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2019/3/1(金) 今年の2月は28日で終わり、今日は2月29日でなく3月1日 日本に帰る日 Today is the day I will return to Japan on March 1st but not February 29
Some of staff read that I was going to complain in toast bread, today a hard French bread came out, there was no sauce to fried eggs or soy sauce but there was mild salt, but it was surprisingly good, a little brown salt It was a salty feeling salt., I will visit my friend office to say good bye and leave to airport today.
I am on the way to my friend perfume who become friend my 2011 Hanoi trip, I find something this is on pedestrian road  tent and table also chair occupied road.
I try to look inside but on table plate and tea cup like held on some of party on pedestrian road. I still can not understand and what they doing, locate near my friend office.

                          Business card of Perfume Her business top page ⇒ http://www.hanoifamilyhomestay.com/
Left the lady Perfume has a 12 year old daughter Anna and a 14 year old son Monkey.. Employees are eating bread. The old men friend of Perfume visited suddenly and started conversation use lannguage Japanese and English and Vietnamese.
これが私の手帳に自分で名前と「地質学」と書いてくれた、私は後で自分で判るように上に自分の読める字で書いた。最下部にはこの日に乗った飛行機の機長さんの名前が便名や離陸着陸時間とともに書いてある。 Nguyen wrote his name and wrote it with "kanji" meaning "geology".on my trip diary at middle of page,
visited Nguen Lan Duong 78 years old, speaking Japanese quite a bit so I asked "why", Japanese soldiers arrived in 1954 to make a school and educate them,
then I asked what you studied
He wrote it with "kanji" with "geology".
It was an event that made me feel that Japan contributed to various countries in Southeast Asia

Thanks to that education he showed me a wallet, several hundred dollar bills are really rich for Vietnamese grandpa but I am happy,
he wants to take a picture of me in commemoration
he had a digital camera made in Japan so we took pictures each other.
this is really good memory. 
The Japanese government should keep a record of the voices of those who say this and pass it on to future generations.
Hanoi Family Homestay旅行社の向いは竹を扱うお店、この景色は前回訪れた2011年から変わってない
Hanoi Family Homestay travel agencies, in front of shops bamboo, this view has not changed since 2011
we will head to the airport by car at 12:30.
Crossing this bridge should be near soon
Airport has Terminal 1 and Terminal 2 , but Domestic Terminal is Terminal 1, International Terminal is Terminal 2

I can not remember at all whether I was in the same building when I came in 2011, remember only I was desperate for a lot of tensions can clearly
I have already received my boarding pass, I still have a passport control and baggage check before get on plane,  I can not know where and what will happen, so let me pass it as soon as possible until way to boarding gate, if there is time I will take a break at airport lounge
やってきました、これがSONG HONG Buisiness Lounge
Dinners card and priority card available

 I will explain inside of card lounge, The reception staff, waiting several people, the room on the left is a free personal computer for customers. There is a toilet and a shower behind the reception desk.
The runway and the parking lot can be seen in front through window
Spaghetti, simmered vegetables, fried rice, porridge, etc. on the left stainless steel vessel
Vietnam native foods
ジュースやワインやリキュール、アルコール類。Juice, wine and liqueur, alcohol.
Cornflakes, coffee and tea.
There are no draft beer servers but various cans of beer and juice tea, yogurt at the bottom.
There were not many quantities, but there were many kinds of sweets prepared.
Sushi is just this without wasabi, little soft rice, but vinegar is working properly and it was delicious. Wasabi was placed separately with soy sauce
I ate sushi already  Sweets, yogurt and sweets are also delicious
Two bathrooms in the toilet, towels, soap and shampoo were prepared inside of lounge.
View from the visitor's seat window side, front entrance, reception on the left hand, food on the right.
you can see the boarding gate, this is the boarding gate after 29th

When seeing the plane of Japanese flag it feel me at home as Japanese, so am I ?
Cloudy Hanoi took off at 16:03, after having been in a drink service for more than one hour, meal service
We fly over mainland of China, they has many flights, they give us many heading direction to goes around here everywhere we go, the Americas should have more flights than here, but this is not the case. I feel somehow they hate Japanese but I do not complaining. or chinese air controller can not manage well like china style maybe.
Ice cream was delicious, so I asked one more of it , I asked too on the way to go.
We fly over the South China Sea beyond Shanghai while I was having a meal.
高度 1187m、1164km/h、で飛行中
We are flying 1187m altitude、1164km/h
The captain is Japanese, Makoto Osaki. Hanoi took off delayed but he concerned the arrival time
Ordinarily it will take a speed of 1000km/h but 1164km/h today.
an excess speed give arrive earlier than scheduled time to Haneda airport at 10:00PM.
So Passenger will have chance of reaching there own house in same day if they lives in the Kanto area, I have a reservation accomodation tonight near airport by internet..

羽田空港から25分のカプセルイン浜松町、食べる所も近くに沢山あり居心地は悪くないのだが時々おられるやかましいイビキには閉口する。ここは男と女で階を分けてあり男は風呂があるが女性はシャワー室しかない。予約してあれば早く着いても荷物は預かってくれるchek in 17:00 check out 10:00。
A capsule hotel in Hamamatsucho is 25minutes one train from Haneda Airport, it's comfortable when you get used, but sometimes someone a snore very loud can not suffer.

floor is divided by a man and a woman, and the man is a bath but the woman has only a shower room. If you make a reservation, the luggage will be kept even if arrived early.

2019/3/2(土)  東京から大阪へ  Tokyo to Osaka flight

同伴者料金 1名につき 1,000円(税抜き込)、4歳以上13歳未満500円(税抜き)、4歳未満無料
Check in at Haneda Airport Terminal 2, I will visit airport lounge, after complete the security check and on the way to the boarding gate, take escalator between gate 51 and 52 to up stair.

Go up to the third floor with an escalator and make a U - turn to turn right, you will see the lounge.
POWER LOUNGE NORTH 3階にある、搭乗口2階52搭乗口から上に行く
Lounge is on the third floor, the boarding gate is on the second floor
You can use as many cards as this, however you must have your own card in the same name as your boarding pass name
Bottle in order from the front, cold water, blue juice, cold coffee, milk, server apple juice, orange juice, tomato juice in order from the front
Wall side seats, window side has big table and many seats
Look at the window side where the parking lot can be seen aircraft from the side of the wall, there is a seat on the right side of the picture
Cafe latte and blue juice and tomato juice, I will try three kind of drink today.
Toilet with washlet, I confused toilet of in the aircraft, I try to find sitting paper for toilet but this is only lounge, I wipe sitting plate by paper.
第2旅客ターミナルビル(2階) エアポートラウンジ(南)
セキュリティチェック後 第2旅客ターミナル2階 搭乗口65と66の間
インターネット環境 無線LAN(FLET’S SPOT、HOT SPOT、Mzone、BBモバイルポイント、BizPortal)、コイン式パソコン(有料)
同伴者料金(含む消費税等) 1名につき1,080円 (4歳以上13歳未満540円、4歳未満無料)
I will not go today but check the location of another lounge, behind indicate 1 far side is entrance of lounge.
2nd Terminal Building (2nd Floor) Airport Lounge (South)
After security check second floor between boarding ports 65 and 66
写真の空色2の場所が第2旅客ターミナルビル(2階) エアポートラウンジ(南)
セキュリティチェック後 第2旅客ターミナル2階 搭乗口65と66の間
インターネット環境 無線LAN(FLET’S SPOT、HOT SPOT、Mzone、BBモバイルポイント、BizPortal)、コイン式パソコン(有料)
同伴者料金(含む消費税等) 1名につき1,080円 (4歳以上13歳未満540円、4歳未満無料)
The sky color indicate 2 in left picture is Lounge,. 2nd terminal building 2nd floor
The airport lounge (south)
After security check Second floor boarding ports between 65 and 66

The aircraft is Boeing 787-9, and the pilot will be looks age twenties
About 90% of the passengers this flight and available seats at the premium economy
Itami airport landing at 10:05 and you can get on 10: 22 departure monorail, ANA is about 10 minutes away
It seems it takes 36 minutes from Osaka Itami Airport station to Kadoma City station.

無事に帰りつくことが出来た、あちこちのラウンジ巡りも出来たし今回の旅は友人と一緒に行って本当に楽な旅をさせてもらった、感謝 感激!!楽すぎて困るくらいだ。
I return safely, I went with my friend on this trip and thankfully I had a really enjoyable journey! !

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