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2017/4/7(金Fri) ヨハネスブルグ経由カタールまで戻る Go back Doha Qatar via Johannesburg south Africa

Hostel Jollyboy has kitchen for back packer, toaster, electric pot, microwave oven, gas cooking heater. everything westernized.
欧米人もバックパッカーは殆ど自炊している。私がここに居る5分程の間に20才位の黒髪欧米人がバッグを一つ持って入ってきて「Good Morning」と私に言って来た、見ると鍋を洗っている、これから調理するのかと思って次に振り向いて見た時は鍋は何処にもなくバッグを背負って出て行く所だった。鍋をバッグで持ち出して何するんだろう?
Most of back packer cooked themselves I stay here only 5 minutes to take picture, one of young westernized people come in and say "good morning", then washing cooking pan, I thought she will cook from now but while I take this picture, she shoulder her bag and disappear cooking pan, what she will do ?
Only few people wake early morning 6am, I am hungry I want order something

Breakfast Mombを注文したが美味しかった、肉はなくベーコンと目玉焼き、トマトに玉葱の炒め物で50クワチャus$5¥550-
I ordered Breakfast Momb, no meat but bacon with egg and tomatoes, fried onion too, only us$5-5kwacha
We can order alcohol , sprite 350ml was us$0.7-
Food everything is good than Shoestrings hostel yesterday.
Room mate Sandra introduced herself without asking, she come from Holland and working NPO Mwanza Tanzania, very friendly girl .

Good taxi driver waiting at Jollyboys
I paid us$15- 8Bed Mixed Dome Shared Bathroom
cottage style private room
apartment style private room, I will check out and go to airport
Taxi is us$5- ordered in hostel is cheap, same driver yesterday, in ten minutes arrived airport entrance, after I take this picture, try to take picture security guard, but his sign is "no" then guard come to see me and insist me show took picture around here, he allow me pass enter airport and said "Do not take picture", before he leave from me,
This is all the check in counter this airport, many airline has schedule this airport , southafrican air, Kenya air, Zambia air and also unknown airline.
When I take this picture some of westernized caucasion man and woman mixed old people group in the waiting room talking in english beside of me, one of woman make some of mistake her water bottle broken big hole inside of her bag, she need help something need keep dry, other thing are very wet, she get all things out from her bag, I give plastic shopping bag which I bring from super market in Japan, printed name of market in Japanese language which I always have in my bag for emergency use.
she is white blonde hair age around 60, I remember movie James bond Sean connery, she looks like boss of bond called "M" in movie. she said to me, "I will kiss you thank you", she hugged me .
Cessna skymaster twin engine airplane
South african airline going to Johannesburg, Mrs M and her group get on board earlier flight than me, she really appreciate me and I am happy to help unknown person, caucasion woman carrying two Japanese letter plastic bag is little funny for me, I made someone happy without any cost.
Swiss made Pilatus porter turbo prop engine aircraft, I can see some of mark something maybe airline symbol mark
This is my flight BA6292 to Johannesburg, I waited more than one hour in waiting room, but good air conditioned waiting room was comfortable
British airways airlift is com air property
Glass window building is waiting room where I waited more than one hour
Stair equipped on American mobile
Many flight schedule not only long distance, many of short distance destination, no expressway around here, ordinary bus service will take more than 20 hour but its only half hour by airplane.same destination.
Emergency equipment service located end of terminal building,, Building look old, maybe emergency care is old its OK but hope keeping well maintenance .
80% on board passenger
Low cost seat like low cost airline
Good bye Plutas porter
Take off 13:55, airport runway will not guard by fence from wild animals, what they will do if lion sleeping on runway
We can see rain fall from cumulonimbus cloud
Flight climb up with turn right and left due to avoid cumulonimbus clouds
Still climb up with leading edge flap
Reaching cruising altitude, fly savanna area of Africa
Meal service is pizza style food and sweet cookie
One our flight will decent altitude to approach Johannesburg
BA6292 landed 15:20 flight time 1hour 15 minutes, arrived Johannesburg airport
Is this called mango air painted on body of aircraft, we will park just beside of mango air
空港建物に入るInternationalTransferの乗り継ぎ指示に従って行くと入国審査のような所に行く、ここで入国するのかと思って見ていると入国せずに「Airport Transit」なる左上07APRの判子を押してくれるだけだった。なるほど乗り換え通過だけなら入国と出国をしなくても済むわけだ。右下が南アフリカに先日入国した時の物とその左上が出国、左下はジンバブエ
Get into terminal building, followed sign "International Transfer" arrived such as passport control many people lined, it look immigration
but I don't need enter this country, officer give only one stamp "Airport Transit" 07APR left above, right down stamp are first arrived Johannesburg,
left down is Zimbabwe,

 I arrived after stamp airport transit, next departure is 21:00 so I have 6 our,
 I could not find Qatar Air purple sign when arrived. I was wondered I should wait long time
or find other place to get next boarding pass, After 18:00 they show sign purple one,
 I was happy to see it but its ended in short time, staff of airline answered me,
"we have space from here to Doha but you can not get on board because your next flight is Tokyo now Doha to Tokyo if fully booked",
this is first time can not get boarding pass reason fully booked next flight.
 I ask and talk long time to manager of airline staff by telephone, she explained lot,
but I find to get one point, she said you can not on board from here except you enter immigration Qatar Doha,
so I said to lie, "OK I will get in Qatar and
 I have Qatar currency" I really had Qatar money but I am sure not get in Qatar country.
anyway I made story to enter Qatar when arrived Doha, and said
"I can show Qatar money now" actually money is not necessary to enter only needed VISA credit card to pay entrance tax for Qatar.
finally I get boarding pass Johannesburg to Doha, I will think to Tokyo after arrived Doha it is enough my trip.
I was starving when I get on board, I did not have time to to lounge before boarding QR1360 took off 21:00, this meal is so delicious this rice should be Japanese rice maybe made in Japan.

Anyway I got on board this flight, I will think to Tokyo flight after arrive Doha,

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