduced in 1980, it was worth more than the US dollar, with ZWD0.68 = USD1.00.
One Zimbabwean dollar used to be enough to buy a loaf of bread, but by January 2009, that figure had soared to 300 billion Zimbabwean dollars.
According to a research institute in the US, the inflation rate is said to be as high as 897 sextillion percent.
I'm sure you don't understand what a sextillion is, but it goes from 10 billion to 1 trillion to 1 quintillion to sextillion, with 20 zeros added to 897. I learned that if you count the number of zeros and there are 10, it's "1 billion 10 digits."


By the way, why did this happen? Zimbabwe gained independence from Britain and a black president, Mugabe, was elected, but the policies he implemented were absurd.

In order to turn Zimbabwe into a black supremacist society, he took all policies that were favorable to black people, such as forcibly taking land from white people and making laws to transfer more than half of the shares of foreign companies in Zimbabwe. Naturally, foreigners were forced to leave Zimbabwe one after another, and even though there were no economic sanctions, Zimbabwe was effectively in a state of isolation.

Without goods coming in from abroad, people were forced to live a self-sufficient life, but it is impossible for an African country to be self-sufficient without relying on other countries, and as goods became scarce, the value of things inevitably rose and prices of goods increased.

However, no matter how expensive things were, people had to buy things to survive. So they went to great lengths to buy things, even if it meant using up all their savings.


Naturally, money began to run out, so as a national policy, they started printing more and more money to get money into the hands of the people.
Printing too much money meant that it lost its value, which resulted in further inflation.
Furthermore, as people were no longer able to buy things, the government created a law that prohibited stores from raising prices.
Stores were forced to sell things for less than they paid, and naturally they went bankrupt.
It was a complete mess, wasn't it (lol)?
This led to unprecedented inflation, unemployment exceeded 90%, and the country's economy was in a state of collapse.


As you know, Japan is not a self-sufficient country, so without imports from overseas, we would not be able to provide for the needs of over 100 million people with our own supplies...
No matter how hard you work today and tomorrow, how much money you earn, and how happy you are to live, there is no telling when you might no longer be able to do so.

But even so, young people in Japan have no idea what is going on in faraway Zimbabwe, so when they're hungry, they eat, and when they're tired at night, they go to bed.
But what if, from tomorrow, no more imports came in from overseas...




Just imagine.
Something that sells for 100 yen this year will be worth over 2 million yen next year.
Fortunately, at today's exchange rate (February 2, 2011), 100 yen is worth 460 Zimbabwean dollars.

It's still 500 times cheaper than it was before inflation, but it's much better.
The fiscal reconstruction will probably continue for a while.
It could be Japan tomorrow.

It's good to be aware of this reality.

Explain crazy Zimbabwe inflation as above but can not find information in English, refer this link below

Hyperinflation zimbabwe Wiki
 Zimbabwe currency

Anyway I arrived Zimbabwe, I got this information in shoestrings office way to Victoria fall star mark is shoestrings bottom is Victoria fall

I only follow this map to fall

Go out shoestrings, we can see small town shop and restaurant this street, some African people ask me exchange Zimbabwe dollar to us dollar but I did not accept it, we can find big street in five minutes
Many of huge track and trailer this road, they can cross boarder to other country this road, this town is near border to Zambia.
Orange line is road, black fine line are railway, my accommodation is orange squatter area, this is not city size is like small town, country border did not indicated on this map.
Also railroad connected cross border to Zambia as show in map
Just passed cargo train, we can see tale end of cargo train at left side of picture, cargo train moving very slow.
Big street pass many big track and trailer track, I follow hand writing map, native people walking narrow small road so I followed them,
I walk with native people, in ten minutes, arrived entrance of Victoria fall , entrance fee us$30-
Able to enter this national park till 6pm
Entrance African boy said only "go straight"
Walk in 5 minutes, find something look only white area
24sec MVi7497
Can not see anything by drizzle but wet surface road
Walk road again straight, this view just before fall water
Lot of water moving very fast right side is point of water fall
Water is not clear dark muddy brown colored
Dark water pass in front of me
I want to walk fenced area of road many places are dangerous
I still walk upper stream side of river
He find this Victoria fall ??

突然こんな景色が現れる。こりゃもう、世界遺産にでも宇宙遺産にでもなるわいな、スケールのデカさに仰天 !!

Everything is huge, this should be national helitage, universe heritage too

I have to escape bit of water such as lain with wind to avoid malfunction camera
Look smoky this view
They wear rain coat but not me, I have to U turn from here

I feel vibration of sound fall water and sound from bottom of fall, if you want to hear you might wet all body

I can hear only sound of water fall
everywhere rainbow only depend of sun and sunlight angle
middle island of big water fall
I wear rain coat but I don't want go forward anymore back to exit, someone did not wear raincoat so they are very wet even under wear and inside of shoes.

Entrance/exit has this information for tourist, I need to wait other tourist , they need time to read this picture and description

Souvenir shop just in front of entrance
Back to Backpacker hostel , many native people walking and I follow them


This hostel has kitchen for back packer but very few people cooked this hostel, maybe we can not find any market around this area , I find only eat shop

Already little dark no one stay in pool at this time,
I saw many of European or American people here but not Asian people.
Light in canteen is on all night and big dog stay here, maybe available all night
I ordered traditional meal us$3.5- beef is too hard to eat vegetable taste like cabbage white one is crushed rice, they prepared only salt and paper but I eat beef and vegetable only little rice, this meal is too oily for me.


I confirmed my present position on my smart phone, I stay south of border bottom side Zimbabwe, border line cross lake Kalrba time is local

Left up is Zambia, up right is Zimbabwe, bottom is Botswana, left bottom small space is Namibia , Namibia is west side of Africa.

I will cross border to north upper side Zambia,
When I stay in my bed, mosquito is coming as I expected, I use stick medicine which I bought in Johannesburg, I use stick hand face foot every place of my skin without covered my shirts or pajamas.

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