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2019/2/28(木) ハノイ郊外バッチャン村に行ってからホアロー収容所  Hoa Lo camp after I went to Bachchan(Bat Trang) village outside Hanoi

What I can have as my breakfast ?
The town in Hanoi is cloudy enough to rain today
walk toward the bus stop
There is no one wearing rain gear although it is likely to rain
At the time of the Vietnam War it came to the 1700 m long Lombien Bridge which was destroyed many times by the bombing of the US Army, according travel book, they have a sidewalk beside of railroad track, but a two-wheeler will not care pedestrian walking.
Located in the middle of the road is Lombien Bus Terminal beside of bridge, it is not easy pass by walk or run even intersection traffic light turns green, but even if the traffic light turns red, nobody can stop cross passing car and the vehicle trying to cross the road and keeping the signal and traffic regulations Ignoring the signal, we had to cross the gap between vehicle when the intersection stopped with a traffic jam.
34 sec Mvi1322
Waiting in twenty minutes but can not find 47A bus.
Is this right position as bus stop for 47A ?
The bus will come to both sides of the bus stop, which is here, but the bus stop on this side is the entrance opposite side of the bus
写真の下の上から二つ目に47A DI BAT TRANGと記載があるこれだ。
From the top of the picture below it is the second one with 47 A DI BAT TRANG
I thought that the bus was crowded, the rush hour was over at 9:30
Hey driver you have to wash this car before you depart at bus station
The bus entered a narrow street and it seems that we arrived at the location on the map. The ceiling of this bus will be able to receive GPS radio waves.
When entering the parking lot of the bus 47 A lightning disappeared Destination display of the bus

Walking down pottery shops are all about pottery making experiences and various ingenuity, every store is related to pottery.no food shop or hotel
can find
Somehow I came to a quaint place.
50 sec Mvi1335
69 sec Mvi1336
When I was watching and take a movie, One of old man ask me to go somewhere near like a potter's studio I followed because he strongly recommended to me
見事な盆栽もある。 There is also a splendid bonsai.
Kilns that bake pottery are lined up, but now it seems that it is not really baked here now
Inviting the inside of the kiln to see and inside, I can see the light inside this yellow line is like a electric wire.
The wall is glazed on one side and the whole kiln is like a pottery
The bird in the work shop, the small birds I saw when visit

Pouring clay like gypsum into mold
When it gets set, take open the frame and take out it. The mold shell will breaks in two so it keeps with a clip
I took a picture in commemoration with him thank you.
Walking ahead and saying goodbye to uncle, I walk to the way to the bus stop, Road should be able to go around a different path I will not returning  same road.
I walked for a while, I wanted to sit down, there was sugar cane juice shop so I ordered a cup of it, sugar came look like bamboo.
16 sec Mvi1351 氷一個だけとわめいてるのが聞こえる I am telling only one ice cube
This sugar cane is about 15,000 dong \ 75 - shop staff tried to put a lot of ice so I said one is enough and drink before ice melted further, they recently use mineral water in infe, but the hygiene idea is different from Japan Ice avoid as much as possible
I walked about Bachchan village for about an hour, is this a parking lot? Let's return to the city of Hanoi by bus
I came back to Lombien Bus Terminal and walked. Delicious BBQ we are here on map
confirmed map on screen of smart phone
Three servings of beef, I will have dinner with my friends.
It seems like baking it on over aluminum foil on iron plate and drooling oil, fuel is solid fuel
All the tables except the next table are full
Place meat and vegetables in this way and enclose it with a frame of stainless steel so that the flame will not be scattered by the wind
Eat everyone and eat too
I will have in trouble if I ate too much, no problem !
Who is most troubled by going to eat too much ?
This was \ 1,000 per person including drinks

In the afternoon Hoa Loo camp in Hanoi town, there is a ticket office on the left side of the entrance
After purchasing the ticket I wanted to bring back but entrance staff took away the part that wrote the amount at the entrance price and broke it put it in the trash, I said "Please wait a moment and let me take a picture" I picked it out of the trash can and arranged and take picture this, the entrance fee is 30000 VND \ 150 -
A room that houses prisoners of war who come out first after entering
The detainee was detained by fixing one foot with metal frame, I wonder what they will do if go to the toilet

A guillotine device installed in the camp.
People were detained by fixing their feet with a dark lone stick.
Pictures are very dark if you do not fire flash
Now the fluorescent lamp is on and the door is open so it's a bit brighter but you can see the door of the room of the opposite side of the corridor, inside the room you can see the metal fittings holding the captives' feet
Are they worshiping the deceased here?
Is it ironic that the neighbor is a high-rise high-tower commercial facility? It seems that Americans' prisoners told Hanoi Hilton and irony about this camp.

Lets go next
Senator McCain who died the other day was a pilot of a fighter plane, a photograph when the shooting down and was caught was right
When he was released from Vietnam on the lower right picture, his leg was broken by torture and he had crutches on them
As McCain's father was a senior officer, Vietnam tried to release it earlier than other detainees, but "I should not go back earlier although there are soldiers who are longer than me." I read it somewhere.
Edison W.Miller
Norman Carl Gaddis
Douglas Brian (Pete) Peterson
Porter Alexander Halyburton
A soldier of this picture is being treated by a Vietnamese woman
Jack R.Trimble

爆撃に爆弾を落とす方は簡単だが爆撃された側は悲惨   It is easier to drop a bomb on a bombardment, but the bombed side is miserable

 Sorry that there were only monochrome pictures in Vietnam then, if you were to color it would be even more miserable

Some of the family came to pick up a soldier who came back from the war, Someone went back with in to the bag and returned home, but he is lucky, there are a lot of unknown missing in action soldiers never come back even without bag.
Vietnam and the United States became friends
As of everyday around 1972, I heard and saw the news of B 52 Bomb to north Vietnam.
Exhibits celebrating the second North Korean talks to be held tomorrow
A large phone box under the left tree is the ticket office at the entrance to Hoa Lo camp

When I find a supermarket on my way home, my apple is 115200 dong \ 500 - is expensive.
Mango is 35500 VND \ 180 - This is almost same price even in Japan
Dragon fruit is 97900 VND \ 490 is expensive, in Japan it is 200-300 yen
Street shop woman stops and told me to eat this strongly, I ate it, then she tried to put it in a bag many of this so I started walking and saying "I will not buy it",
chasing me from behind and saying "pay money she said" I heard it behind, but I continued walking without turning backwards.
I realized it later what she said was only about 10 yen/9 cents us $,
so I would better pay it, I regret a bit. Reason why I did not stop and did not mind becouse she asked strongly to eat it
While I will head to the hotel, watching what I will eat tonight
This store seems to be delicious, Vietnamese cuisine is mostly edible
Turn on the electric water boiling switch for hot water tank, take about half an hour water become hot shower, but when you use hot water for 20 minutes it gets cold little by little because tank is too small.
Hanoi in this season can not take shower without hot water, bath is not in this hotel
 明日は帰るだけだが、少しでも体を休めよう、日本に帰ればまだ寒いのだ。  I will leave tomorrow, let's rest even a bit, it is still cold in Japan.

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