Number at end of title is count of picture as reference, larger is heavier to open also involved size too.

2012/11/19(Mon) Visa for Brazil at Nagoya 名古屋にブラジルビザの申請 5

2012/12/25(Tue)〜27(Thu) Sao Paulo Brazil サンパウロ 65 

2012/12/28(Wed) Lapaz to Uyuni Bolivia ラパス着ボリビア南部行き 66  

2012/12/29(Sat) Uyuni Salt LakeTour ウユニ塩湖ツアー 102

2012/12/30(Sun) WakeUp at Salt Hotel 塩のホテルプラヤブランカで目覚める朝 78

2012/12/31(Mon) via Lapaz to IslaDelSol LakeTiticaca ラパス経由チチカカ湖太陽の島 108 

2013/1/1(Tue) CrossBorder to Peru Puno 陸路国境を越えてプーノ 67 

2013/1/2(Wed) Puno to Cusco TourBus クスコへ向かうツアーバス 85

2013/1/3(Thu) Tour Suburb of Cusco クスコ近郊の半日ツアー 47 

2013/1/4(Fri) Machupichu in Andes アンデス山中のマチュピチュ 85

2013/1/5(Sat) Cusco to Lima by bus バスでクスコからリマに 46 

2013/1/6(Sun)〜9(Wed) From Lima way to home リマから日本に 63

    クスコwiki マチュピチュwiki アンデス山脈wiki 南米を旅した人のサイト
  ペルー CruzDelSur InkaExpress TodoTourismo PeruRail なおツアーズ 旅行社 PeruTourism 
  ペルー地図 SouthAmericaBus 高額なSurtrek 風の旅社 ペルー日本語 リマ空港wiki 旅行記 
     南米旅行者 HostelPeru クスコを紹介した他人の旅行記

       Previous前へ           Next次へ

2013/1/4(Fri金)  ペルー鉄道に乗ってマチュピチュへ Machupichu by train






 I asked a travel agency in Cusco how to get to Machu Picchu to get a train ticket. This was the day before yesterday.
There are many different types of trains and companies that operate them, but they also explained how to get there by bus.

Right now, the bridge on the way has been washed away by the rain, so I can take a small bus that can only run on rural roads used by locals to the bridge, and then walk up the mountain path for two hours, but since it's the rainy season, don't recommend it.

If it's the rainy season now, the rain that has fallen so far will have washed away from the mountains, so there is a possibility of further landslides even today or tomorrow.
It was my first time Andes mountains, and I decided that there were too many risks in the Andes, which are an unimaginable scale on a continent different from Japan,
so I decided to take the train this time.

It would be fine if we had to cooperate with other passengers if something happened on the way, but the locals only spoke Spanish, and we couldn't speak any Spanish at all.
Remembering all the trouble we'd had up until now with communicating, we had to avoid it at all costs.
If we could communicate even a little, the trip would have been enjoyable,
but the locals, whose language we couldn't speak at all, people had completely different ways of thinking and common sense, and we could easily find ourselves in a life-or-death situation.

Even if it wasn't altitude sickness, it was obvious that we would face something.
In this 10 days since we'd been in South America, there hadn't been a rainy day south of Cusco, so it wasn't until we'd boarded the train and departed that day to see the level of the river, and brown muddy water flowing through a valley littered with large boulders, showing off the swollen waters.

Railway station of Cusco to Machupichu is Poroy located other side of small mountain , take half hour by taxi if traffic is not crowded.
Train will start 7:30 and check in time at station is 7:10 ticket indicated, breakfast of hotel start 6:30 so ask only coffee at 6:00 finish breakfast with our cookie and coffee
, taxi pick us up 6:25 we are busy this morning.

Prepared only necessary document and ticket , other necessity? raincoat, camera!

We see very few people in town, too early? today is Friday.
Taxi drive very narrow road but safe drive.

Taxi will go up hill , we will go mountain side?

鉄道の線路は見えてるのに我々はどうやら峠を越えるようだ。 Railway is here but we drive mountain pass.
Near to railway station Poroy.
Railway station Poroy.
Paid 30sol to taxi, only few passenger at this time in station, increase number of passenger in ten minutes after this.

今はCUSCO近くのESTACION POROYポロイの駅に居る、地図右端

Copied brochure from railway company, now we stay Poroy station, when back from Machupichu train will operate until Olliantaytambo station,
and have to change bus to Cusco tonight.

Lower half of train ticket got by conductor in train.they use computerized system with bar code.

People can not enter if no ticket, many woman selling water or snack at gate.
Train connection system is same as Japanese train.
同じ線路をペルーレイルとインカレイル社と、このHIRAM BINGHAMヒーラムビンガム社が使っている。
Operating Hiram bingham company in same railway and same destination..
Stated train on time. Good weather in rainy season we are lucky.
After start train conductor provide coffee and snack, driving speed is 30 to 40km/h, I try to talk another passenger but no one answered.
Also road is same direction of railway.
Road collapse many place it is necessary repair in rainy season.
We can see diesel engine car. get off railway worker change rail for switch back for reverse and forward to decent altitude , machupichu is almost 1000m lower than Cusco..
This is sealing window, this side of mountain is almost vertical wall.

この橋は手すりが片側しかない小さな橋。 Railway pass river side.this bridge has only one side hand hold.
This side also very high mountain., we will have pain at neck
Sometimes width of river is wide and follow road and railway.
Deep valley vertical wall high mountain is hard to get signal of GPS I think.
Another railway company operated train passed by.
Garage of other railway company.
When we back from Machupichu train will finish here, Olliantaytambo station.
 Small valley supply strong wild water river flow like this or more many times this view.

Arrived Machupichu station 10:50, everybody is hurry up to bus schedule.
We don't know where we should to go, anyway we will walk between souvenir shop follow other passenger .

This town is end of station but railway is continue follow river, We are looking bus for Machupichu ruins so we asked native people said upper area,  .
Find ticket office near river of branch., ticket price indicate only us$18.50- not Peru sol.
when full of passenger bus will start, they has no schedule, every full passenger .
Bus drive zigzag road.sometimes very sharp turn such as 180 U turn  unable only one lane at the corner of road enough width one car.
Full of water rainy season.
Mountain wall is steep,
Small bus full is 25 passenger.for narrow road
Around this area of mountain is like this.I can imagine how narrow road
width of road is enough only for one car, sometimes making wide area for two way traffic , some people walking this road sometimes enjoyable if I have not high fever if I have time to trip, Machupichu is located along Urubanba river.
Arrive Machupichu ruins on the mountain.
End of road green roof is entrance gate.
Entrance is computerized using bar code reader, we can order from Japan through internet.

Dramatic view here, we just arrived Machupichu .

この時点では晴れていたのだが No clouds no rain, nice weather now.
Thin clouds comings to Huaynapichu that we could not get ticket for it.
向こうも降ってるがこちらも降ってきたレインコートを出そう。 We need rain coat right now.
Deep breast deep valley.
でもまた直ぐに雨は止んで。Stopped rain soon
Rain will stop soon.
Good weather to take picture.
Arrangement of rock or stone is rough this area.
Tourist can not go everywhere, guard patrol people using radio communication and whistle to give caution..
I wonder how many years to taken to built this town on mountain.
In front of Huaynapichu mountain. altitude 2700m
Native guide explaining in Japanese.
Sun shine give us bright view other side of mountains.

Mountain peak called Huaynapichu limited entrance 400 people in one day,
usually we have to order one week before. small narrow road connecting to top of Huaynapichu.
The mountain is steep and the grass is obscuring the view, but it seems that a narrow mountain trail runs through the trees and plants to the summit.
Is that a small white dot I can see along the way? Is it a climber?

GPS trace started Poroy station, in narrow deep valley did not get signal of satellite signal indicate straight line.


GPS wave can not catch up beginning after switch on  and deep valley it show straight line, Machupichu is low altitude than Poloy station,
altitude data reaching 2500 at end is ride mini bus Machupichu station to Machupichu.

Machupichu is big space wide area, I am tired to walk. mountain peak is Huaynapichu. able to climb but can not get entrance ticket this time.
We can listen many kind of language sometimes Japanese.
5 or more Japanese following native Japanese speaking guide
We can't go up to Huaynapichu but take picture for memory.
We find Miss Nao who stay together in Uyuni tour, we knew her schedule but not exact date, what a coincidence.

Last moment of Huaynapichu.
As if strong rain will coming soon we would better go down earlier.
Many tourist waited bus , wait line more than half hour to get on bus.
入り口にスタンプがあったので押してきた、欧米人はパスポートを出して押していたが「パスポートに勝手に押してどないするねん」と思った。左上にはMINISTERIO DE CULTURAとある、右上の丸い所はWORLD HERITAGEとPATRIMONIC MUNDIA
Entrance of Machupichu put stamp other tourist put stamp there own passport,
See narrow road beside of river, sometimes short cut road for pedestrian.
Get back to train station, many souvenir shop.
We are hungry I bought two of cake for us , she answered "Dos", meaning two sol, she can not speak english.
Station has 4 railway company ticket office, several kind ticket such as panoramic, 2nd, or others, , cake selling look like house wife as part time job.
Map of Machupichu town, gray square is station platform , light green square is soccer stadium yellow is souvenir shop area, white area is restaurant and hotel.
This train start half hour early than us.
Is this hotel or residence for worker?
鉄道係員が忙しそうに行き来して、俺たちの列車はまだ発車しない Railway worker walking busy before train departure time.
This steep valley surrounded mountain area unable to catch up GPS signal. Mountain covered clouds.
After soon start train provide short meal with drink, we ordered Inca kola, this is first time taste it, taste like fanta orange juice mixed with pineapple juice.
Native mask dancing started with explained many kind of language, Spanish, Japanese, english. we did not expect listen Japanese in this deep mountain.
Train conductor and attendant will change as model of fashion show, start to native ethnic wear and product display show. of course sell it too.
One hour we arrived Olliantaitambo terminal station, we have to get off and change to bus.
We will back hotel late night today we explained this yesterday night, at that time some of merchant stay at hotel he ask me to show train ticket to Machupichu, then he said "OK I will prepare bus ticket for you" we are worried bus between this station to Cusco, so I ordered ticket to him, he put orange seal indicated "Bus Lucy" and said price 85sol\2635us$31- for two ,I paid money and ask to write his name and telephone number, below. he wrote Manoro, received 85sol phone989792074, as if his 9 confuse 4 for me.
男はBUS LUCYのラベルを貼り付けてくれて二人で85ソル¥2975にするという。「他に追加の金は要求しないよな」と念を押して、「受け取りと名前、電話番号を書け」と言って書かせた。
The man attached a BUS LUCY label to the bus and said it would be 85 soles for two people, 2975 yen. "I hope he won't ask for any extra money," he said, and then he told me to write down the details of the pickup, my name, and my phone number.
He made the reservation on his mobile phone and wrote down his name, MANORO, and his phone number.
I knew I would be in trouble if I couldn't find the shared bus at the station in the mountains along the way, so I trusted him and asked him to do it. This happened last night.
The "SI" in SI85,00. is the representation of the sol currency, or the Japanese yen. It seems that mobile phone numbers start with 9.

列車はオジャンタイタンボ駅に到着し、駅の外のトイレに入るが5solしかないので払うと0.5solしか返ってこない、おかしいのでT谷氏に2solないか尋ねるが手持ちはない。 俺は高いと言ったが、言いながらも「こんな田舎の駅でバスを探さなきゃいけないのに・・・」と考えてたら0.5Solのお釣りも返ってこなくなった。婆さんは「Senor no complaintだんな文句言うな」と言っていたが今まで1sol¥30が普通だったのに高い。
マチュピチュの駅と同じようにここでも駅からの道は土産物屋が並ぶ、その間を進むと駐車場があり「バス ルーシー」と言ったら車の運転手がもうひとつの駐車場だと言うので先に歩く。


5分程待つと私の名前を連呼して男が現れる、「日本人2人か」と尋ねるので「そうだ」と答えると相手も確認でき安心した顔をして車に乗れという、バスと言っても3人4列の韓国車ミニバン、満席だ。車は走り出したがオジャンタイタンボの村は思ったより大きくて谷間にはホテルなど宿も数軒ありATM機すら外に設置してあった。 町並みは直ぐに終わるが鉄道線路の横を走る山中の道が続き、山道も舗装されていて運転手は時速80〜100kmで飛ばす。大きなバスやトラックも走っていて酷い道ではないし運転も丁寧だ。
ここでのやり取りは婆さんの「no complaint文句言うな」以外は全てスペイン語、言語が判らないまま手振り口ぶりで理解した。
The train arrived at Ollantaytambo station, and I went to the toilet outside the station, but I only had 5sol, so I paid and only got 0.5sol back. It seemed strange, so I asked Mr. T if he had 2sol, but he didn't have any. I said it was expensive, but as I was saying that, I was thinking, "I have to look for a bus in this rural station..." and before I knew it, I didn't even get my 0.5sol change back. The old lady said, "Senor
no complaints, don't complain, husband," but it was expensive, considering that 1sol was usually 30yen.
I was worried about the next bus, so I paid 5sol 150yen and hurried on. After using the toilet,

I walked in the direction of what seemed to be a parking lot.Just like the station in Machu Picchu, the road from the station was lined with souvenir shops, and walking through them I came across a parking lot, and when I said "Bus Lucy," the car driver told me it was another parking lot, so I walked ahead.
There was a train ticket booth on the road, but the station was only operated by PeruRail, so there were no tickets for other train companies.
large car parking ask again "Bus Lucy", said "wait" after 5 minutes guy calling my name loudly I answered , ask me again "two Japanese " yes, he confirmed he is happy to catch reserved passenger., in the parking lot many company ask "cusco" expecting passenger. this station this town has many hotel and restaurant, find ATM machines too. we start to Cusco night drive speed 80 to 100km/h driving many traffic big bus and track too.

Bus Lucy take two hour to Cusco, we get off Armas place it is easy to find restaurant in late night, we have happy night we done two of most important sight seeing this trip.
All the old house in Cusco has thick wall , this wall has enough size maybe one meter..

The wall on this side is even thicker, there's an entrance on the left.
A family who arrived later was a group of five, but the adults came in first sat at a table for three,
and it took them a while to realise that there wasn't enough for five.
I think even elementary school kids in Japan would notice this sort of thing soon,
but maybe it's just childish, but from my perspective, everything in there social system seems inefficient
. I don't mean to say anything negative, I just think they're not used to living an efficient life and aren't used to it.
I felt something similar a few times during my trip. On the other hand, I feel like Japanese people are only pursuing efficiency..
今夜の夕食はピザと魚を分け合った。尻ヒレも似ていて同じ魚だが、太陽の島の時は鮭のように赤身を帯びた身だった。ここでは白色、写真の色の違いでなく皿を前にした時にそう思った。 メニューに書いてあったTruchaトゥルーチャ同じ魚なのに。
We ordered fish tucha same as Isla del sol and Italian pizza , at Isla del sol this fish was red colored but white today , it is not color control of camera, when I see it find not same color , we will share half and half.
Outside of restaurant.

マチュピチュは地図の左外、行く時はポロイから列車に乗った。Machupichu is left out side of this map, we took train from Poroy this morning.
帰り道はオジャンタイタンボ駅で降りて車に乗って途中からクスコまでの道中のGPS軌跡 GPS Track trace to Cusco


       Previous前へ           Next次へ

     クスコwiki マチュピチュwiki アンデス山脈wiki  CruzDelSur InkaExpress TodoTourismo PeruRail なおツアーズ 旅行社 PeruTourism 
  ペルー地図 SouthAmericaBus 高額なSurtrek 風の旅社 ペルー日本語 リマ空港wiki 旅行記 
      南米旅行者 HostelPeru クスコを紹介した他人の旅行記

Number at end of title is count of picture as reference, larger is heavier to open also involved size too.

2012/11/19(Mon) Visa for Brazil at Nagoya 名古屋にブラジルビザの申請 5

2012/12/25(Tue)〜27(Thu) Sao Paulo Brazil サンパウロ 65 

2012/12/28(Wed) Lapaz to Uyuni Bolivia ラパス着ボリビア南部行き 66  

2012/12/29(Sat) Uyuni Salt LakeTour ウユニ塩湖ツアー 102

2012/12/30(Sun) WakeUp at Salt Hotel 塩のホテルプラヤブランカで目覚める朝 78

2012/12/31(Mon) via Lapaz to IslaDelSol LakeTiticaca ラパス経由チチカカ湖太陽の島 108 

2013/1/1(Tue) CrossBorder to Peru Puno 陸路国境を越えてプーノ 67 

2013/1/2(Wed) Puno to Cusco TourBus クスコへ向かうツアーバス 85

2013/1/3(Thu) Tour Suburb of Cusco クスコ近郊の半日ツアー 47 

2013/1/4(Fri) Machupichu in Andes アンデス山中のマチュピチュ 85

2013/1/5(Sat) Cusco to Lima by bus バスでクスコからリマに 46 

2013/1/6(Sun)〜9(Wed) From Lima way to home リマから日本に 63