Number at end of title is count of picture as reference, larger is heavier to open also involved size too.

2012/11/19(Mon) Visa for Brazil at Nagoya 名古屋にブラジルビザの申請 5

2012/12/25(Tue)〜27(Thu) Sao Paulo Brazil サンパウロ 65 

2012/12/28(Wed) Lapaz to Uyuni Bolivia ラパス着ボリビア南部行き 66  

2012/12/29(Sat) Uyuni Salt LakeTour ウユニ塩湖ツアー 102

2012/12/30(Sun) WakeUp at Salt Hotel 塩のホテルプラヤブランカで目覚める朝 78

2012/12/31(Mon) via Lapaz to IslaDelSol LakeTiticaca ラパス経由チチカカ湖太陽の島 108 

2013/1/1(Tue) CrossBorder to Peru Puno 陸路国境を越えてプーノ 67 

2013/1/2(Wed) Puno to Cusco TourBus クスコへ向かうツアーバス 85

2013/1/3(Thu) Tour Suburb of Cusco クスコ近郊の半日ツアー 47 

2013/1/4(Fri) Machupichu in Andes アンデス山中のマチュピチュ 85

2013/1/5(Sat) Cusco to Lima by bus バスでクスコからリマに 46 

2013/1/6(Sun)〜9(Wed) From Lima way to home リマから日本に 63

 サンパウロwiki ラパスwiki ウユニwiki 太陽の島wiki プーノwiki クスコwiki マチュピチュwiki アンデス山脈wiki
  ブラジル ブラジル大使館ビザ メルカドツアー南米エアーパス サンパウロ地図 南米を旅した人のサイト
  ペルー CruzDelSur InkaExpress TodoTourismo PeruRail なおツアーズ 旅行社 PeruTourism 
  ペルー地図 SouthAmericaBus 高額なSurtrek 風の旅社 ペルー日本語 リマ空港wiki 旅行記 
  ボリビア 外務省ボリビア  ウユニ行き方 ボリビア地図  デスロード
  南米航空会社  GOLair LatamAir CopaAirline StarPeruAir AviancaAir IberiaAir
  宿 リマ当山ペンション 南米旅行者 HostelPeru クスコを紹介した他人の旅行記

  旅の最後の1/6の頁へGo To Last Day of Trip 1/6/2013. This page is prepareation trip to South America Next is start trip12/25 次へ旅が始まる12/25/2012  

ちょっと大きな旅の準備 We need visa to enter Brazil Sao Paulo for Japanese , other country in south America is not necessary to enter .



愛宕山からほぼ半世紀、これからの人生はこの旅に象徴されているように思う。お互いに仕事を持ちながら準備、なかなかその気にならなくて準備が後回しになり出発直前にあわてて予約を入れるべく奔走。 とりあえず時間のかかるブラジルビザだけは各自で時間のある時に取りに行った。

Purpose of trip this time, Machu Picchu and Uyuni salt lake in Bolivia,
there are many other places want to go, but we decides two of main destination , as cheap as possible, go to various places as much as possible,
Nazca's ground painting and Titicaca I also put the lake as my desired destination,
so I do not know the local situation, so I booked only the first night local inn just before departure,
after arrived to find in locals, searched for the inn, decided the destination, searched for the bus and train The first backpacker trip with friend.

2012/11/19(Mon月)名古屋のブラジル領事館までビザの申請  Going Nagoya city Brazil consulate office apply visa

朝7時に京都駅を出るバスで名古屋駅まで、帰りは違うルートで帰るつもり。 Get on highway bus at 7am Kyoto station to Nagoya station, planning coming back is another transportation.


大阪にはブラジル領事館はないので名古屋の領事館までブラジルのビザの申請に行った。 名古屋駅から桜通線に乗って2つ目の丸の内駅で降り7番出口を出ると数分の距離。 


This South America trip is where to enter South America first, but there are many flights to Sao Paulo, so the first destination was decided,
because South America is behind the earth from Japan, which way to go, but if it is eastbound, only via the United States . visa is necessary
for U.S even only transited, but you can transit directly via Europe or the Middle East, only Brazil requires a visa, other countries only
require a passport for short-term sightseeing, Japanese will enter it

Since there is no Brazilian consulate in Osaka, I went to a Nagoya consulate to apply for a Brazilian visa. Take the Sakuradori Line from Nagoya Station and get off at the second Marunouchi Station. Exit 7 is a few minutes away.
We arrived at around 10 o'clock, but it was quite crowded and we went through "Excuse me" and crowded, but we couldn't find the ticketing machine that everyone had. When I was interrupted by the person working at the counter, "I would like to apply for a tourist visa, but I don't want to ...", at that point the ticket issuing machine was found far away.
Staff said, "Take a numbered ticket and say something here to the embassy." gave.The serial number issuing machine was found, but it was broken, and it was somewhat tropical, so I was relieved.

A woman at the embassy near the numbered ticket issuing machine received a number 6 tag and waited for a call in about one minute. If you hand in the prepared documents, we can finish it soon in the Brazilian embassy site, no need to write at the counter on the day.
He signed up for the application form on the Internet, signed a photo, posted a photocopy of the application, a copy of the flight ticket, a passport with a certificate that had the necessary property for the stay, and provided a transfer form when confirmed. It takes less than 5 minutes to finish in the counter.

Only Brazil is necessary visa to enter in this trip

I got receipt at bank of Brazil to complete finish apply visa

ビザは今日から8営業日目に出来るが出来上がったビザを取りに来ないなら着払いの宅急便伝票に住所を記入する。 発送人の印字した伝票をくれるので記入。
ブラジル銀行まで5分と掛らない。 ¥2500-を銀行で振り込んだら領収書として黄色とピンクの用紙がついてくるがピンク色のが申請書類の一部、ブラジル領事館に戻ってピンクの用紙を渡して、ビザ申請完了。手元には上の黄色い領収書が残る。



本籍の住所に電話番号とEMAILのアドレス、入れないと申請が終了できないし、嘘のメルアドでは、すぐにばれるし、仕方なく本籍と住所を同じにして申請した。 本籍に誰かが住んでいるわけでなし、電話もあるわけない、ましてやメルアドがあるはずがない。

インターネットで申請が完了すると下記のような書類が出力され自分で印刷する。苗字と名前の間のミドルネームは無いので「NON」としたらNONと入ってしまった。これにパスポート用写真とサインをするこれだけが自分で作成する申請書類。 英語とポルトガル語の違いに戸惑うところもある。申請時の言語選択は英語にした。

You can get your visa on the 8th business day from today, but if you don't come for the completed visa, write your address on the cash on delivery courier
slip. Fill in the form, which will be sent to you by the sender.
After confirming that the documents are acceptable or complete, OK will give you a bank transfer form and explain the location of the Brazilian bank. It takes less than 5 minutes to reach the Brazilian Bank. If you pay \2500- at a bank, yellow and pink paper will be attached as a receipt,
but pink is part of the application document, return to the Brazilian consulate and hand pink paper, visa application completed.
The yellow receipt above remains. It was easier no need to write the addresses and phone numbers of several guarantors than in 2009 for an Indian visa application.

Actually, I had a problem with applying on the Internet.
The application cannot be completed unless the permanent address. the telephone number and the address of EMAIL are not exist, and in the
case of a false mail address, the application is made immediately, and the domicile and the address are inevitably applied. There's no one
living in permanent address, no phone, no e mail address. I have heard that there are many Japanese who are based in the Imperial
Palace as permanent address. I filled out my email address but never received an email from the embassy.
But is it a system that doesn't do anything to know at a glance whether a mail ad is available or not? .

When the application is completed on the Internet, the following documents are output and printed by yourself. There is no middle name between the last name and the name, so if you say "NONE", you have entered NONE. This is the only application form that you create yourself with your passport photo and signature. も Sometimes I am puzzled by the difference between English and Portuguese. The language selection at the time of application was English.

We have to apply and input date through internet and print it out to apply visa in consulate office.


名古屋駅から帰りは近鉄で帰る。 名古屋-1h20m-(三重県伊勢)中川-1h20m-(奈良)大和八木-1h-京都。乗り継ぎの電車も各々10〜20分程で次に乗り換えるのだが時間は3時間以上掛る、良い経験にはなったが名古屋-京都間は近鉄では二度といやだ。特に中川-大和八木の間は列車は急行だが実際には殆ど各駅停車なのだ。

Staff told me that it would take more than 8 days to issue a visa if the application was crowded, but this time it will be shipped on the 7th business day.
The embassy was crowded when I went because there are many Brazilian applicants, what do Brazilians apply for? The consulate is on the second
floor of an ordinary building, but this neighborhood is lined with Brazilian grocery stores and food stores, calling out to those who came to the consulate,

From Nagoya to Kyoto take kintetsu railway train, change train is easy but it take more than 3 hour specially Nakagawa to Yamato yagi is every stop for express train in local country area.


 サンパウロwiki ラパスwiki ウユニwiki 太陽の島wiki プーノwiki クスコwiki マチュピチュwiki アンデス山脈wiki
  ブラジル ブラジル大使館ビザ メルカドツアー南米エアーパス サンパウロ地図 南米を旅した人のサイト
  ペルー CruzDelSur InkaExpress TodoTourismo PeruRail なおツアーズ 旅行社 PeruTourism 
  ペルー地図 SouthAmericaBus 高額なSurtrek 風の旅社 ペルー日本語 リマ空港wiki 旅行記 
  ボリビア 外務省ボリビア  ウユニ行き方 ボリビア地図  デスロード
  南米航空会社  GOLair LatamAir CopaAirline StarPeruAir AviancaAir IberiaAir
  宿 リマ当山ペンション 南米旅行者 HostelPeru クスコを紹介した他人の旅行記

  旅の最後の1/6の頁へGo To Last Day of Trip 1/6/2013. This page is prepareation trip to South America Next is start trip12/25 次へ旅が始まる12/25/2012
Number at end of title is count of picture as reference, larger is heavier to open also involved size too.

2012/11/19(Mon) Visa for Brazil at Nagoya 名古屋にブラジルビザの申請 5

2012/12/25(Tue)〜27(Thu) Sao Paulo Brazil サンパウロ 65 

2012/12/28(Wed) Lapaz to Uyuni Bolivia ラパス着ボリビア南部行き 66  

2012/12/29(Sat) Uyuni Salt LakeTour ウユニ塩湖ツアー 102

2012/12/30(Sun) WakeUp at Salt Hotel 塩のホテルプラヤブランカで目覚める朝 78

2012/12/31(Mon) via Lapaz to IslaDelSol LakeTiticaca ラパス経由チチカカ湖太陽の島 108 

2013/1/1(Tue) CrossBorder to Peru Puno 陸路国境を越えてプーノ 67 

2013/1/2(Wed) Puno to Cusco TourBus クスコへ向かうツアーバス 85

2013/1/3(Thu) Tour Suburb of Cusco クスコ近郊の半日ツアー 47 

2013/1/4(Fri) Machupichu in Andes アンデス山中のマチュピチュ 85

2013/1/5(Sat) Cusco to Lima by bus バスでクスコからリマに 46 

2013/1/6(Sun)〜9(Wed) From Lima way to home リマから日本に 63