Number at end of title is count of picture, larger is heavier to open also involved size too.

2012/8/6(Mon) Alaska via Seattle シアトル経由アラスカ 20

2012/8/7(Tue) Purchase Railway ticket to Fairbanks アラスカ鉄道チケット購入 25

2012/8/8(Wed)〜10(Fri) Railway to Fairbanks アラスカ横断鉄道でフェアバンクス 24

2012/8/11(Sat), 12(Sun) Seward by Bus スワードまで南下し氷河見学ツアー 28

2012/8/13(Mon) Float plane fly to glacier camp 水上機で氷河湖へテント生活 36

2012/8/14(Tue) Mountain Hiking 氷河上のテントから近くの山へ 54

2012/8/15(Wed) Glacier trekking 氷河上をトレッキング 35

2012/8/16(Thu) Watch water fall and back to Anc 滝を見に行って午後は町に戻る 50

2012/8/17(Fri)〜20(Mon) Sleep Dom's bed アラスカよさらば俺は風邪ひいた


   Alaska Travel AlaskaAirline 
   アラスカシーフード日本支局 AlaskaVolcanoObservatory Alaska wiki
   OutDoorCamping  しろくまツアーズ←帰ってから知ったURL、ここのキャンプに参加

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2012/8/7(Tue火) Go out to buy train ticket to Fairbanks アラスカ鉄道のフェアバンクスまでのチケットを買いに市バスで出かけます。

I wake up 7am and had breakfast , what I will do , this is Alaska. so I wanted to go Fairbanks today but train start 8am only one train in a day ,
anyway I have to go to downtown to buy train ticket for tomorrow.


Fine weather Alaskan morning.
今日も気持ちよいアラスカ アンカレッジの朝だ!
Back yard view from dining kitchen.
I can not eat so many kind so much at morning. $99+tax per night include breakfast. tax is 12%
         They come from Swiss they said, they have big back pack and big luggage. having rent a car travelling one week in Alaska.
スイスから来たこの夫婦、大きなバックパックだったがアラスカ州内はレンタカーで廻って最後に余った食料を置いて帰って行った。 ノーベル賞を取ったシャルパックを知ってるかと尋ねたが知らないと、後で調べたら私が京都を案内した頃はスイスジュネーブに住んでいたがフランス人だった。
Owner has 3 daughter , married all and go out from Alaska. so Dad and Mama open B&B using children's room, they have 5Turkish family and 7 other guest tonight. they will prepare 13 breakfast tomorrow morning.
2nd floor window is my room, I will go down town by bus ,
2 people front seat should be traveller , passenger almost native Alaskan .when get off pull yellow wire at window , bicycle carry frame equipped in front of bus, passenger will put and fix bicycle in front of bus , driver waiting until passenger will tie and fix bicycle.

Ordinary ticket fare is $1.5- available nine hour, only insert ticket to the machine in 6 hour. but if you are age of 60 or more and show some of ID such as American drivers licence even expired one price is only 50 cent.
Airport at left down and civil airport locate right side of this map, Blue ball point pen round indicate my B&B, upper right part is down town of Anchorage.
Log house is information but I will go to tourist information at flag house.
She looks like a high school student but she is doing well at this tourist office. Her real face is beautiful than this picture.

This log house information center has provide only brochure.
I 'm not familiar here where is railway station?
Here it is ,Alaska railroad train station 300m from tourist information.
I got ticket 8:15 for tomorrow to Fairbanks.

Native Alaskan face very similar to Japanese. I asked take picture together with daughter, this carry car connecting only one point left side of bicycle. I met near super market.
Very silent residence area B&B.
I feel little tired , going to sleep. but I feel hungry after soon
Fish and tips $16- dark beer $3.5-
What is this , this should be cross road bridge. I am not afraid of high, Let's go .
Made with wood road cross bridge. we will make steel and plastic in Japan will make not by wood.
Road passing huge track which carrying huge machine.
Using steel plate and iron bolt too.
2 lane one way , opposite way is 100m away left side of this road.

Tomorrow I have to start at 7 , have to sleep early tonight.


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   Alaska Travel AlaskaAirline 
   アラスカシーフード日本支局 AlaskaVolcanoObservatory Alaska wiki
   OutDoorCamping  しろくまツアーズ←帰ってから知ったURL、ここのキャンプに参加

Number at end of title is count of picture, larger is heavier to open also involved size too.

2012/8/6(Mon) Alaska via Seattle シアトル経由アラスカ 20

2012/8/7(Tue) Purchase Railway ticket to Fairbanks アラスカ鉄道チケット購入 25

2012/8/8(Wed)〜10(Fri) Railway to Fairbanks アラスカ横断鉄道でフェアバンクス 24

2012/8/11(Sat), 12(Sun) Seward by Bus スワードまで南下し氷河見学ツアー 28

2012/8/13(Mon) Float plane fly to glacier camp 水上機で氷河湖へテント生活 36

2012/8/14(Tue) Mountain Hiking 氷河上のテントから近くの山へ 54

2012/8/15(Wed) Glacier trekking 氷河上をトレッキング 35

2012/8/16(Thu) Watch water fall and back to Anc 滝を見に行って午後は町に戻る 50

2012/8/17(Fri)〜20(Mon) Sleep Dom's bed アラスカよさらば俺は風邪ひいた