Number at end of title is count of picture, larger is heavier to open also involved size too.

2012/8/6(Mon) Alaska via Seattle シアトル経由アラスカ 20

2012/8/7(Tue) Purchase Railway ticket to Fairbanks アラスカ鉄道チケット購入 25

2012/8/8(Wed)〜10(Fri) Railway to Fairbanks アラスカ横断鉄道でフェアバンクス 24

2012/8/11(Sat), 12(Sun) Seward by Bus スワードまで南下し氷河見学ツアー 28

2012/8/13(Mon) Float plane fly to glacier camp 水上機で氷河湖へテント生活 36

2012/8/14(Tue) Mountain Hiking 氷河上のテントから近くの山へ 54

2012/8/15(Wed) Glacier trekking 氷河上をトレッキング 35

2012/8/16(Thu) Watch water fall and back to Anc 滝を見に行って午後は町に戻る 50

2012/8/17(Fri)〜20(Mon) Sleep Dom's bed アラスカよさらば俺は風邪ひいた


   Alaska Travel AlaskaAirline 
   アラスカシーフード日本支局 AlaskaVolcanoObservatory Alaska wiki
   OutDoorCamping  しろくまツアーズ←帰ってから知ったURL、ここのキャンプに参加

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2012/8/8(Wed水)〜10(Fri金) Fairbanks by train back to Anchorage by bus アラスカ鉄道でフェアバンクスへ、帰りはバス。


I have to check out B&B and arrive 7am to station and check in 7:15 , wake up early prepared 6:30 already, other guest still sleeping but Jim and Judy preparing breakfast "good morning Judy I'm sorry you wake up early only for me" Judy answered "yes" , this answer is common sense of Alaskan? but she give me lunch box she know lunch in the train is expensive , Jim drop me at train station, I give tips, we said "take care" each other.
Increase passenger after this time. Mama at B&B prepared lunch for me., I realized I have to find hotel tonight at Fairbanks.
Woman conductor give me car information to get on train.
My ticket indicate seat number E1, passenger is all tourist.
Everybody can sit here this area has no seat number.
Other side of my seat , one of Asian couple sit here. , I have to find hotel or B&B for tonight, I will make phone call many times while cell phone available area.
Start after soon already wildness area.
Slow speed about 30km/h , cell phone is already out of service area . I can't make reservation for tonight..
Anchorage is located south side of Knick's Arm bay railway running to east and passed bridge to north.
Two hour arrive some of town or city.
Big sofa and wide cabin not like air ship.
This is Wasilla station.
Wasilla is small city, is this center of city ? I have no time to look this. 
 I have to find hotel tonight but no signal in phone while running train.
after arrive here I got signal it mean able to connect phone I have to try to contact any hotel in Fairbanks. .


Start Wasilla cell phone will not available soon.
Many house or cottage not the area of cell phone.?
Natural river in forest.
Wildness area
I saw many beaver dam.
Is he boring? only forest and ricer same view few hours
Railway along big river with many of drift woods. but not clear water.
I find big mountain, is that mount McKinley?
Conductor said "we stop twenty minutes", I get off and walk around this station.time is almost noon
Camera and memory card worked well at today and next day until fully data of memory but I can not read out after this picture above at get back home,

Native Alaskan called Dinali originally but Caucasian named McKinley this mountain.


I can not find cheap B&B or hostel in Fairbanks, I find only regal Fairbanks hotel $15+tax, no choice for me. train arrive Fairbanks station at 8:30pm






Train running along muddy river we can see rafting people many boat on rough river right and left of window,
Train stopped near Dinari national park almost half hour,  we stopped few times carrying un loading by folk lift , some stop nothing around but one people with big bag , this train is necessary transportation for there life, train will start again to Fairbanks.

In the evening, we drive in an area where grasslands, shrubs, and swamps.
When the base of the ICBM, a symbol of the Cold War era, is visible on the left, we can see the guide. It seems that it is about 10km away from
the railroad track, but I saw an ICBM launch base and many of big antenna in the middle of Alaska, and I could not understand the English
of guidance whether it was still working.

The train arrived at Fairbanks at 8:30 pm Still bright enough, there was a mini-van at Regal Fairbanks Hotel that was barely reserved by mobile
phone from the train, so wait 20 minutes by saying the name and riding the train conductor Also got on. For me this is expensive accommodation
it is $ 150 + 12% tax, but there is no other choice.

The hotel restaurant closes at 10 am but when I get in just before the meal ends, after which the bar is open late but I have no time to drink
and spare time.
When I asked for waitress salad, salmon steak baked on lettuce, there was no cash in my pocket so I charged the room, I said `` I am room 205 '' and
I want add tip $ 20- but did not come out bill.

2012/8/9(Thu木) Looked for camping tour and transportation Fairbanks to Anchorage all day long 一日中ツアーやアンカレッジに戻るバスを探す.
If no information I have to call Shirokuma tour but I get fax early morning , I find one of fax paper someone put in under my room door.. I get information my email reported to him .
According information wait at Fredmyer west customer service A at nine, it is A entrance of fredmyer west brunch.

Minivan indicated Yukon trail company arrive at nine, this is the company where I called first time yesterday morning but no-one answered of course telephone number indicated difference number on the body , I satisfied this situation because I made phone call many times and did everything what I could do yesterday.

Only 4 passenger. this bus going to Dinali and have to change another bus to going Anchorage. Driver ask me to pay $99- when I get in, I explained when I make reservation I paid by credit card, but he can not confirm it , so I paid it. after star drive I wanted to report by email to Mr Ando but already my cell phone is out of signal range. but driver and other people using cell phone while driving until reaching Dinali.

When driver talking long time at drive in , he get information that I paid already so he returned $99- to me.
One couple of American and native Alaskan boy, he is going back from girl friend's house age 54 bring mountain bicycle to minivan, he drank whisky already and drinking beer at drive inn , I talk to many but did not ask name each other.

We arrive Anchorage at 6:30pm , 3 hour shorter than train with half price.

I made reservation Long house Alaskan hotel through shirokuma tour yesterday . I have Tel number and address but no information how to there by public transportation.
I called up Long house , receptionist can not answer how to get there by public transportation he say only "take taxi", I went to people mover city bus terminal , and checked bus route and number.
When I get on to pay I asked that "if you know long house Alaskan at Wisconsin street , drop me there" I did not expected but I am happy he said "yes I know it , drop you down " I save money taxi fee.
Long house is located near anchorage international airport beside lake where parking seaplane.

After check inn I have to make reservation at cheep hostel or inn or guest house for two night from tomorrow because this hotel is $162- , I make phone many place finally I get at Bent prop inn .

Now I have no problem until start glacier camping at 13, I have to have dinner tonight somewhere , time is already around 9pm.






フェアバンクスから乗ったミニバンは途中のディナリ公園までしか行かなくて、それ以降は同じような10人乗りのミニバンがディナリ公園とアンカレッジを往復していて乗り換える。 フェアバンクス-ディナリとディナリ-アンカレッジ間の距離は2:3くらいの感じでディナリからアンカレッジの方が遠い。




Alaska Map Detail map 詳しい地図はこちら

I lose camera data when I back , so source of this page consist mixed my camera and brochure information.


Train Anchorage to Fairbanks take 12 hour $200- I want go back by bus . I try to find but it is not easy, checked many brochure and asking many people in hotel but no one know "no bus between Fairbanks to Anchorage" everybody said. also called local bus company but they said same things.
I checked internet by computer in hotel but I can not find , I find telephone directory checked and called more than 10 company . no connect no answer sometimes not complete dial. I tried from my room , so I tried again at reception of hotel and call it instead of me, but I can not make it anything.
I am so tired I get short nap. in the afternoon I find one of resolution in Japanese tour guide it is Japanese operated tourist office called shirokuma tour.
owner Mr ando answered "yes only one company running bus it is like private company if they find driver they have schedule" I ordered for tomorrow bus go back to Anchorage ..
I explain my situation I am looking for some of few days camping tour , also they have good one for me. it will start from Aug13 Mon.

usually I will make reservation myself , so I want make plan after back to Anchorage , planning and make reservation until 13.
I tried call many B&B and hostel or guest house, but I can 't , finally my cell phone can not connect m even shirokuma tour.
but only email is available from my cell phone unable to make phone call my cell phone. so . I send message to shirokuma tour "please call me at room 205 Regent Fairbanks hotel"

Shirokuma tour called me after soon, I ordered reservation of hotel at 10 night and bus going Seward 11, he explained glacier camping from 13 to 16 it's including food , equipment and transportation to glacier , I decided to order it, he said that necessary information will send by email , I said OK I can use computer in this hotel.

but I couldn't get information or email computer of this hotel , I send email again "I can't get email this computer and my cell phone can not accept any email except mail address of cell phone address due to set upped email filter.

but I need information for tomorrow when and where I get on the bus tomorrow morning and ordered other information .






2012/8/10(Fri金) Back to Anchorage by minivan ミニバンでアンカレッジに戻ります。

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   Alaska Travel AlaskaAirline 
   アラスカシーフード日本支局 AlaskaVolcanoObservatory Alaska wiki
   OutDoorCamping  しろくまツアーズ←帰ってから知ったURL、ここのキャンプに参加

Number at end of title is count of picture, larger is heavier to open also involved size too.

2012/8/6(Mon) Alaska via Seattle シアトル経由アラスカ 20

2012/8/7(Tue) Purchase Railway ticket to Fairbanks アラスカ鉄道チケット購入 25

2012/8/8(Wed)〜10(Fri) Railway to Fairbanks アラスカ横断鉄道でフェアバンクス 24

2012/8/11(Sat), 12(Sun) Seward by Bus スワードまで南下し氷河見学ツアー 28

2012/8/13(Mon) Float plane fly to glacier camp 水上機で氷河湖へテント生活 36

2012/8/14(Tue) Mountain Hiking 氷河上のテントから近くの山へ 54

2012/8/15(Wed) Glacier trekking 氷河上をトレッキング 35

2012/8/16(Thu) Watch water fall and back to Anc 滝を見に行って午後は町に戻る 50

2012/8/17(Fri)〜20(Mon) Sleep Dom's bed アラスカよさらば俺は風邪ひいた