2011/12/27(Tue) 28(Wed) KIX to CEB spoiled kid Asiana関空からセブ

2011/12/29(Thu) Going Argao city アルガオを目指す

2011/12/30(Fri) Motorbike touring 今年もバイクで山の中をツーリング

2011/12/31(Sat)〜2012/1/1(Sun) Remember when I was young 若かりし頃を思い出し

2012/1/2(Mon)〜1/4(Wed) Enjoy new year holiday 新春をのんびり

2012/1/5(Thu) On the way to Guimaras island ギマラス島

2012/1/6(Fri) Guimaras Island tour and dancing contest ギマラス島を巡る

2012/1/7(Sat) Can't catch ferry, can't catch flight フェリーを逃して

2012/1/8(Sun)〜1/9(Mon) Enjoy one more day もう一日

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2012/1/5(Thu) Night ferry going Iloilo city and go to Guimaras Island 船上で夜が明けて、イロイロの町に着きギマラス島へ渡る

Early morning 曇りの夜明け
unknown current position but this time ship should be passed north of Negros island
he is security guard of this ship. while cruising he wear casual uniform
this is super cat connecting Iloilo to Bacolod
ocean jet company running speed boat connecting Iloilo to Bacolod
I asked take a picture in the operation room but they said "we are running channel from now little busy just wait" after while ship will arrive Iloilo pier I couldn't take a picture
操舵室があったのでノックして「私は日本人乗客だが写真を撮らせてくれないか少しの時間で良い」と頼んだが「これから狭いところを通過するので忙しいからちょっと待って、呼ぶから」と返事してくれたが船は速度を落として島の間を縫う様にしている間に桟橋が見えたので彼らは更に忙しいはずだし今回は写真をあきらめた。 でも操舵室に声を掛けてまでその時点で出来る限りの色んな事に気づいて実行している私に自分自身が満足し。
passenger go out to deck, will arrive soon?
Iloilo seaport やはりそうだった、ここに船は接岸。
white ship is going to Manila
many people waiting passenger

not narrow stair passenger want go in same time
passenger walking to terminal building.
driver asked destination I said "Guimaras hordan" it's P150 I asked discount, driver answered P130
driving only 5minutes I said "running 5minutes you asking P130? I can't pay it" loudly. many people gathered and asked us "what happen!". I said "this tricycle is expensive than air conditioned taxi in Japan what' s the reason why?" to many people with loud voice but not upset. driver is ashamed then he asked me "how much you will pay?" I paid P50us$1.5-
everybody find that driver asking extreme expensive price, tricycle going back
無謀に高額な要求した彼が悪い、いつまでも話していても仕方ないので皆は解散してトライシクルは戻っていく。 いつもやられてる私はざまを見ろと見送る, 大丈夫だタイヤはついてる俺は盗んでないぞ!
1.5m width narrow road to pier for ferry boat to Guimaras
ticket is P14us$0.3- I expected ship as ferry to island but I can't find, confirmed ticket and find ship "is that my ferry boat?"
I'm on board ship will start after soon seats will be full.
full passenger let's go 座席が埋まると直ぐに出発です。

港でもらった地図、目的地はケンヤマリゾート tourist information provide map at pier everybody knows "kenyama resort"
in 20minutes arrive port of Jordan which pronounce hordan
20分程で Jordan ホルダンの港に着きました。ケンヤマリゾートと言ったら港に居る誰もが知っていた
information said "if you take tricycle you can go direct only 45minutes p400us$9- but take jeepny and motorbike price is less than P100us$2.2- then I chose jeepny
few passenger but start soon 客は少しだが5分ほどで出発。
on the way to destination stopped town of Jordan, many passenger take a jeepny
when car start driver confirm traffic behind but this capped guy's foot is just front of rear wheel, he said "Ouch"loudly then quarrel start. bring iron bar and capped guy bring knife they are cat and dog.
in a few minutes policeman appear talked then and looking rear tire, actually capped guy has no damaged at his foot.
running 80minutes arrived jeepny terminal paid P38us$1- changed to motorbike
.motorbike arrive in ten minutes P30us$0.8- this touring motorbike is hard drive for me I carried my luggage between driver and I, so my hip sitting on the steel frame no cushion rough road give me strong shock direct to my hip
sea view from hotel front yardケンヤマリゾートから見えるビーチ
female monkey escaped but male will not escape even no chain.
this is not tropical flower but many green
sunset is near from terrace ホテルの部屋から夕日が直接望めるビーチリゾート。

偶然手に入れた古い地図 I got old map incidentally.

I keep this map inside of luggage when I back, brown stain is evidence of wet by seawater due to awful experience at Jan7


left: candidate beauty contest tonight Angelie real lady, right: lady-boy(gay) make up at lobby
little early to starting time for beauty contest, we will have dinner here
some mosquito but no fry around here
tonight dinner beer is child but food is not hot, made it long time before Philippine style
many people waiting beauty contest around here
sweetened with black sugar and ordinary salty peanuts P10\18 each
started beauty contest始まりました美人コンテスト。
MVI7673.AVI 61sec
Lady's ages are between 17 to 21years old
MVI7675.AVI 67sec
wonderful lady, lot of beautiful. いろんな衣装の女性が・・・。
MVI7662.AVI 70sec
Angelie is second from left back, they will speech , such as "lady make boy happy" and "boy's happiness is my happiness".
MVI7673.AVI 61sec
MVI7682.AVI 82sec
boys dance男ばかりのダンスの余興もある。
MVI7685.AVI 28sec Kid's dance simulate Michele Jackson
winner of Miss last year 去年の優勝者。
same ladies but they changed dresses
conclusion bright green dressed woman is winner
MVI7699.AV 48sec優勝者が決まって
take picture together with guest and or mayor.

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2011/12/27(Tue) 28(Wed) KIX to CEB spoiled kid Asiana関空からセブ

2011/12/29(Thu) Going Argao city アルガオを目指す

2011/12/30(Fri) Motorbike touring 今年もバイクで山の中をツーリング

2011/12/31(Sat)〜2012/1/1(Sun) Remember when I was young 若かりし頃を思い出し

2012/1/2(Mon)〜1/4(Wed) Enjoy new year holiday 新春をのんびり

2012/1/5(Thu) On the way to Guimaras island ギマラス島

2012/1/6(Fri) Guimaras Island tour and dancing contest ギマラス島を巡る

2012/1/7(Sat) Can't catch ferry, can't catch flight フェリーを逃して

2012/1/8(Sun)〜1/9(Mon) Enjoy one more day もう一日