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2017/4/8(土Sat) カタールに到着後次の便まで21時間待つ After arrive Qatar Doha, I waited 21 hour to get on to Tokyo in Doha airport
QR1360便南アフリカから9時間のフライトの機内食二度目の食事は全部食べられなかった This is second meal service flight from Johannesburg to Doha, I can not eat it all. |
行きも帰りも一旦オマーンのMuscatマスカットを目指して、以前は南下するときはサウジアラビア上空を真っ直ぐ南下しアデン上空を通過したのだが、サウジアラビアを飛ばない理由は何だろうと思う。(この旅から帰って半年後に周りのイスラム六か国から西欧化し過ぎとの理由で国交断絶された、この時点で険悪な状態だったのだ。) オマーンは中東にあって高級リゾート地、海賊が出没したり政府が機能しなくて治安の悪い国もある中東だが、国がしっかりしているオマーンは赤道より南にあるタンザニア沖のザンジバル島が中世にはオマーンの領地だったと。王国らしいが長期に渡って民が幸せな国の運営って何なのだろうと思ってしまう。 |
Flight way back to Doha fly to Mascot Oman like forward flight we can not pass over Saudi Arabia, we flew over Saudi Arabia when I went Tanzania before, I don't know reason why we can not fry over Saudi Arabia now. Oman is kingdom country but rich country than other country around here middle east, lot of resort area for rich people, I'm wondering what is good country for native people what is rich for native and keep it very long time, Oman had big territory when medieval period it is include Zanzibar island south of equator near Tanzania Indian ocean. | |
上空で旋回していたようだ、この時間はもやが掛かって客席から見る外の景色は眼下も横も真っ白で何も見えない朝早い夜明け。こうしてみるとBahrainバーレーンも近くなのだ。 Our airplane was make circle to wait sequence of landing maybe many airplane arriving in same time, out side of window is white out flying inside of cloud early morning. |
ほとんどドーハに近いところを飛んでる北側からアプローチしてるはず We are approaching airport from north of airport still can not see outside of window |
南向けに着陸アプローチ中、ドーハ着陸数分前、見えるのはドーハ市内のビジネスセンタービル群タクシーで空港から30分程の所だ We are flying to south approaching Doha airport runway, now we see Doha city business center only 30 minutes by taxi from airport |
ヨハネスブルグを昨夜出発した飛行機は朝6時ドーハに着陸、東南アジア各国から集めた出稼ぎ作業員が迎えます Many worker come from south east Asia many kind of nationality are waiting arrival aircraft landed at 6am, |
乗ってきた機体はボーイング787 この国はイギリスが統治していただけあって出稼ぎ従業員でもよく教育されている。 This aircraft is Boeing 787, this airport worker was well educated maybe affect by country was belonging to UK before. |
時間がたっぷりあるので行ったAl Maha アルマハァラウンジ、朝食時間はチーズ4種類ハム2種類、多分鶏肉のハム、ヨーグルト類、右端はフルーツ、左端ポットはコーンフレークに使う牛乳と思われる I have lot of time I stay Al Maha lounge , they prepare 4 kind of cheese, 2 kind of ham made from poke maybe, and yogurt right side is fruit, left side steal pot is fresh milk for corn flake. |
鍋はおかゆとオニオンスープ、午後はおかゆの代わりにアスパラポタージュスープ、午後はコーンフレークは無い Rice porridge in a pan and onion soup, but potage soup with asparagus instead of rice porridge at afternoon, no corn flake afternoon |
コーヒーサーバーは二つある、両方ともミルクだけも出るがミルクのメニューを探すのが難しい但しホットミルクだった。 Equipped two of coffee server, this server will serve hot milk but can not find milk serve push switch |
壁には電源差込はあるのだが、真ん中テーブルにはない AC electric outlet equipped in the wall but not table in middle of room |
右奥の四角いテーブルは電源差込があった、ガラス囲いはファミリールーム、子供が騒ぐからか囲ってある Glass wall surrounded room is for family use room |
トイレ洗面の手を拭くタオル、拭いた後は下の専用バケツに入れる、持って行っても掃除人は文句を言わない Toilet hand wash inside of male, many of maintenance boy prepare fresh towel |
トイレに常駐の掃除人とも仲良くなって顔見知りトイレに行く度に話をした出身国を尋ねたらバングラディッシュだと。18時間程もラウンジにいたので二度もシャワーした。シャワーはラウンジが空いた時間にするのが良い。現地時間朝9時以降の午前中と午後2時頃から夕方までが空いている。出発便のラッシュの後と到着便が増える前が良いって事。 I went toilet many times took shower two times in 18 hours stay this airport, Maintenance boy become friend he come from Bangladesh, I understand we have to take shower while none crowded hour of lounge in morning after 9am and 2pm to early evening is not many people this airport, it mean before arrival rush hour and after departure rush hour.is good. |
トイレはウォシュレットになってない、ノズルの後ろを押すと水が出るが、この手のノズルは使い難い押しボタンは硬いので指で挟むようにしないと押せないが挟む反対側は水の出るノズル面だからお尻を出して中腰で片手で操作はかなり難しい。 No washlet in this toilet, equipped wash nozzle but we have to check water pressure before use hand nozzle, push buttom behind of hand nozzle is not easy to use after done toilet. |
朝食時以外はヨーグルトやチーズハムは無く昼以降、夜、翌朝までこのメニューが続く。ラウンジ滞在は通常4時間までだが搭乗時刻まで20時間程あったので8時間まで滞在を許可してくれ、それ以降は再び同じカード又は別のカードで決済が必要、でも使用者には実際の支払いは発生しない。このラウンジで18時間程過ごした。 after 12 noon food until next early morning. Lounge able to stay 4 hour generally but I had 20 hour for next flight, they allow to stay 8 hour then next hour need check charge again |
この左手にコンピュータ室があり、最近は海外でもパソコンは日本語が表示できるので日本のニュースを長時間読んでいた。最初にラウンジに入るカードチェックの時に何時まで滞在できるか尋ねて、その時間までなら何度も出入り、カウンターを通った時に何か言って来たら「already」と言えばそのまま通してくれる Free computer room left side of here, many of computer can show Japanese page and letter, I read news in Japan, Lounge allows to in and out few hours, better to ask available how many hour when check in card Lounge |
時間がたっぷりあったので時折はラウンジから出て空港内D,E搭乗口に行くシャトル電車に乗ってみる、D,Eは搭乗口Cの最後先端から更に先に伸びた部分なので沢山あるC搭乗口を通り過ぎねばならないから歩くと動く歩道に乗っても時間が掛かるが。動く歩道の階から上の階に行くとシャトル電車がある数分毎に運行していて一分でD,E搭乗口に着く | |
None driver train automatically operated connected between near Yellow
Teddy bear to D and or E boarding gate take 1 minutes, D/E gate locating end of C gate corridor, C gate corridor equipped moving walk but it take almost 10 minutes, this train , train station located one floor up from C gate corridor escalator is near beginning of C gate corridor |
この飛行機に乗るわけではないのだが、操縦席窓の周りを黒く塗装したパンダのような飛行機がかわいいA350 Cute face of A350 cockpit window, this is not my aircraft today |
2017/4/9(日Sun) 成田行きの便に乗って日本に東京成田に、京都に向かう
私はB10から出る成田行き朝2時半離陸予定のQR806を待つ、ここまで来ると日本語も沢山聞こえる Way back to Tokyo Narita QR806 has waiting gate B10, we can listen Japanese language passenger this area. |
早朝02:35離陸予定が02:58の離陸、ほぼ予定通り。左上のサラダには巻き寿司が一個乗っている、これが一番うまかった。牛肉と白ご飯も美味しかった。 This is early morning flight scheduled 02:35 but took off 02:58, Roll sushi is most delicious, salad and beef also rice is delicious too. |
カタールやタンザニアなど中東とアフリカ東部の時間区域 Indicate time zone Tanzania and middle east area is same time |
カタールより1時間遅れの南アフリカや今回行ったジンバブエとザンビアの区域 One hour behind Qatar area is include Zimbabwe and Zambia and also south Africa. |
着陸前の夕食は卵にチキンソーセージ、カタールにポークはない。 Meal before arrival is omelet with chicken sausage Qatar has not pork sausage |
上海上空まで飛んで来た成田に着陸まで二時間ほど Flying near shanghai, two hour to Tokyo Narita from here |
四国上空の辺りは飛行機がずいぶんと揺れた Many turbulence at this area today over Shikoku island |
成田には予定より20分も早く18:28着陸、運良く最初に出られたのでJR切符売り場で新幹線のチケットを手にしたのは私がひかりで京都まで帰れる最終の列車の組み合わせに乗る3分前だった。 Arrived Narita 20 minutes eerier than schedule 18:28, Lucky for me to buy ticket to bullet train to Kyoto.. when I get train just before 3 minutes before train arrival which connected last train of hikari super express to Kyoto. |
大勢の観光客を連れた添乗員か、先ほどからひっきりなしにフランス語でまくし立ててる。 Right side guy guiding with France language , he always have to explain to his tour people to get on train |
ホームに着いて1分程でやってきました初めて乗るJRの成田エキスプレスで東京品川まで Wait only one minutes arrive train Narita express to Tokyo shinagawa |
なるほど、どこの国の乗客が多いのか判る。 Inside of train indicator we can imagine what nationality passenger is most |
空港第二ビル駅19:15、成田エキスプレスで品川駅20:23まで、最終の新幹線ひかり535東京駅発20:33品川駅20:40、京都には23:14着、23:34発、チケットは左から成田→品川の成田エキスプレス、成田第二空港駅から最終駅までの乗車券、品川から京都までの新幹線ひかり最終。 Arrived 19:15 terminal two, Narita express to shinagawa 20:23, last hikari 535 depart tokyo 20:33 then shinagawa is 20:40, arrive kyoto 23:14. Last train 23:34. Ticket show from left Narita express ticket Narita to Shinagawa , middle : Narita to final destination , right : bullet train hikari ticket shinagawa to kyoto |
京都から遅い時間の乗車は久しぶり From kyoto take only local train |
2017/4/10(月Mon) タクシー深夜料金で我が家に向かう 0時9分 Last train arrived at 00:09 and go home by taxi with midnight rate
ジンバブエwiki ジンバブエインフレ ザンビアwiki ザンビア大使館 ヴィクトリアの滝wiki 南アフリカwiki ヨハネスブルグwiki カタール案内
I hear lot of dangerous area in south Africa specially Johannesburg but sandton area is better than I expected even early evening,
I made plan to Zambia and Zimbabwe is very adventurous decision for me,
I did not expect when I start trip Japan.
I don't have any information about these country specially middle of African I never study even in elementary school
But no need to worry anything this time, able to connect interned and communicate
email too
Zambia and Zimbabwe is very weak connection , after connect signal searching re connect many times, connect channel are little not enough for traffic of user.
people in Zambia and Zimbabwe is good than south east country people, no
bagger, no tricky people, I felt people here has not history of culture
, people received direct recent culture from westernized people, its not
like south east country
I did not make any reservation Zimbabwe and Zambia cheap hostel , I only
know name and phone number, but taxi driver know name of hostel
and there is another cheap hostel in town,
facility electric and water is OK but other tourist experienced that while
take shower and shampoo, water was stopped so complained to owner , answered
"oh I don't know how I get new water, this is Zimbabwe" so can
not wash out soup from body and hair until next morning.
I saw few Japanese old tourist around Victoria fall and airport, most of young tourist come from Europe , America, Australia, and north Africa area
many tourist travelling land transportation in Africa this area except
Japanese, someone telling me his schedule to Johannesburg, it is one hour
by air bird fly 800km but it will take more than one week by land public
transportation to reach south Africa and transportation is not direct to
his or her destination ,
but everybody use internet to make own schedule.
Capital of Zambia Lusaka is 500km away from Livingstone city, they have airline schedule not only land transportation.
If you want to go to see Victoria fall Zambia or Zimbabwe side has rainy area water come from Victoria fall, cheapest rain coat with food is enough and better to have water proof shoes too, walking on bridge slippy so bear foot is better than use sandals anyway rainy point walking is only 100m in this season, also need towel for wipe before wear shoes again、and also need transparency plastic bag for camera if you have camera.
I bought stick type mosquito killer picture below at Johannesburg, strong lemon fruit but after one hour smells away from my body, stick medicine will put on my skin hand, face , foot, knack, and other place which un covered by shirt or pants, this medicine is perfect than made in Japan and experienced Japan.
Picture below is same size of actual stick medicine price R68us$6.2\700-
I did not try to use us$ in Johannesburg but Zimbabwe and Zambia propel
will accept us$ I recommend bring small amount of us$, if only big dollar,
change will return only local currency, it can not change again to us$.
I bought insect killer at pharmacy in Johannesburg price R68=\700- , this is stick medicine like big lip stick,
picture size is same as real one Actual dimensions are 3 cm in diameter and 8 cm in length.
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