Number at end of title is count of picture as reference, larger is heavier to open also involved size too.

2012/11/19(Mon) Visa for Brazil at Nagoya 名古屋にブラジルビザの申請 5

2012/12/25(Tue)〜27(Thu) Sao Paulo Brazil サンパウロ 65 

2012/12/28(Wed) Lapaz to Uyuni Bolivia ラパス着ボリビア南部行き 66  

2012/12/29(Sat) Uyuni Salt LakeTour ウユニ塩湖ツアー 102

2012/12/30(Sun) WakeUp at Salt Hotel 塩のホテルプラヤブランカで目覚める朝 78

2012/12/31(Mon) via Lapaz to IslaDelSol LakeTiticaca ラパス経由チチカカ湖太陽の島 108 

2013/1/1(Tue) CrossBorder to Peru Puno 陸路国境を越えてプーノ 67 

2013/1/2(Wed) Puno to Cusco TourBus クスコへ向かうツアーバス 85

2013/1/3(Thu) Tour Suburb of Cusco クスコ近郊の半日ツアー 47 

2013/1/4(Fri) Machupichu in Andes アンデス山中のマチュピチュ 85

2013/1/5(Sat) Cusco to Lima by bus バスでクスコからリマに 46 

2013/1/6(Sun)〜9(Wed) From Lima way to home リマから日本に 63

 サンパウロwiki ラパスwiki ウユニwiki 太陽の島wiki プーノwiki クスコwiki マチュピチュwiki アンデス山脈wiki
  ブラジル ブラジル大使館ビザ メルカドツアー南米エアーパス サンパウロ地図 南米を旅した人のサイト

     Previous前へ          Next次へ


12/25(Tue火) After finish job going airport 年末の最後の仕事を終えて空港に向かいます。バックパッカー男二人旅の始まり。









I purchased a cheap ticket using a campaign or the like every time I decided to schedule a portion without purchasing the air ticket all at once.
In the Qatar Airways campaign,  the price from Osaka Kansai Airport to Sao Paulo is 160,000 yen including fuel surcharge,
and about 50,000 yen price less than the cheapest travel agency.

Routes from Japan are around the United States and around the Middle East. ESTA visa is required via the United States.
However, American airlines refrained from their old aircraft and poor service and food.
As a passenger when I go to Alaska, I usually fix windows and repair other seat remote controls.
This time I went to Sao Paulo via Doha, but I decided to use Sao Paulo as the gateway to South America Even if there is a change in the middle of some routes such as around the United States and Europe, even if there is a change in the middle of the route, including Rio de Janeiro This is because it is determined that there are many options. This is information there was a shuttle service between Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo that departed every 10 minutes.

The ticket from Sao Paulo to La Paz was about 50,000 yen, but increased price a few weeks later, we purchased for 100,000 yen, and was bought on the net.
In this way, the air ticket is a so-called open Joe where the arrival point and the departure point are different, but Lima → Sao Paulo was purchased separately by a friend and I. This is because to act together on a trip, you need to go together, but when you get to Lima,
you go back and even if you get away, you can go home by yourself.

SAO is the abbreviated name of the airport in Sao Paulo, but Sao Paulo has three airports: Guarulhos GRU, Congonhas CGH, and Wiracopo VCP. Tokyo TKY also has Narita NRT and Haneda HND. If you do not check the arrival airport and departure airport, you will be rushed on the spot, so I checked carefully.

As the day approached departure, I collected only the minimum necessary information, leaving out of work. It is myself that I am troubled by the
lack of information in places where I cannot speak native language.
What's the currency in this trip is all us $. B after the number stands for Boliviano. Peru is SOL sol and the notation is sl, but when written it looks like s /, Brazil is R real. There was a significant change in currency (more than 10%) from the preparation stage to departure. The dollar was \ 78- in summer, but it was around $ 85- at the time of departure.

On the way to airport, train at 18:00 is not crowd way to air port.because Christmas today?
Not many passenger night airport at KIX
Qatar airways QR803 departure time 23:30

Flight time is 12h15m to Doha from KIX.

2012/12/26(Wed水) いざ、サンパウロGRUへ We can arrive Brazil Sao Paulo GRU airport today.

関空を離陸して直ぐに出てくる食事。二種類から選べる。夜中12時を過ぎてるがたっぷりの夕食。ワインをいただいて映画を数本見て寝る。映画はBORN REGACYが日本語の吹き替えもアクションもあり面白かった。
First meal after take off KIX. enough meal provided after mid night dinner. I got wine and seeing movie BORN REGACY is action with Japanese dubbing.
Provide sand witch and cake as between meal , this is second meal, this is second meal before arrive Doha. time 10 hours after take off KIX.
Arrive Doha very early morning change bus.
Redecorated terminal building at Doha, available free wifi.

封筒は基本的に4種類の色があるようだ、。今回のオレンジと黄色はSHORT TRANSFERと書いてあるので乗り継ぎ便が直ぐの人のようだ。ターミナルビルに入ると次の便への荷物検査の入り口に「Transfer」と「ShortTransfer」(現場の表示はFastTransfer」だった気がするが)で現場係員に違いを尋ねると半時間以内の乗り継ぎはFastTransferだと言った。 私は2時間ほどの乗継だったがFastTransferに並んだ。

飛行機内の案内では「ドーハ到着し飛行機からバスに乗り換えて行く先はチケットの色で分けてある」と説明するが実際にはチケットは白色で上記写真のようにチケットケース封筒の色で分けてある、黄色の表にはTransfer and Departureと書いてあり、青色の表側はDoha Arrivalと表示があり、カサブランカに行く時に次の日の便だったのでカタールに入国した。 タンザニアに行った帰りはTransfer and Departureのビル内でイミグレーションを通りドーハに入国した。

We received ticket with this colored envelope at KIX, this means where we should get off building from bus at Doha ,
Orange and yellow envelope is short transfer less than 30 minutes , yellow is Transfer more than half hour, blue one is go to immigration enter Qatar Doha.
Sun will rise after 7am Doha in December.
How many liter in this tank truck car.

I will get on next flight one and half hour after arrive Doha.
This aircraft.
This is Boeing777-200LR to Sao Paulo.
We need well maintenance Sao Paulo is long flight more than 14 hours.
Face is look like Japanese but sometime people can not speak Japanese. Japanese immigrant to Brazil has long history.
emblem of Qatar airways.

many aircraft! give me one of it!
After take off Doha this is first meal as break fast.


Doha - Sao Paulo is 14 hours and 10 minutes, Sao Paulo from Japan fly in the same direction as the sun, just 27 hours flight time ,
 In Japan depart 23:30 in the evening of the next day we arrive In other words, flies in the same direction as the Sun, but the Sun moves faster than we do.

 Attendant provide ice-cream bananas and apples many fruits as between meal, this is last meal of this flight I chose fish .
my company stay window side, I enjoy to talk old boy he is going back Argentine from his Asia 3 month journey my good friend
  Arrived Sao Paulo We exchange us dollar to Brazil real. exchange rate us$/\85 will changed amount of us$=R178- changing money. commission is us$5-.
We should throw paper to trash. not in toilet even lot of yellow in paper. so dirty..
 I saw many Japanese car.
This view remember me tropical country temperature 25 Celsius..
I bought R35 bus ticket, arrive only half hour no traffic jam at express way.
チェックインして食事に出かけると町中のピンクの窓は「SEX SHOP」と生々しい電飾看板。この辺りは繁華街でガラは悪くはないが色んな種類の人間が色んな種類の商売をして品の良い所ではない要注意地域だ。
When arrived Repabrica park time already become dark, then I asked who looks bus company staff, then he said "follow me" we walk ten minutes to hotel  I did not give any reward but he get back , walking around 200m it is not difficult to go if we check map before arrive. This pink window indicate "SEX SHOP" this area is little strange and dangerous we feel.
Go in cheap restaurant cafeteria style. but no one can understand English also I can not understand native language.
waiter bring meat each table they will cut meat as our request. is it increase price if order much
We can choose many vegetable and dressing and others.

携帯電話GSMはTim brasil, Claro, VIVO社の三社。

We paid R50\2000us$23- altogether include beer and meat it was same price even we eat much or not. we realized it after  paid,  waiter covered red container to keep Chile beer bottle  Phone GSM signal is Tim Brazil, Claro, VIVO, 9am in Japan is 10pm in Sao Paulo so I did not adjust needle of watch.  Qatar Doha time difference from Japan is 6 hour, so only read other side short needle of clock is easy to get time.

 I get this hotel through internet just before departure , I get this information at entrance of hotel many of like this brochure Sao Paulo style,  Hotel had free wife with password.

2012/12/27(Thu木) 今夜のラパスへの飛行機まで時間はたっぷりある  Our next flight for La Paz is tonight we have lot of time.

今回の旅で出発直前にHISにネットで申し込んだホテルの食事、二人で税サ込み¥6900-朝食つき、豪華でないが我々には充分、この後の旅を後から考えるとこの時の朝食が一番豪華だった。ホテル名REAL CASTILHA GRU空港からバスがあるRepabricaヘプブリカ広場近くのホテル。
Breakfast of hotel , just before start Japan we ordered this hotel by internet price \6900us$81- for two of us include breakfast Hotel Castilha near Repbrica.

we have enough time , go out to town.

夜はピンクの電飾看板が艶かしい正面ビル3階の「SEX SHOP」、オリンピックは本当にここエロチックなサンパウロでするの?
Trolley bus operating.
little hot late morning.
walk this way.
we walk straight to avoid lost position.
SaoBent cathedral サンベント聖堂。
CathedralMetropolitana they has subway station here.
Huge building.
Even only above huge.
 I wanted to buy water at open air store, but they said somothing and walk away with shop I realized walking policeman behind us carrying something,
this open air shop is illegal shop escape from policeman I understand, they did not selling medicine such as marijuana only water,
around near policeman has no open shop here, open shop is only beach parasol and water.
We find Citibank asked exchange from us", exchange rate is not good but no commission here, airport has good exchange rate but ask big commission, totally this city bank is good for us, us$100 become 192.27Real
REPBRICA park opening market on Sunday.
Subway ticket is only 3R include change train , we tried it.
Train inside is not dirty and no need afraid anything. anybody  When train stopped door will open both side one is for entrance others are exit, one way is effective crowded train.
this station can change another line of subway.
Is this Brazilian music?

Top of her hair is new fashion this young woman?
Way to Japanese immigrant museum this is the road middle of city .



だが、移民資料館の案内パンフレットは下記の簡単な物だけ、写真撮影禁止では資料館に行った事がない人たちに説明のしようがない、現地の日本社会の閉鎖性を見るようで資料館を後にする時には嫌な思いさえした。 彼らはせっかくがんばって歴史資料館を作ったのに歴史を伝えようとするポーズだけで伝える意思がない。閉鎖的で昔の日本のよみがえった思いがした。

 I went to the Immigration History Museum of the Japan-Brazil Cultural Association,
but the front gate is closed it is blocked chain, I ask nearby, able to enter from the side gate, Almost I will return without seeing anything. I think it's meaningless if you don't put it so that people who know may know it, but people who don't know do it, but I went inside and told the Japanese staff, but the answer was light, "Ah yes?" as if they never mind anything any visitor. not consider visitor is Brasil style ? we Japanese should keep kind style I think.

World War II ended immediately there was less information , Japanese who settled in Brazil in the outback "Japan won the" faction and the Japanese each other of "Japan is losing" faction were killing each other.

there to tell the future generations of their suffering, including the sad history, but I think with me, it is 6 real \ 120- paying.

Brochure of the immigration museum is just a simple thing of the following, in the photography ban no way of explanation in that there is no person who went to the museum, disgusting when you left the museum seem to see the closed nature of Japanese society of local I even thought. They worked hard to create a history museum, but they didn't want to just tell the story of the history. I felt closed and revived in old Japan.

What actually differs from what it says on the surface is the military itself, which does not see the closed situation before the war. Even now, there is no change in the prewar period, just like the situation where only the lips of the momentum were ahead.
The content was good, but I thought that those who responded were "fucking".

back to repbulica station.
We can not communicate people this city, go in to McDonald and order bigmac this is common word of world.
Try to said to change salad instead of potatoes.
Our flight is 20:40 but go airport for advance, we negotiate price R70  for taxi to airport. so we don't need 10 minutes walk to Repbrica.
This is not taxi this is private car, but it is OK for us if he will go airpo
Rain will come soon this is tropical country Sao Paulo..
before 5pm already traffic jam.
Is it statue?
Playing only red sign when finish it he will collecting money.

We bought ticket from GRU to Lapaz by internet at end of Nov, after while they called me up but I did not get phone so they send me email that call this phone number in this 24 hour while business hour, if not this ticket will cancel automatically, I confirmed credit card company but already charged money it mean we paid by credit card this is normal procedure if ticket is valid.
I replied email that I want to call but how can I get your business hour you did not indicate your country which your company located, if you are global international company you have to indicate name of country how can I get it. you should call me while Japanese business hour.
after two hour they call me up and asking that ticket is only GRU to LPB do you have ticket way to GRU from Japan

If we order at Oct price was half police, this is our mistake we should make schedule earlier. this is experience.


サンパウロGRU空港 旅程表では20:40発のLAN航空機で一路ペルーの首都リマまで。

Sao Paulo to lima Peru flight LA2766 is B767-300 take off 19:51.
this is our dinner with beer tonight.

We arrive lima at 01:20 Brazil time(Peru time 22:20=Japan time 12:20 noon)  and wait next flight from Lima 01:25 to Lapaz LA2576 flight.

     Previous前へ          Next次へ

 サンパウロwiki ラパスwiki ウユニwiki 太陽の島wiki プーノwiki クスコwiki マチュピチュwiki アンデス山脈wiki
  ブラジル ブラジル大使館ビザ メルカドツアー南米エアーパス サンパウロ地図 南米を旅した人のサイト

Number at end of title is count of picture as reference, larger is heavier to open also involved size too.

2012/11/19(Mon) Visa for Brazil at Nagoya 名古屋にブラジルビザの申請 5

2012/12/25(Tue)〜27(Thu) Sao Paulo Brazil サンパウロ 65 

2012/12/28(Wed) Lapaz to Uyuni Bolivia ラパス着ボリビア南部行き 66  

2012/12/29(Sat) Uyuni Salt LakeTour ウユニ塩湖ツアー 102

2012/12/30(Sun) WakeUp at Salt Hotel 塩のホテルプラヤブランカで目覚める朝 78

2012/12/31(Mon) via Lapaz to IslaDelSol LakeTiticaca ラパス経由チチカカ湖太陽の島 108 

2013/1/1(Tue) CrossBorder to Peru Puno 陸路国境を越えてプーノ 67 

2013/1/2(Wed) Puno to Cusco TourBus クスコへ向かうツアーバス 85

2013/1/3(Thu) Tour Suburb of Cusco クスコ近郊の半日ツアー 47 

2013/1/4(Fri) Machupichu in Andes アンデス山中のマチュピチュ 85

2013/1/5(Sat) Cusco to Lima by bus バスでクスコからリマに 46 

2013/1/6(Sun)〜9(Wed) From Lima way to home リマから日本に 63