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2019/2/27(水) ベトナム軍事歴史博物館を目指す  Way for Vietnam military history museum

Cloudy today, hope it would be fine and not heavy rain even if it rain, I will not holding an umbrella
A yellow lantern is attached to a thin branch of a tree and will someone climb over there?
This area is high enough to reach a ladder.
This is splendid, potted is possible to have harvest fruits.
In the past it was a railway passed over, Hanoi is an old city so you can see buildings like castle walls
If it is possible pass a short car, but there are no restrictions or traffic signs at all. I can not understand sense of people parking motorbic under the tunnel, parking make narrow tunnel become more narrow.
The destination Vietnam War History Museum is on the map here but the entrance seems to be different

次の角を曲がったらあったベトナム軍事歴史博物館 場所はハノイのココ 入場料40000VND¥200-、カメラは30000VNDと書いてあるがカメラを片手に持っていたのに40000ドンで入れてくれた。
I find entrance just turn next corner, There was a Vietnam military history museum entrance, Here on map fee of 40000 VND \ 200 -, the camera is 30000 VND, but I had a camera with one hand but paid only 40000 dong
The blue roof Mig fighter which can be seen entering it is a national treasure in the love machine of Vietnamese hero Fam Tuan
Flag lifting tower
Inside there are aircraft at the time of the Vietnam War and before that
An object created by collecting broken planes?
There are also reciprocating engines and fins of jet engines
The Vietnam War was a mixed era with the surviving reciprocating machines of World War II and jet engines
Exhibits seen from the flag raising tower
87 secMvi1274
People, groups, and countries that supported Vietnam at the time, Hirosihi Endo is written on the upper left

I thought a communication machine manufactured by Collins America., but an electrocardiogram
A photograph of when Ho Chi Minh visited Poland, that remembered Poland of that time was a socialist country under Soviet union.
Does this mean that there were organizations that supported Vietnam even in the United States
By the way, there was a civic coalition for peace in Vietnam,
A round stone was lined up before, yeah? Explanation seemed more important than cannonball thought that this was a shell

Let's go back today after watching the entrance Mig fighter.

The Vietnam War History Museum opens 8:00 to 11:30 and 13:00 to 16:30 except Monday and Friday
Railway in the streets in the city, that means Hanoi station on the railroad will be a few hundred meters ahead, Kim Jong-won of North Korea will come for talks with President Trump tomorrow.
Walk east on TranPhu street but 500 meters to the right direction Hanoi station this is silgle railroad.
28 sec Mvi1304
Even though no one stops or anyone knows railroad tracks that do not consciously railroad tracks are not rusted, and still available as known.
A lady who sells fruit in front of Rose Hotel, sometimes a young woman.
Although I came to Hanoi for many days, there was a shining sun light could shade for the first time, In the motor bike back was holding a baby and three people riding, everything is Vietnam Hanoi style.
The corner shop and the green sign are liquor shops, but a lady of a Western European drinking a beer in a small table on road in front of shop under the green signboard talks to her when I bought beer. she had been to Tokyo, flowers bloomed about the stories of Tokyo, we talk the story of France and the story of a conflict with the Macron regime of the Yello vest movement in Paris. A 60 year old lady travels alone
Today's dinner, other fried beef and grilled rice etc.

 今日もハノイの街をよく歩いた、ぐっすり寝よう。   I walked a lot city of Hanoi, I can sleep well

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