2012/4/27(Fri), 28(Sat) To Istanbul とりあえずイスタンブール 

2012/4/29(Sun) Safranbolu taxi tourサフランボルでタクシーツアー

2012/4/30(Mon) Goreme Kappadokia バスでカッパドキア

2012/5/1(Tue) Balloon & Kappadokia tour 熱気球とカッパドキアツアー

2012/5/2(Wed) Pamukkale join local tour パムッカレで現地ツアーに参加

2012/5/3(Thu) Back to Istanbul バスでイスタンブールに戻る

2012/5/4(Fri) old historical town Istanbul 歴史の街イスタンブール

2012/5/5(Sat), 6(Sun) Tpokapi saray 最後の日はトプカピ宮殿と周辺

Information トルコ大使館

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2012/4/27(Fri)), 28(Sat) Worked until 6pm Friday and go to Kansai airport to get on board to Turkish air TK47.

 I still working job in my head, but have to think my schedule of this trip. airbus A330-200 will take off 22:30
Meat and white wine is good for sleep, find some destination in guide book Kappadokia and Pamkkare, thinking  short time is enough for Istanbul.

2012/4/28(Sat) Date changed to next day while I am sleeping. 寝ている間に28日(土)に

arrive caspian sea , attendant will serve sandwich and onigiri for long fright hour as between meal
detail our track of on caspian sea.
one of passenger sit beside of me, she is tour conductor and she is on the way to JTB 7 days tour , she know turkey well. and recommended to visit Safranbol to me.
arrive 5:13 at Istanbul fright time 12h45minutes. time difference 6 hour from Japan
At airport get on bus to Taksim downtown.
start bus at airport, To get to Safranbul, I had to go to a large bus terminal instead of downtown Istanbul and take a bus to Safranbul direct.
 I only forroweed guide book Tikyuno arukikata. this is marmara sea
arrive Taksim only half hour, where I should go? to Kabatasi bus terminal that is the bus start to safranbul
 I get off bus at parking yellow taxi and I can't find next transportation , I ask many times many people.but I ignore who speak Japanese, finally someone who can not speak English or Japanese looks kind, I followed him.
He said something to me but still we can not communicate well,.he try to say something and give me direction by finger, so I find entrance down of Metro , behind of white car. I said Thank you!.

Arrive station entrance , I don't know how to purchase ticket, I saw native people insert coin to ticket vender, I followed his way. I got token as ticket. 2TL\100-us$1.25
This cable car take me to Kabatasi sea port in 5 minutes
Arrive sea port I will ask again many times. to Haydarpasa, I try to remember name of place from guide book.
at sea port asked to take tram to other side of sea port. Karakoy, I put coin 2TL again, but token will not come out.,what is purpose of green and red botany,?
3 station is Karakoy, it should be here.,confirmed name of station
mvi0087.avi 16sec movie 市電トラムは到着!
Bought ticket 2TL and arrive ferry boat. this is Europe side
Depart ferry to Haydarpasa will arrive in 20minutes other side

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Arrived Asian side Haydarpasa port train station, bus terminal is 3km away from here.
 I walk one hour from Haydarpasa, I can walk 3km I have only one back pack

Now I am in Istanbul and will go to Safranbolu up to capital Ankara from now.


Ticket counter said , get on mini bus at 9:30, I said "I want to go toilet", "yes you can , but get on bus now"
9時半のミニバスに乗れって言ってこのチケットをくれる。35TL¥1700us$22- 10分程でバスが来て「俺はトイレに行きたい」と言ったが「トイレには行かせてやるから乗れ」と
Drive 15 minutes and stop here, driver said "go to toilet" , I leave my bag in the bus and get off, after I walk driver called and asked me "bring your all of your bag you change bus here"he did not explain all only he said "go to toilet" it is not enough for tourist.
 I eat sandwich and onigiri which bring from aircraft, This is Dudullu terminal, indicated on ticket. I wait here until 10:30, people can not understand english well this town, only simple word
Bus start 10:30 terminal my nervous time finished this few hour of after arrive Istanbul.
Express way
Sea port in marmara sea.. this is behind way to Istanbul
Beautiful sea
mvi0136.avi 28sec movie
 I have to find hotel for tonight at Safranbol town, I try to call pension and guest house., cell phone signal is not stable I have to finish while signal is stable.
Bus drive more than 2 hour. my cell phone will search and find next communication phone company automatically, I try to call in the bus finally I got one of accommodation for tonight.
Destination is Safranboru near Karabuk, while call phone indicate count of second, this mean counting charge while calling ?
 In front of my seat, reclining seat suddenly and seat back hit my foot, I said "ouch" but girl in front age around 30 complaint me and retract seat back,
I said, you can use reclining but confirm behind first and recline slowly, maybe she did not understand what I say.
short while she reclining again and hit my foot. I did not say anything,
This old man can not speak english but he try to talk to me and interested Japanese guide book , I opened page of saflanbul in guide book and show him, so he watching my book. .
He try to talk to me more than 30 minutes but we did not understand anything. maybe understand only 1%, maybe he asked accommodation and I have friend or not,
Old man get off at Karabuk near Safranbolu、he teach me pronounce of Turkish word such as thank you;Tessekkurler , hello;Marhaba , good by;Gulegure., I find steel company at Karabuk big company in middle of mountain.
Arrived Safranbolu big bus terminal 15:05 , I called pension to pick me up car in 20 minutes..
Arrive old town Safranbolu near guest house, Road paved stone block , house and road feels long history.
Parked car , guest house is near here.
mvi0151.avi 81sec movie Arrive in old town
 1 minutes from car old house Bastonce pension has 200 years history.
Bastoncue tel (90370)712 34 11, (0533)206 37 21
Entrance of Bustoncu is souvenir shop. but no one stay at this shop. but no one stay at shop I help them when someone visit shop.
My room my bed is right side 2nd floor.
Left side is my bed today.
 Information office at middle of old town , map below and business black card Yakup can speak Japanese and also read/write except difficult Kanji letter and good attitude for all tourist. many of tourist information office is not official one, not government approved in this country.but he has licensed Certificate official link of government I asked organize taxi tour next day but he did not ask any commission, he worked free of charge for us. you can contact Yakup Bastem <yakupbastem@hotmail.com>
町の中心部にツーリストインフォメーション、この国にはツーリストインフォメーションと書いてあっても公的でなく個人が勝手にやってる場合が多いが彼はライセンスを持っていると後日に連絡があった名前登録のある政府サイト。そうでなくても大抵は親切で困ることはない。下の地図の黒い名刺にあるヤクップは日本語も達者に話せ難しい漢字意外は読み書きもできる。地図を無料でくれたし情報も無料、この後のタクシーツアーも無料で世話してくれた。でも2人で交代なのでヤクップの居ない日は日本語は通じない。日本語で前もって問い合わせるのも良いかもYakup Bastem <yakupbastem@hotmail.com>

right side of black business card on this map is old town Safranboru , above is new town. this information located middle of old town. and Yakup speak English and Japanese. Business card Yakup contact me to give new phone number 05325535731 at 2014 March


Narrow road opening restaurant occupied.
Not cold not hot at this month.
Cooked something at entrance of private house , I remembered  that I am hungry. I asked able to order some food to her.

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she put potato salad

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she put spinach
When I asked able to order she invite inside by hand, this is living room of her house. but she can not speak english still able to communicate maybe she used to communicate visitor without language..
Private house ordinary life of local people.
Living room view from window, completely this is ordinary house not like restaurant.
 I can chose spinach , cheese and potato salad , I chose last one. this is 3TL
Old town has maze but it is not easy to lose my position because I can find big road easily and Islam church is symbol and land mark for tourist.
mvi0180.avi 31sec movie 古い町の駐車場
Parking lot in old town.
Spice shop old man clacking a walnuts
Water flow valley middle of town but not so dirty water .Safranbul locate mountain beside of valley
This town has history few thousand year. ancient time tourist prepared for silk road trip to or from east and west world .
many shop support trip such as iron shop make horse shoe .leather shop make shoes for tourist people.

When I pass here, master of this shop asked me "you are Japanese" I said "yes" then he take me inside and show his history such as picture when he performed in TV and news paper.
He want introduce inside of iron work shop making hose shoes and or many steel tools.
Near iron work shop this is Turkey sweet shop two young sister will serve people as samples. I passed in front of this shop many times maybe I am strange tourist for her.
When I check in I asked to make dinner , owner answered me that he can say yes or not after his wife get back at 6pm , so I get back at 6.
His wife said that she serve only fried sardine and salad , I said "OK please make me", she served carrot soup too. this is 10TL
 In dormitory room mate one is come from San Francisco American age around my age and Japanese boy age around 25 years old . he arrived one hour behind me at Istanbul airport from Japan , but he arrived before noon , it is 4 hour earlier than me , he has smart trip not like me.

Purple line is bus trip of Track trace GPS data  紫の線は本日のバスでの移動軌跡

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各種リンク  トルコ観光局 トルコ大使館

2012/4/27(Fri), 28(Sat) To Istanbul とりあえずイスタンブール 

2012/4/29(Sun) Safranbolu taxi tourサフランボルでタクシーツアー

2012/4/30(Mon) Goreme Kappadokia バスでカッパドキア

2012/5/1(Tue) Balloon & Kappadokia tour 熱気球とカッパドキアツアー

2012/5/2(Wed) Pamukkale join local tour パムッカレで現地ツアーに参加

2012/5/3(Thu) Back to Istanbul バスでイスタンブールに戻る

2012/5/4(Fri) old historical town Istanbul 歴史の街イスタンブール

2012/5/5(Sat), 6(Sun) Tpokapi saray 最後の日はトプカピ宮殿と周辺