2010/10/12(Tue) To Frankfurt 体育の日の休み明けに関空からフランクフルト経由ミュンヘン

2010/10/13(Wed) Munchen to Prague Czech ミュンヘンからチェコのプラハ

2010/10/14(Thu) Prague to Krakow Poland プラハからポーランドのクラクフ旧市街

2010/10/15(Fri) Auschwitz クラクフからアウシュビッツ、ビルケナウ強制収容所

2010/10/16(Sat) Weliczka salt mine クラクフから岩塩採掘場のあるヴィエリチカまで

2010/10/17(Sun) Night train & Prague 夜行列車で早朝プラハ着、プラハ城を見てミュンヘンまで戻る

2010/10/18(Mon), 19(Tue) Munchen & back to Japan ミュンヘンは雨、昼に町へ。19日の朝は日本に向かう

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22010/10/18(Mon) Munchen down town sight seeing. 10/19Tue Back to Japan

2010年10月18日(月) 朝から雨、堕睡の後で昼にミュンヘンの町へ、  10月19日(火) 日本へ

carls gate 5 minutes walk from hotel
go to city hall フラウエン教会、ノイハウザー通りを市役所に向かってあるく。
open store at Marien place, I know all fruits but I can read only panaya.
remember at 11am dancing doll mid tower of city hall . I remembered visited here half century ago

autumn leaves, computer in hotel keyboard allocate Y and Z reverse position. Is there something wrong with operating the inn's computer? I noticed that the keyboard layout of the German computer keyboard was swapped between Y and Z. Certainly, in Germany, Z is sometimes added to the initials of names and words, so it is used more often than Y, so it is understandable that the frequently used letters are brought to the center of the keyboard.


宿のパソコンを操作して何か違う? ドイツのパソコンのキーボードのキー配列がYとZが入れ替っているのに気付いた。
auto in Europe.
When I returned to the inn and showed the phone number written in Japan to the front desk of the hotel when I called the airline company, I was told to put 0 in front of the area code. 1805 805 805 is German Airlines, but add 0 to select an outside line at the hotel and put 0 in front of the area code, that is, if you call from the hotel room, 001805 805 805. From the town's pay phone, it's 01 805 805 805.


1805 805 805がドイツ航空だがホテルで外線を選択するのに0を付け、市外局番の前に0を着けよ、つまりホテルの部屋から掛けるなら001805 805 805となる。
町の公衆電話からなら01805 805 805となる。


cold season of Europe many rainy day or cloudy, also flight schedule will change easily I change to earlier flight.

Last breakfast in Munchen, I have serial with yogurt.The only thing I put next to the cereal on the counter is cold milk, and the yogurt is separate with cheese and ham, but I sprinkle three types of yogurt. Pink is strawberry flavor, yellow is cream flavor, and white is sweet yogurt. There are various types of cereals, so enjoy each type.
Munchen has head office of BMW mortar company. many advertise in terminal buildings of airport.

departure delay at Munchen airport, already departure time .
take off Munchen airport, change flight at Frankfurt, low cloud and rain at Frankfurt.


On the flight from Frankfurt, when I went to the galley in the middle of the meal after takeoff and the meal before landing, there was a wrapped cod roe rice ball and there was a Westerner who did not know how to peel vinyl and how to wrap seaweed, so I explained. I can eat it with one touch or two touches, but I can't usually buy rice balls at a convenience store and I'm confused at first, but soon I got used to it and the show started and was well received.


With this, the 9-day trip that went out on October 12th (Tuesday) and arrived in Japan on the morning of October 20th (Wednesday) was completed successfully, and I am grateful for the trip that I felt because of various things this time as well! !! !!

In Poland, 20 euros are exchanged for 61ZL Zulch, 1 euro / \ 118-so 1ZL Zulch / \ 38-

旅の感想 Impression



This was the first time in Czech and Poland. The Czech Republic was only a short stay, but I had no extreme trouble or problems.
There are some people who can speak English, and it seems to be easy to live in. Poland may have had a long history of unnecessarily self-assertion by those who had terrible train conductors but had power or authority unnecessary.
The people of the city are friendly and want to go again without using the train. However, when I go to a station in the countryside, no one can speak English, and I can't understand train changes or home changes in Polish, especially when I don't have time. Guidance that is understood by those who know it but not at all by those who do not know it is unfriendly to travelers, and it seems that the old socialist constitution cannot be easily replaced.

In the information of Prague station, it is a coincidence that people meet with a good desire to get rid of Czech beauty, or with a poor quality conductor in Poland, but depending on the conditions at that time and each other's situation, it may be the worst or a wonderful encounter. I want to cherish the encounter between human beings, who have a continuous relationship with each other, and the encounter between human beings, which is a short time while I am alive.

I didn't bring a computer, but the Wifi environment was in every inn. There was no wifi in transportation inside the car. Free internet computers were also available at the inns in Munich, Prague and Krakow.

  Previous 前へ  この頁は旅の最後This page is last day of trip 10/18〜19  最初の日へ Back to Beginning


2010/10/12(Tue) To Frankfurt 体育の日の休み明けに関空からフランクフルト経由ミュンヘン

2010/10/13(Wed) Munchen to Prague Czech ミュンヘンからチェコのプラハ

2010/10/14(Thu) Prague to Krakow Poland プラハからポーランドのクラクフ旧市街

2010/10/15(Fri) Auschwitz クラクフからアウシュビッツ、ビルケナウ強制収容所

2010/10/16(Sat) Weliczka salt mine クラクフから岩塩採掘場のあるヴィエリチカまで

2010/10/17(Sun) Night train & Prague 夜行列車で早朝プラハ着、プラハ城を見てミュンヘンまで戻る

2010/10/18(Mon), 19(Tue) Munchen & back to Japan ミュンヘンは雨、昼に町へ。19日の朝は日本に向かう